The first weeks of pregnancy are a strange time. Your baby is very tiny, but it already has a huge impact on your appetite, well-being, and lifestyle. The first trimester of pregnancy is also a time of unpleasant ailments - you may experience nausea, drowsiness and breast pain. Check out how your body is changing and how the embryo develops between weeks 1 and 12 of pregnancy.

Pregnancy calendarstartsFirst trimester of pregnancy- it is the time of great hormonal revolution. Pregnancy is only conventionally for nine months, "book" pregnancy includes 10 lunar months (28 days each), that is 40 weeks. Moreover, the absolute norm is that it sometimes lasts from 38 to 42 weeks. In addition, in medical terms, it begins several days before conception. Before a new life arises, a woman's body prepares to receive it. Plus, you never know exactly when conception occurred, especially with irregular cycles. Therefore, if conception occurs, the gestational age will be counted from the date of the last menstrual period. This is obviously not the actual lifetime of the embryo, which usually begins about two weeks later.

Calendar: 1st week of pregnancy

MAMAYou are not following any changes. You are in the middle of your normal menstrual cycle. If you are planning a pregnancy, at least from the day you start your period, act as if you are already in it. Thanks to this, you will increase the chances of a good start. During the "warm-up" eat he althy food and consume preparations containing folic acid. One tablet a day is enough. Put away alcohol, cigarettes and other stimulants.CHILDHe's not here yet. There is an egg for now. He matures calmly. The ovary will release them around halfway through your cycle.

Calendar: 2nd week of pregnancy

MOMFrom the end of the second week of pregnancy, especially when your menstrual cycle is short (26-28 days), don't avoid sex! You can't really move without it. The period in which a woman and a man can conceive is very limited, lasting only 3-4 days per cycle. However, it is not so difficult to "shoot" at it, since the human species did not become extinct. Nature made sure that you were particularly sexually attractive at this time and that you had an increased desire for love. If you can't tell your fertile days, talk to your gynecologist about fertility monitoring (using temperature and mucus) orobtain special tests or a cycle computer at the pharmacy.CHILDAt the end of this week (sometimes at the beginning of the next) the largest follicle in the ovary bursts, and the released egg moves into the fallopian tube and waits for sperm there that can start a new life.

Things you can't do in the first trimester of pregnancy

Calendar: 3rd week of pregnancy

MAMAUsually fertilization takes place about 14 days before the expected date of menstruation. You may be able to tell when you conceived. Some women have a gut feeling like this and just know it happened. However, this is not necessarily the case. For most, the first sign of a delay is a missed period. At this point, it is not worth reaching for a pregnancy test yet. Hormonal changes in your body will allow you to detect pregnancy in about 10 days.BABYThick mucus that protects the entrance to the uterus for most of the cycle breaks down into loose strands between which smart sperm can spread slip through. Their initial selection takes place: out of the millions of sperm released during ejaculation, only those with the correct head shape and appropriate tail movement pass through the mucus barrier. The winning sperm accumulate at the entrance to the uterus and wait up to several days for a signal to continue their journey. When an egg is ready to receive them, it secretes a chemical that activates the sperm cells. Through the acidic environment of the uterus, they enter the fallopian tube. On the way, they die like flies and less than a thousand of them reach the egg. The egg is ready for fertilization only for 24 hours (sometimes even less). The best of the best sperm tears through its protective layers and joins the egg, which starts the process of closing the cell membrane so that no other can penetrate inside. As soon as the nuclei of the egg and sperm have fused, the cell begins to divide. At the end of the third week of pregnancy (i.e. shortly after fertilization), a ball composed of several dozen cells, looking like a raspberry (or mulberry fruit - morum in Latin, which is why a child in this stage of development is called morula), reaches the uterus. The cells in the ball are constantly dividing, but the ball is not growing yet - it is no thicker than a piece of paper (slightly over 0.1 mm thick), and it would all fit on the tip of a pin.

Calendar: 4th week of pregnancy

MAMAIn the fourth week of pregnancy, you may feel tired and irritable. Many women find it extremely severe PMS symptoms. Meanwhile - not necessarily! During this period, women, especially those who are sensitive to hormonal changes, may also experience slight spotting(implantation bleeding), caused by the embryo implanting in the uterus. It is sometimes confused with menstruation, hence problems with determining the age of pregnancy. Any doubts will be dispelled by the first ultrasound, which can be done around the 8th week of pregnancy (around 6 weeks after conception, 3-4 weeks after the expected menstruation).CHILDAt the end of the 4th week, we will welcome the embryo . After reaching the uterus, it nestles into its wall. Some of the cells that make up the ball will become the embryo and then the fetus, while the remaining cells will form the amniotic sac and yolk sac. The amniotic sac will eventually surround the baby completely, the yolk sac will disappear, and for the time being, until the placenta is formed, it will provide the baby with food. The embryo is now grayish and translucent. Without blood or pigment, it resembles a jellyfish. It is the size of a poppy seed.

