Carotid Doppler is also called Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral arteries is a diagnostic test to assess the degree of narrowing of these vessels. What are the indications and when does the doctor order a Doppler examination of the carotid and vertebral arteries? How is this ultrasound examination done?
Carotid Doppler , i.e.Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral arteriesis a diagnostic test aimed at assessing the degree of narrowing of the carotid arteries, which is a risk factor for stroke. Thanks to the examination, it is possible to detect the threat early and implement appropriate treatment.
Carotid doppler - why so important?
The carotid arteries are the most important vessels that supply blood to the brain. You can feel their work by putting your fingers to the side of your neck. The vertebral arteries hidden in the spine are equally important for the smooth functioning of the brain. The narrowing of the lumen of these arteries leads to very dangerous ischemia of the brain.
It can be said without exaggeration that efficient and patent carotid arteries are a guarantee of our he alth. It is important not only that the blood flows efficiently through all four arteries, but also that the embolic material, i.e. atherosclerotic plaques detached from the inner wall of the artery, does not enter the vessels of the brain with the blood.
If a fragment of the atherosclerotic plaque reaches the brain, very serious neurological disorders will occur. The worst-case scenario of such an event ends in the patient's death.
The carotid arteries are more sensitive to atherosclerotic lesions than the vertebral arteries. Carotid atherosclerosis occurs in approximately 30% of people over 65 years of age. These changes are of different severity, which determines their permeability and the method of their treatment.
Every year in Poland 10,000 people move carotid artery restoration surgery to protect patients from stroke and even loss of life. It must be remembered that strokes are the third cause of death in the country, 80% of which are ischemic strokes, i.e. caused by the stoppage of blood supply to the brain.
Doppler of carotid and vertebral arteries - what are the symptoms?
Atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries does not hurt, which is sometimes the reason for ignoring the emerging symptoms. For many people, the first symptom of carotid atherosclerosis is a stroke. Is alsogroup of patients who feel:
- dizziness
- headaches
- tinnitus
- strange tingling in limbs
- sensory disturbance
- imbalance
If such symptoms occur in people with heart disease, high cholesterol or smokers, it is better not to ignore them. You need to tell the doctor about it so that he can refer the patient for tests and implement appropriate treatment.
Doppler of carotid and vertebral arteries - indications
The test should be ordered by all people suffering from coronary artery disease and over 65 years of age. An additional indication for the audit order is:
- history of stroke or ischemic attack
- family history of strokes and heart attacks
- occurrence of neurological symptoms typical of central nervous system ischemia
- confirmed diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and recurring headaches and dizziness
- finding murmurs over the carotid arteries
- suffering from a neck injury
- the test is also performed on people who have had atherosclerotic plaques removed or where a stent was installed because of them
Doppler of carotid and vertebral arteries - preparation
The study does not require any special preparation. You just have to remember to wear clothes that open the neck, i.e. do not wear clothes with a high collar or turtleneck, which will make it difficult to perform the test. Women should remove all ornaments from their necks.
Each patient reporting for the examination should have the current medical documentation with him. If there is no such thing, please tell your doctor.
Doppler of carotid and vertebral arteries - the course of the examination
During the examination, the patient is lying on his back. Ultrasound of carotid and vertebral arteries using the Doppler method is simple, non-invasive, painless and takes only 5-10 minutes.
A doctor who performs a Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral arteries often asks the patient to tilt their head back, which allows easier access to the carotid and vertebral arteries.
Doppler ultrasound of the carotid and vertebral arteries is performed using a small transducer, which the doctor covers with gel. The doctor performs a Doppler ultrasound on both sides of the neck, where the arteries run.
Ultrasound performed by an experienced doctor allows you to accurately determine the degree of vessel narrowing, as well as assess the length and place of atherosclerotic plaques and their structure.
When in doubt about qualification topossible surgical treatment, computer angiotomography of the aortic arch arteries is recommended, or, if there are contraindications to its performance, magnetic angioresonance.
During the examination, the doctor can comment on the image on an ongoing basis. He can tell the patient what he sees, what dangers result from it and what solution to the problem he can propose.
Doppler of carotid and vertebral arteries - how often to do?
Examination of the carotid and vertebral arteries may be performed as often as necessary. The examination is completely painless and safe for the patient who does not feel any unpleasant ailments during or after the examination.
The carotid arteries are closely related to the coronary arteries. It can be said that they react similarly to adverse changes taking place in the body, to an inappropriate, i.e. too fat and low in vegetables diet, lack of exercise or smoking.
Atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries very often develops in people suffering from coronary artery disease. Therefore, in this group, systematic blood pressure control is extremely important. Regulating the pressure helps to stabilize the coronary and cerebral circulation.
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