Schizoid personality disorder is a personality type characterized by introversion. A person with schizoid personality disorder isolates himself from society, is emotionally distanced from other people, including relatives. Sometimes her behavior is perceived as eccentric. What are the causes and symptoms of schizoid personality disorder? What is the treatment?

Schizoid personality disorder(Schizoid personality disorder) is a personality type characterized by introversion, that is, isolation from the environment, limitation of interpersonal contacts and expression of emotions. The person with this disorder is often perceived as bizarre and eccentric.

Each person has personality traits that form the way they think and behave. However, sometimes, under the influence of various factors, these features may turn into personality disorders. Then the way of thinking and behaving in a person with a personality disorder is wrong from a psychological point of view. Personality disorders most often begin in childhood and continue throughout adulthood.

Schizoid personality disorder - causes

As with most mental disorders, the causes of schizoid personality disorder are complex. Most likely, they are composed of genetic and biochemical factors as well as individual and family factors (parents could either be emotionally cold towards the child, or vice versa - imposing, interfering too much in the child's affairs) and environmental factors. What is certain is that personality disorders develop in childhood and mentally abnormal thoughts and behaviors become more and more ingrained in adulthood.

Schizoid personality disorder - symptoms

A person suffering from schizoid personality disorder is characterized by:

  • detachment from reality. The patient lives in the world of his own experiences, he is absorbed in dreams and fantasies;
  • emotional coldness and inability to express emotions. However, these are only appearances. A sick person really wants emotional closeness and establishing a relationship with someone else, but is afraid of being emotionally "absorbed", dominated. Therefore, relations with another person seem to be a threat to her. Hence the emotional distance;
  • anti-social attitude. The sick person is incapable of making close contacts, he feels bad in company. Consequently, there are no friends and acquaintances;
  • no sensitivity. People with schizoid personality may be perceived as insensitive, but in reality they are characterized by above-average sensitivity, which they hide;
  • little interest in sexual experiences;
  • ignorance of social norms;
  • preaching views different from the views of most people;
  • indifference to praise and criticism;
  • anhedonia - lack or loss of pleasure;

It's good to know that personality disorders often occur together with other mental illnesses.

Schizoid personality disorder - treatment

In the case of schizoid personality disorders, therapy is applied - first individually, and then in groups. The methods of psychotherapy are selected by the attending physician. Antipsychotropic drugs are auxiliary and are given when depression or anxiety occurs.
