Viburnum coral is a plant whose he alth properties have been used by folk medicine for centuries. Kalina has been used, among others as a means of relieving cough. However, above all, it is recommended for female ailments, as it relaxes the muscles of the uterus and soothes menstrual pain. Check what other effects of the viburnum viburnum.
Coral viburnum: application
Viburnum opulus( Viburnum opulus ) is a plant that has numerouspropertiespro-he alth.Applicationin natural medicine are primarily fruits and the bark of viburnum, but you can also use its flowers and roots.
Viburnum fruits, which are great for preserves, are rich in sugars, pectins (a type of fiber), tannins, vitamin C, carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin P. The bark, which is used as a decoction or an extract, contains, among others :
- flavonoids (plant pigments and natural antioxidants),
- coumarin derivatives,
- tannins,
- organic acids,
- vitamins C and K.
Kalina Coral: Viburnum bark extract for menstrual pain
In natural medicine, a decoction or an extract of viburnum bark is a typical female medicine because (mainly due to the coumarin content) it relaxes the muscles of the uterus and reduces their tension. Therefore, viburnum bark is used as an aid in the treatment of dysmenorrhea and uterine contractions.
In addition, the substances contained in the bark of this plant inhibit slight bleeding from the reproductive organs, which is why viburnum is recommended for women struggling with too heavy menstruation. The cortex is also effective in alleviating the discomfort of the menopause period.
After consultation with a doctor, it can also be used by pregnant women, as it has been shown that viburnum bark extract prevents unstoppable vomiting in pregnant women and nervous disorders during pregnancy, as well as leg cramps during pregnancy.
In addition, in natural medicine, viburnum, due to its anti-haemorrhagic and mildly astringent properties, is used in the event of a risk of miscarriage, as well as in premature births.
ImportantIs coral viburnum poisonous?
Raw fruits of viburnum, due to the saponins they contain, are poisonous.Young children are especially sensitive to this substance. In them, symptoms of poisoning appear after eating more fruit. Then, vomiting, dizziness, speech disorders, loss of consciousness may occur.
In extreme cases, it can even lead to death. Fortunately, fruits lose most of their poisonous properties after being frozen or under the influence of high temperatures (e.g. during the preparation of preserves).
Coral viburnum: other he alth properties
Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of viburnum fruits in numerous ailments of the digestive system, incl. in gastric and duodenal ulcers. Due to the tannin content and antibacterial properties, they are also recommended as a remedy for diarrhea.
In these cases, you can also use a decoction of viburnum flowers, which is also a digestive aid (due to the content of organic acids that increase the secretion of salivary glands, gastric and pancreatic juices), eliminating colic and intestinal cramps.
ImportantCoral viburnum is a partially protected plant
Pursuant to the ordinance of the Minister of the Environment of January 5, 2012, viburnum is on the list of wild plant species under partial protection (position 42). Partial protection means the possibility of collecting plants in appropriate areas or after obtaining the appropriate permit.
Viburnum fruits contain, among others phytosterols, which lower cholesterol, and when grated with sugar, they help lower blood pressure.Viburnum juicewith honey is a traditional cough remedy. On the other hand, drinking viburnum tincture helps in ailments of the intestines, gall bladder (stimulates bile secretion) and the urinary system (has diuretic properties). In turn, a decoction of the roots relieves convulsions, hysteria, asthma and insomnia.
IMPORTANT! People struggling with chronic diseases and taking medication regularly should consult a doctor before consuming viburnum.
Coral viburnum: when to collect?
Coral viburnum is a large shrub that grows in humid places, most often on the banks of rivers. It has beautiful, scarlet fruit with a flat stone and orange flesh - you can harvest them from August to September / October.
In turn, the bark is harvested in early spring (in March and April). It can be dried in sunny places or in drying rooms at up to 40 degrees C.
Learn interesting facts about the rock viburnum

Viburnum fruit decoction - recipe
Put the shredded viburnum fruits into a pot, pour a glass of boiling water andput on gas. Then bring to a boil and simmer, covered, for 3 minutes. After cooking, set aside to cool.
Healing tincture of viburnum bark - recipe
To prepare a medicinal tincture of viburnum bark, you will need: 100 g of shredded bark, 0.5 l of vodka and 0.5 l of water. The bark should be poured with vodka and water. Then close it tightly in a container and shake it daily for 2 weeks. The tincture is ready to eat after straining. Keep it in the refrigerator.
Coral viburnum: what can you make of it?
Fruitshave a bitter taste that disappears when frozen. Then they are used in the kitchen. They can be used to make wine and liqueurs, as well aspreserves- jams, preserves and marmalades. Due to the high content of pectins, the fruit is perfect for jelly.
Fruit juicediluted in a proportion of half and half with water after fermentation gives vinegar that can be used to make refreshing drinks.