Antispasmodics (also known as spasmolytic drugs) have been used in medicine for many years. Their wide range of action allows for the treatment of many minor ailments as well as serious diseases. They are most often recommended for people suffering from abdominal pain of various intensity and origin, e.g. flatulence, menstruation, indigestion.

Someantispasmodicsthat isspasmolytic drugsare available without prescription, others only with a prescription. This applies not only to medications for adults, but also to diastolic agents used in children.

Some of the substances described below are available only on prescription - in their case, follow the doctor's instructions. The remaining ones can be bought without any problems, for example in a pharmacy or even, as is the case with herbs - we can grow them ourselves. However, we cannot use both of them in an uncontrolled manner. Even herbs in combination with other drugs can have side effects or interactions that are unpredictable. If the patient, while taking a given preparation, notices any disturbing symptoms or believes that the effect of the drug is too strong or too weak, he should consult a specialist.

Spasmolytic (antispasmodic) drugs - action and division

The mechanism and mode of action of antispasmodics is related to their relaxant effect on smooth muscles.

Spasmolytic drugs are divided into:

  • direct spasmolytics- are chemically isoquinoline alkaloids or their derivatives. They have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and the circulatory system. The indications for use are renal colic, hepatic colic, but also the treatment of hypertension and painful menstruation
  • indirect action spasmolytics -affect the autonomic receptors, so they affect specific groups of muscles. They are used in urinary colic, renal colic and biliary colic. Importantly, they also have an inhibitory effect on the uterine muscle, so they have been used as drugs that protect pregnant women against miscarriage, but also during premature birth. In men, they are used in ailments related to an enlarged glandstepper.

Despite the popularity of spasmolytic drugs and their virtually unlimited availability, they should only be taken when needed. And if the symptoms persist or even increase, it is worth consulting a doctor or pharmacist, as chronic pain may be a symptom of a dangerous disease that requires pharmacological treatment.

Substances with a diastolic effect

Drotaverineis a little known name of the active ingredient of very well-known and frequently used diastolic drugs. Drotaverine and its derivative, i.e. drotaverine hydrochloride ( drotaverini hydrochloridum ) help in contractile states of smooth muscles of the bile, urinary and gastrointestinal tract. Drotaverine is also taken very often in the case of painful periods.

Drotaverine is an organic chemical compound derived from papaverine, an isoquinoline alkaloid found in opium. Drotaverine has a strong relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs.

Drotaverine - application

  • contractile states of smooth muscles associated with diseases of the bile ducts, such as: cholecystolithiasis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the bile ducts
  • contractile conditions of smooth muscles of the urinary tract, such as: nephrolithiasis, ureterolithiasis, pyelitis, cystitis
  • contractile conditions of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, such as: gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, enteritis, colitis, pancreatitis, spasms of the pyloric stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, painful flatulence
  • dysmenorrhea
  • headache of vascular origin

Dovarterin - side effects

Drowarterin, being a derivative of papaverine, i.e. an opiate, can cause numerous side effects. The side effects of drowarterine include:

  • slackening of the muscles of the whole body
  • dizziness, nausea
  • excessive sleepiness
  • apathy
  • decrease the frequency and depth of breathing
  • slowing down the intestinal peristalsis, i.e. constipation

However, the side effects described above are the most common in cases of drotaverine overdose. If the patient follows the doctor's recommendations or the recommendations described in the leaflet, side effects may occur only in rare cases, and their intensity may also vary significantly, depending on individual predispositions.

Drotaverine - contraindications

Ifwe are talking about drotaverine, contraindications are mainly related to hypersensitivity to the ingredients of a given preparation, both the active substance and auxiliary substances. Drotaverine should not be taken in case of heart failure, kidney failure or liver failure. However, it all depends on the dose of the drug and other comorbidities, in case of any doubts, consult a specialist.

Hyoscine Butylbromide

It is another very popular spasmolytic substance. It is used to treat, among others: spasms of the bile ducts and bladder, gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, spasms of the stomach and digestive tract, spastic constipation, and pyloric spasm.

Hyoscine Butylbromide - Possible Side Effects

During therapy with hyoscine butylbromide the following may occur: acceleration of the heart rate, a feeling of dry mouth, disturbances in accommodation in higher doses. However, when following the doctor's recommendations or the manufacturer's recommendations described in the leaflet, the likelihood of side effects is minimal.

