Dogwood juice is not widely known, which is a pity - its taste and medicinal properties definitely outperform many other juices. It is worth getting to know the latter and using dogwood juice if you like to support the medications or supplements prescribed by your doctor using traditional methods. And what is the help of dogwood juice and how to prepare it so as not to lose the valuable properties of dogwood fruits?

Dogwood juicehas been used in traditional folk medicine for centuries. The fruits of this plant - as evidenced by both excavations and references in literature - were known in ancient Greece and Rome, where they were used not only for food, but also for healing purposes.
No wonder: they attracted attention both with their unusual, ellipsoidal shape and with their color ranging from orange-yellow to dark red, even cherry-red. Initially, they were eaten raw, but due to their specific sweet and sour taste and smell, they were quickly processed.
Therefore, currently edible dogwood in an unprocessed form rarely appears in the kitchen. It is used to make preserves - excellent preserves and jams (after prior pitting), jam, jelly, jelly, drinks, as well as the famous dogwood tincture, i.e. tincture of dogwood.
You can also prepare a tasty juice (syrup) from dogwood, which - apart from the fact that it quenches your thirst when diluted with water - also has a number of healing properties, so it can be an excellent supplement to therapy in case of various diseases.
What does dogwood juice help?
Dogwood juice has almost the same properties as dogwood fruit.
Properties of dogwood juice:
- supports immunity- due to the fact that it contains vitamin C, it can be used both prophylactically and during colds
- reduces the risk of anemia- it contains iron
- has a breathtaking effect , therefore it is effective in relieving diarrhea
- has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect , so it is worth using it for problems with the urinary system
- improves metabolism
- stimulates the appetiteand accelerates convalescence
- fights toxinsand has an antioxidant effect.
Dogwood juice: nutritional benefitsand composition
Dogwood juice has a very similar composition and nutritional properties to dogwood fruit.
Dogwood juice contains:
- minerals - iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, zinc.
- vitamins - vit. C, vit. A
- anthocyanins (antioxidants)
- flavonoids
- beta-carotene
- tannins
- pectins
- organic acids (malic, citric, amber)
- glucosides
- carbohydrates.
The energy value of 100 g of dogwood fruit is 76 kcal (318 kJ), while the energy value of a similar quantity of juice depends on how much sugar is added to it.
Dogwood juice recipe
Dogwood juice is not as easy to prepare as raspberry juice - its production takes almost five days, and each day this activity takes only a moment. It is compensated by its he alth benefits.
How to make dogwood juice?
- 1 kg of ripe dogwood fruits
- 3 l of water
- 500 g sugar.
- Pour the washed fruit in a pot with 3 liters of boiled water, cover and set aside for 12 hours.
- After this time, use a strainer to remove the dogwood fruits, bring the water to a boil and put the fruit back in the boiling water - leave it covered for 24 hours (the fruit should release the juice).
- The next day, repeat this action and put the fruit aside again, this time for 48 hours.
- The next day, remove the fruit and cook the juice over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then add sugar to the liquid and cook (not to a boil) for another 5 minutes, removing the foam (if any).
- Pour hot juice into scalded bottles, screw them on, turn them upside down and leave to cool.