Calendar: 5th week of pregnancy

MAMAMy period is late. To clear up your doubts, you can do a home pregnancy test. However, if you do it too soon, the result could be a false negative. Although the tests are very sensitive, they are most likely to be performed about 10 days after your expected period. If the result is positive, it's time to choose a doctor who will look after you and your little one in the coming months. It should be proven and trustworthy. Already at this stage, you may experience breast pain, mood swings, nausea and fatigue. Some women experience a strange, metallic taste in their mouths and the need to urinate frequently. However, there are also some that do not observe any changes yet.CHILDThe cells of the embryo begin the process of differentiation. The spine is formed, and more precisely the beginnings of 33 vertebrae. The buds of the nervous system and the brain are formed. Initially, they resemble a tube called a neural tube, 2/3 of which will make up the brain proper and 1/3 will make up the spinal cord. To avoid neural tube defects, you should take folic acid prophylactically. Cells dedicated to specific tasks accumulate in the place of the brain, heart and spine. At the end of this week, the embryo is 2 mm long, the size of an apple seed. You can see the spherical head bundle.

Calendar: 6th week of pregnancy

MAMAIn the 6th week of pregnancy, morning sickness usually appears, "morning sickness" occurs only in name, because some ladies get tired all day long. Vomiting can even trigger smells that have seemed pleasant until now. The hormonal revolution also leads to mood swings. It is a myth that if a pregnancy is planned, you must be bursting with joy immediately. You may be "down", but that will pass soon.BABYIn the 6th week, the baby consists of a head, torso and tail, which will then disappear, absorbed by the overgrowntissue. Two tubes will grow together that will give rise to the heart. The heart starts pumping blood. You can see it pulsating on an ultrasound. Around the 40th day of pregnancy, armlets appear on the sides of the trunk, and two days later - the legs. A pranchevus is formed, which will disappear, replaced by the kidneys (its fragments will become the boy's vas deferens). The embryo is curled up, therefore its size, the so-called parietal parietal (CRL) - from the top of the head to the bottom. At the end of the sixth week, it is about 4 mm long. It is already visible on the ultrasound.

Check: Pregnancy calendar

Calendar: 7th week of pregnancy

MAMAAround the 7th week, you may start to gain a little weight, but you might as well lose it. After all, vomiting is not indifferent to your body. However, don't worry too much about it. Baby is so tiny that he will not run out of anything. Even if you don't notice any changes in your weight, you will probably widen your waist a little. Your uterus grows rapidly to accommodate the developing tenant with ease. At the same time, a plug made of thick mucus is formed in the cervix, effectively protecting the entrance to the uterus against unwanted guests.CHILDDuring this week, the baby will grow 6 mm. You can already see the outline of a tiny man's face - the beginnings of a nose, eyes and mouth, although it is not yet a face worthy of a miss or a mister. The brain buds to form projections - the seeds of the optic nerves. Two dark spots appear on the sides of the head, which will move to the right place over time. Handles and legs become longer, and fins appear at their ends. Temporarily, of course. You are already permanently connected by the umbilical cord.

Calendar: 8th week of pregnancy

MAMAWhen you press the lower abdomen, you can feel the enlarged uterus by yourself - in the 8th week it is already the size of a small apple. While the mammary glands develop inside the breast, the nipples become swollen and sore. For relief, ask your partner for a gentle massage. You can use a mild baby oil or a breast cream for pregnant women.BABYAt the beginning of this week, hands and feet develop, and at the end of the week, even little fingers. During this period, the inner ear (responsible for hearing and the sense of balance) is also formed. Thanks to it, the child can react to movement. They are disturbed by rapid changes of position, and they are calmed down by the steady rhythm. The spine is as thick as a pin and the ribs as thick as a hair. The eye bags are already tinted with pigment, but you will know their proper color only in the second or third month after birth. The eyelids begin to grow and the buds of milk teeth are formed.The liver produces blood cells. The baby is only 15-20 mm long, and he has already achieved this much!