When not to use hyoscine butylbromide?

This substance should be avoided when the patient suffers from: glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, atonic constipation, intestinal paralytic obstruction or hypersensitivity to tropane alkaloids or leukopenia.

Caution should be exercised when the patient is taking antihistamines, phenothiazines, quinidines. Then it is safest to consult a doctor.


Papaverine is a strong relaxing agent for smooth muscles of internal organs.
This substance belongs to the isoquinoline opium alkaloids. It relaxes smooth muscles by directly affecting their cells.

This substance is used in spastic states (contractions) of smooth muscles:

  • gastrointestinal tract - biliary colic, spasms of the biliary tract, intestinal colic
  • urinary tract - renal colic, painful urge to urinate

Papaverine - possible side effects

Like all medicines, papaverine can also cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. It all depends on the patient's predisposition, concomitant diseases and other medications taken at the same time, including over-the-counter medications.

If any side effects occur, it may be: facial erythema, headache and dizziness, abdominal discomfort, constipation or, on the contrary - diarrhea, malaise, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, excessivesweating, somnolence, hypotension, respiratory disorders, elevated liver function tests.

If you notice symptoms such as jaundice, liver pain, stop taking the drug and contact your doctor immediately for further diagnosis and possible change of treatment.

Other spasmolytic substances
Most patients associate antispasmodics with the previously described effect on the urinary tract or digestive system. However, there are also other substances with a spasmolytic effect. And so, for example, they also include:

  • atropine - used as a diastolic drug and dilator of the pupils
  • theophylline and aminophylline - are used in bronchospastic conditions, obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma
  • nitroglycerin - it affects the expansion of peripheral venous vessels and of the coronary arteries, which leads to the relief of coronary pain
  • bencyklan - it is a drug that reduces the tension of smooth muscles and increases the lumen of blood vessels

Diastolic drugs for children

Abdominal pain and the need to use diastolic medications, unfortunately, appear in young children and even infants.

It is very often caused by improper diet expansion or improper nutrition of the nursing mother.

Young children are usually not given papaverine or drotaverine. In this case, preparations with simethicone may be appropriate. These drugs can be bought over the counter and used properly in all age groups.

Simethicone is a silicon derivative that reduces the surface tension of gases in the digestive tract and facilitates their excretion. It is not absorbed, so it works mainly locally on the digestive tract.

Herbs with spasmolytic effect

Also well-known to all, but underappreciated herbs have a diastolic effect. Most of us probably have some even at home or in their backyard. Examples of such herbs include:

  • Mint

It enjoys remarkable and still unflagging popularity. First of all, peppermint facilitates digestion, so it is worth drinking it after a heavy or hard-to-digest meal, it soothes excessive smooth muscle contractions and helps to fight flatulence. The analgesic effect is mainly due to mint oil, containing menthol. However, too much menthol can be irritating not only to the digestive system, but also to the nervous system.

  • Chamomile

Known to everyonecommon chamomile has so many medicinal properties that it is sometimes also called medicinal chamomile. It has a carminative and antispasmodic effect due to the flavonoids and coumarin derivatives contained in it. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-allergic properties are used to treat inflammation of the stomach and intestines and to alleviate food intolerance. Chamomile works gently - even infants and pregnant women can drink it, and it is very effective.

  • Melissa

It is known for its sedative properties - many times more effective than many medications. It is used in the treatment of stress-related digestive disorders such as duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and stomach ulcers. Lemon balm extracts - available at pharmacies - also have bactericidal and antispasmodic properties.

  • St. John's

Thanks to the content of flavonoids, it stimulates the bile ducts - therefore it is recommended in diseases where the secretion of bile decreases. It also relaxes the digestive tract - it reduces colic and pain. However, St. John's wort can cause allergies to the sun, especially in excess. Therefore, it should not be taken when exposed to the sun.

  • Fennel

Contains volatile oil, which includes, among others the relaxing anethole. Fennel seeds are considered the most effective herbal remedy for flatulence. By drinking a dill infusion, we can also count on the elimination of intestinal cramps and stimulation of the digestive system. It is very often recommended by pediatricians in case of infant colic, because fennel has virtually no side effects.
