Elderberry tincture will be helpful in treating colds - it has diaphoretic properties, has antipyretic properties and expectorants. It also relieves pain and cleanses. See how to prepare an elderberry fruit tincture according to a traditional recipe.
Elderberry tincture(LatinSambucus nigra ) is, next to the juice, a very simple and tasty way to use the he alth-promoting properties of this plant, which has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. Some people even call itelderberryorpharmacy . Black elderberry grows in wet places, on the edges of forests, in parks, on rivers. In natural medicine, lilac flowers and fruits are usually used .
Elderberry fruits - healing properties
Fruits gathered in umbels are black and have red juice. They are harvested inAugustand inSeptember , when the berries are ripe. Importantly, they should not be eaten raw, because they containsambunigrinandprunazine- substances that can cause food poisoning. Fortunately, heat treatment (drying and cooking) neutralizes these toxins.
Elderberry fruits are a real treasury of valuable substances, it contains, among others :
- anthocyanins,
- pectins,
- tannins,
- fruit acids,
- vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin C and beta-carotene,
- mineral s alts: calcium, potassium, sodium, aluminum and iron.
Thanks to their content, elderberries protect our circulatory system, have a slight laxative and analgesic effect, as well as diaphoretic and diuretic properties. They also belong to the so-calledblood cleansers , they are recommended as a detoxifying drug and helping to remove harmful metabolic products from the body, as well as toxins in rheumatic and skin diseases.
Elderberry fruits are also used in inflammation of the stomach and intestines, in constipation, psoriasis and dry cough, as well as in neuralgia and sciatica.
Elderberry tincture ingredients
• 1 kg of elderberry fruit
• 1 liter of spirit 96 percent.
• 0.5 l of water
• 25 grams of sugar
Elderberry tincture recipe
1. Rinse the fruit in a sieve, drain well, pour into the jar, pour in alcohol.
2. Put ina warm, dark place. Filter after a month.
3. Boil the water and sugar into a syrup, cool it down and combine with alcohol.
4. After a week, filter, pour into bottles, screw the cap tightly, and set aside in a dark, moderately cool place.
5. The tincture is ready after approx.6 months .
Excerpts from the article come from the monthly "Zdrowie".
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