Calendar: 9th week of pregnancy

MAMAThere is no justice in this world. The changes in the skin show how differently pregnancy can go. Some ladies can boast exceptionally smooth, flowered complexions right now. For others, the skin "blooms" with numerous blemishes, it becomes especially prone to irritation. Unfortunately, pregnancy is not the best time for sophisticated cosmetic procedures. It is best to choose only hypoallergenic preparations and wait for better times. All future mothers have already beautifully enlarged their bust. It's time for a comfortable bra for pregnant women - developmental, because it's not the end of this process. From less pleasant changes, you can feel a dull pain in the lower abdomen (the uterus begins to enlarge). Some women also get a scanty reddish or brownish vaginal discharge around the time the period normally starts. This is usually a harmless symptom of hormonal changes, but it is better to consult a doctor about it.CHILDThis week, the baby is already 2 cm. The significant change is that his reproductive organs are beginning to develop. boys develop testicles and seminal vesicles, and girls - ovaries. The face takes on a more human appearance: the upper lip develops, holes appear in the nose, the lower jaw is enhanced, the ears move to the sides of the head, and the eyes move to the front of the face. The neck gets longer, but the child is still primarily a "brain man". Its enormous head (it has to accommodate an rapidly growing brain) still rests against the chest. The cerebral hemispheres (responsible for thinking and feeling) are formed, the interbrain with the pituitary gland which produces important hormones, and the backbrain, which houses the center responsible for breathing. Muscles spontaneously contract, so that the baby moves in the already formed amniotic sac, but you do not feel it yet.

Calendar: 10th week of pregnancy

MAMAYou may have a slightly worse morphology than the "normal" indicators for women. Do not worry about this, because the results are slightly different in pregnancy, and usually still normal (for example: the minimum normal level of hemoglobin, i.e. the red blood pigment, for women is 12 g / dL, but 11 g / dL for pregnant women, and a disturbing one is there is only a drop below 10.5 g / dl). Iron deficiency will probably allow you to compensate for taking a vitamin and mineral preparation for pregnant women (sometimes the same preparation that already supplies you with folic acid). Sometimes an additional preparation is needed, the doctor decides about it.CHILDIn the 10th week, the embryo becomes a fetus, i.e.a miniature human, complete with all human organs. The membranes that used to be joined by miniature sticks are disappearing. The eyelids have grown and stuck together, so the baby looks like he's asleep. The arms have clearly developed, the elbow bend is marked and the toddler brings his hands closer to him. The heart beats at a frequency of 140 to 180 beats per minute. The child's weight is about 5 g, and the "height" (counted from the top of the head to the bottom, without legs) is almost 4 cm.

Calendar: 11th week of pregnancy

MAMAThe vomiting will soon go away or already stopped. You probably have gained weight and have a better appetite. However, don't eat for two. How Much Can You Gain During Pregnancy? The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is 9-12 kg. Are you having heartburn? The easiest way to get rid of it is by eating little and often, avoiding fatty foods and carbonated drinks. Do not self-administer any medications. It is possible that you are still struggling with a low mood and increasing fatigue. Let yourself go, slow down. You will feel much better soon.BABYThe head finally tilts back and the neck becomes thinner and slender. In the 11th week, the liver grows rapidly, filling almost the entire abdominal cavity. In utero, it produces blood, then it will switch to the production of bile, processing sugars, storing reserves and cleansing the body of toxins. The bulging liver forces the body to run smart - the intestines that do not fit in the abdominal cavity now develop in the umbilical cord, and when there is enough space, they will slide back to the abdomen. The kidneys take their place next to the adrenal glands. The boys get an injection of male hormones from the testicles, which is why their penis slowly lengthens and smoothes, and the opening moves to the tip of the penis. The child weighs 8 g and its parietal-seat length is approx. 5 cm.

Calendar: 12th week of pregnancy

MAMAThe first trimester ends. This is good news, because most mothers-to-be feel much better in the other, both physically and mentally. If you feel less like having sex, because you are worried that it may harm your baby, take time. The appetite for pranks will return soon, and making love is most advisable - for you and your partner (unless the doctor expressly forbids it).CHILDThe baby's gender on ultrasound is recognizable as early as 12 weeks (if toddler is willing to turn around properly). Nail buds are forming on the fingers (they will start growing in a week), and the skin and muscles thicken. The child uses every moment to improve his skills - he moves his chest (thanks to which real breathing will be easy for him), and he trains grasping movements with his tiny hands.At the end of the first trimester, hair follicles appear on the skin, the intestines shrink and make helminthic movements, glucose is absorbed through their walls. The lungs, pancreas and thyroid gland are nearing their end. The amount of amniotic fluid increases, so the baby can swim freely. The 50 g placenta produces 1.5 g of protein per day for the needs of a little human. The little boy himself weighs 10-14 g and measures up to 6 cm!

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