- Safe drugs in pregnancy for colds
- Vitamins and trace elements in pregnancy
- Homeopathic medicines in pregnancy
- Herbal preparations during pregnancy
- Pain relievers and antipyretics in pregnancy
- Specifics for digestive problems in pregnancy
Which drugs are safe during pregnancy? When a woman is sure that she is pregnant (modern pregnancy tests allow you to find out the day after the expected period of menstruation), you should give up taking any medications, even vitamins or mild painkillers. However, nothing should happen when the expectant mother took medication without knowing she was pregnant - especially if it happened in the first two weeks after conception.
Drugs in pregnancyhave always aroused anxiety in future mothers - completely unnecessarily. If the gynecologist so decides, the pregnant womanmay even takeantibiotics , although not all are equally safe. Usually, doctors prescribe penicillin antibiotics (e.g. ampicillin, augmentin) to patients, even at the beginning of pregnancy. However, they avoid, inter alia, tetracyclines and sulfonamides (e.g. biseptol, bactrim). Under no circumstances should you take any drug left over from the previous treatment on your own.
Safe drugs in pregnancy for colds
With a viral infection, a pregnant woman should stay in bed, drink plenty of fruit juices and eat 2-3 cloves of garlic a day. May take small doses of vitamin. C, rutinoscorbin, lime. If a cold is accompanied by a runny nose - inhalation with an infusion of marjoram or baking soda (a teaspoon per glass of warm water) will help. Eucalyptus nasal sticks can be used to facilitate breathing. In case of a sore throat, it is recommended to rinse it frequently with water with the addition of s alt or azulane or septosan. If the symptoms persist after 2-3 days, a doctor should be called home.
Vitamins and trace elements in pregnancy
The use of each preparation should be discussed with the gynecologist. He will select the appropriate agent and the dose to be followed.
Homeopathic medicines in pregnancy
The prevalent view among doctors is that they are safe. But since these drugs have not been tested on pregnant women, caution is advised in taking them.
ImportantThe most dangerous thing for a developing baby is if you take your medications out of control between the 3rd and 8th week of pregnancy. It can even lead to a miscarriage or cause anatomical defects of the fetus. In the second and third trimesters, the fetus is more resistant to the effectsmedicaments, but caution is also advised, as drugs may cause disturbances in the functioning of already developed organs.
Herbal preparations during pregnancy
During pregnancy, you should not take preparations with ginseng (it contains a small amount of estrogen) or St. John's wort (may intensify skin discoloration). Even such common herbs as chamomile basket, linden flower or raspberry leaves can cause undesirable reactions (chamomile may cause allergies, linden blossom and raspberry leaves may cause hyperemia of the mother's skin and, at the same time, a greater outflow of blood from the placenta). Let's discuss the use of herbs with your doctor.
Pain relievers and antipyretics in pregnancy
Future mothers must limit their use to the necessary minimum. In a post-mortem situation, the safest thing is to take paracetamol (e.g. codipar, panadol). However, it is better not to reach for agents with salicylic acid (e.g. polopyrin, aspirin) - if taken often, they may adversely affect the blood clotting in a child.
Specifics for digestive problems in pregnancy
Laxatives should not be used - they can sometimes provoke uterine contractions. For diarrhea, you can take medical charcoal or trilac. If the symptoms do not go away for 48 hours, let's see a doctor.
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