A blood group is a set of antigens found on red blood cells. There are blood groups: A, B, AB and 0. Additionally, each group is characterized by the Rh factor, i.e. the presence of the D antigen or its absence. What determines the fact that we have, for example, blood group 0 and not A? How do we inherit the blood group? Why is it worth knowing your blood type?
Blood groupis a set of antigens, i.e. certain characteristic proteins, present on red blood cells (erythrocytes). The phenomenon of agglutination, i.e. the sticking together of individual blood cells, depends on them.
Since there are many specific antigens on red blood cells, there are also many blood group systems. So far, 35 such systems have been described in humans. However, the most important are the main group systems - A, B, 0 and the Rh system.
The blood type isa constant featureof a given person. It stabilizes around the age of 2 and does not change anymore. However, sometimes after a bone marrow transplant, it happens that the patient also receives a new blood group because the new bone marrow produces red blood cells with donor antigens.
Knowledge of the blood group and the Rh factor is essential in blood transfusion, organ transplantation and in a situation where a couple is planning to become pregnant, and is in the so-called serological conflict.
Blood group: pattern A, B, 0
The presence of A or B antigens or their absence determines belonging to one of the basic four groups: A, B, AB or 0. And so:
- blood group A - has A antigen on blood cells
- blood group B - has B antigen on blood cells
- blood group AB - has A and B antigen on blood cells
- blood group 0 - no antigens on blood cells
While there are antigens on the surface of erythrocytes, there are antibodies against the absent antigens in the plasma, so:
- in group A - anti-B antibodies
- in group B - anti-A antibodies
- in group 0 - anti-A and anti-B antibodies
- in group AB - no antibodies
graphic source: krzyżrug.org - portal created by honorary blood donors

Blood group: Rh system
In addition to the A and B antigens, the D antigen is also of great importance, as it defines the Rh + or Rh - factor.
If anyone hasD antigen (as many as 85% of people have) means that it is Rh positive, i.e. Rh +, and if it is not - it is Rh negative, i.e. Rh -.
The Rh system also includes the less important antigens: C, c, E, e and others.
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Worth knowingSerological conflict and Rh factor
The determination of the Rh factor is important in the context of serological conflict. This conflict occurs when the mother is Rh- and the child is Rh + (inherited from the father).
There is no conflict with the first child, only with the second one.
The point is that during the first birth, the D-antigens from the baby get into the mother's bloodstream. The woman's body then begins to produce antibodies against the D antigen.
Then, in the second pregnancy, these antibodies cross the placenta and begin to destroy the baby's blood cells.
To prevent this from happening, immediately after the first birth, the mother is given immunoglobulin, which destroys Rh + cells before the woman's immune system starts responding.
Blood group: Kell system
Refers to the K antigen which activates the immune system. Anti-K antibodies are the next most common antibodies, right after anti-Rh.
In pregnant women, they may cause hemolytic disease of newborns when the fetus is K-positive.
Anti-K antibodies are often formed during massive transfusions when a K-negative recipient receives K-positive blood. Therefore, people with K-negative blood should only be transfused with K-negative blood.
Worth knowingSince when do we know about the existence of blood types?
The first discovery that there are different types of blood was made by Karl Landsteiner in 1901. He noticed the presence of two antigens on red blood cells, which determine the phenomenon of agglutination, i.e. clumping of individual blood cells together. His discovery explained why some people can exchange blood while others cannot.
Until Landsteiner, it was unclear why transfusions took place once and not.
The science of Landsteiner was developed by Ludwik Hirszfeld and Emil von Dungern. It was they who introduced the symbols A, B, AB and 0, which was adopted in the world in 1928.
Blood group inheritance
Rh blood group inheritance
Parent |
Parent |
DD (Rh +) |
Dd (Rh +) |
dd (Rh -) |
DD (Rh +) |
DD (Rh +) |
DD or Dd (Rh +) |
Dd (Rh +) |
Dd (Rh +) |
DD or Dd (Rh +) |
DD or Dd (Rh +) or dd (Rh -) |
Dd (Rh +) or dd (Rh -) |
dd (Rh -) | Dd (Rh +) | Dd (Rh +) or dd (Rh -) | dd (Rh -) |
Blood group inheritance by A, B, 0
Father |
Mother |
blood type |
0 |
A |
B |
AB |
0 |
0 |
A, 0 |
B, 0 |
A, B |
A |
A, 0 |
A, 0 |
0, A, B, AB |
A, B, AB |
B |
B, 0 |
0, A, B, AB |
B, 0 |
A, B, AB |
AB |
A, B |
A, B, AB |
A, B, AB |
A, B, AB |
Blood transfusion
There are diseases and situations where blood transfusion is necessary. These include the treatment of blood diseases, organ transplantation, and pregnancy.
The patient is transfused with blood from the same group in the A, B, 0 range and D antigen range, so e.g. a person with A Rh + should be given ARh + blood.
In exceptional circumstances, the patient can be transfused with 0Rh- (universal) blood. The lack of A and B antigens in people with blood group 0 makes them universal donors (their blood can be transfused to other groups).
In the case of a blood transfusion with antigens that the patient does not have, a serious post-transfusion reaction occurs. If the patient has a blood group:
- AB + - can receive any blood
- AB- - can get 0-, B-, A-, AB-
- A + - can get 0-, 0+, A-, A +
- A- - can get 0-, A-
- B + - can get 0-, 0+, B-, B +
- B- - can get 0-, B-
- 0 + - can get 0-, 0 +
- 0- - can get 0-
Also check what kind of blood donor and recipient you are!
Origin of blood groups and what it means. Blood groups and character
There are many theories around blood groups, according to which they define our personality traits (hematopsychology), dictatediet, and even predispose us to perform certain professions. Can you believe them? It is hard to say, but they are for sure very interesting theories. Here is one of them:
Group 0- is the oldest blood group. There were 40 thousand. years BC Back then, people were skillful hunters who ate mainly meat and found fruits and berries. To this day, people with this blood group have a relatively resistant digestive system, but intolerant to changes. They deal with stress through intense physical activity. They have leadership qualities, strong will, lots of energy, and easy networking. They are suitable, for example, as bankers.
Group A- appeared about 20 thousand. years BC as a reaction to new environmental conditions. They are typical vegetarians. They de alt with agriculture, they could also breed animals. They stopped wandering, and began to live in permanent places, build settlements. This strengthened their immune systems and made them more resistant to infections typical of a crowded community. The remedy for stress for people with blood type A are relaxing exercises, such as yoga or tai-chi. They are introverts, perfectionists, conscientious and obligatory, trustworthy people.
Group B- developed approx. 13 thousand years BC Today it is the only blood group that can fully tolerate milk. People with this group have a strong immune system and a tolerant digestive system, often fulfilling themselves as artists. They are impulsive and oversensitive.
AB Group- about 1 thousand people emerged years BC and it is called modern blood group, very rare. It is a combination of groups A and B. People with blood group AB tolerate environmental and food changes well, have a strong immune system, and they discharge stress through spiritual development. They are nice and easy going people. They're good organizers.