Sea buckthorn, or rather sea buckthorn, has been used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics thanks to its unique he alth properties. Sea buckthorn is distinguished primarily by the content of vitamin C - apart from rose hips, it has the most of all fruits. Therefore, sea buckthorn berries will certainly be useful in the autumn and winter illnesses. Check what other properties the sea buckthorn has. What will sea buckthorn cure?
Sea-buckthorn - what kind of plant is it?
Sea buckthornDue to its exceptional he alth and nutritional properties, it is used both in the kitchen and in cosmetics. " Gold of Siberia " - because that's what the Russians call it - contains over190 bioactive substancesthat have a positive effect on he alth.
The composition of the sea buckthorn includes:
- antioxidants,
- flavonoids,
- amino acids,
- unsaturated fatty acids,
- micronutrients (including potassium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, boron, calcium and silicon),
- and vitamins (A, C, D, E, K, PP and those from group B),
- provitamins.
For healing and conditioning purposes,sea buckthorn berries, leavese, andfruit pulp or seed oilsea buckthorn are used.
These oils differ from each other in the content of e.g. fatty acids, carotenoids - strong antioxidants and sea buckthorn dyes at the same time (there are definitely more of them in fruit pulp oil), as well as phytosterols and vitamin E.
Sea buckthorn is a partially protected plant. According to the ordinance of the Minister of the Environment of October 9, 2014, sea buckthorn is included in the list of wild plant species under partial protection (item 230).
Sea buckthorn in Poland grows wild only along the coast of the B altic Sea and in the Pieniny Mountains, which means that you cannot collect its fruit in these places. They can legally be obtained only from cultivated shrubs.
What does sea buckthorn look like?
Sea-buckthorn is a fairly tall and thorny shrub that forms vast thickets that are difficult to penetrate. In spring, it blooms with tiny, yellow flowers clinging to twigs.
When it comes out, leaves are long, narrow, and lanceolate, witholive green on the top and silvery underneath, which makes the sea buckthorn resemble a silvery palm tree. However, it looks most effective when golden or orange clusters of fruit appear on the branches, which remain on the plant throughout the winter, until spring.
See what sea buckthorn looks like:

Sea buckthorn - use in the kitchen
Sea buckthorn fruits are sour, with a characteristic slightly pineapple aroma (hence the sea buckthorn is also referred to as the Russian pineapple). They are collected from August to October. Then they are used in the kitchen - they are suitable for preserves, incl. juices, jams, preserves, marmalades, jellies.
How much vitamin C does sea buckthorn contain?
Sea buckthorn fruits rank second on the list of fruits with the most vitamin C. In terms of its content, sea buckthorn is second only to rose hips.
However, the content of ascorbic acid in sea buckthorn berries varies and depends on the plant's location.
- Those growing near the coast of the seas, as well as in parks or gardens, contain on average200-250 mgvitamin C (and some sources say that even315 mg ) in 100 g.
- In turn those occurring in the mountains of central Europe as much as405-1100 mg/ 100 g.
Sea buckthorn - pro-he alth properties
According to specialists from the Food and Nutrition Institute, the demand for ascorbic acid is on average40-50 mgdaily in children,75 mgdaily in women and90 mgdaily in men, which means that 100 g of this fruit is much more than the daily requirement for this nutrient.
Therefore, sea buckthorn is recommended in all ailments caused by vitamin C deficiency, such as :
- lack of appetite,
- tendency to bruise
- swollen and bleeding gums,
- difficulties in wound healing,
- muscle and joint pain.
Sea buckthorn can also be used prophylactically in the period of fall-winter illnesses tostrengthen immunity .
It should be noted that the vitamin C contained in sea buckthorn berries is very durable, as it almostdoes not decomposein the process of processing (e.g. into preserves) and storage. This is due to the lack of an enzyme that breaks down ascorbic acid (ascorbinase) in sea buckthorn.
Sea buckthorn strengthens the heart
Vitamin C and E contained in sea buckthorn berries as well as plant sterols reduce the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol, which leads to atherosclerotic changes, and further tomedical conditions, such as :
- coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease),
- stroke,
- heart attack.
In addition, ascorbic acid alone has been provento lower blood pressure .
The same properties are shown by potassium, which is also present in these autumn fruits. Therefore, sea buckthorn is recommended for people struggling with hypertension, as well as for the prevention of this disease.
Eating sea buckthorn berries can also prevent bleeding. They are rich in vitamin K, which is necessary for the liver to produce prothrombin (factor II), which plays the most important role in blood clotting. In terms of the content of this vitamin, sea buckthorn surpasses other plants famous for it - black chokeberry, rowan, wild rose and black currant.
See what fruits are rich in vitamin C!

Sea buckthorn oil for ulcers and heartburn
Modern phytotherapy recommends the oral use of sea buckthorn oil in heartburn, as well as in gastric and duodenal ulcer disease (currently, in many Russian hospitals, sea buckthorn oil is used to assist in the treatment of ulcers).
It contributes to a significant reduction in pain and supports the healing of ulcers. In this type of disease, it is recommended to use sea buckthorn oil 3 times a day, 1/2 teaspoon (up to 10 ml a day!) 30 minutes before a meal. However, consult your doctor before using it.
IMPORTANT! The contraindication to the use of sea buckthorn oil is inflammation of the pancreas and liver, as well as acute cholecystitis and gallstone disease.
In natural medicine, sea buckthorn oil is also used to counteract the negative effects of X-rays and the toxic effects of medicines. All thanks to the organic acids contained in it. It is worth knowing that sea buckthorn oil was given to Russian astronauts asradiation protection .
Sea buckthorn for rheumatoid arthritis
Fruits and infusions of sea buckthorn leaves, due to the content of beta-carotene and flavonoids, are used in inflammatory conditions, including:
- digestive system,
- mucosa and gums,
- and also in the case of rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis).
The active substances contained in sea buckthorn alleviate rheumatic ailments such as pain, stiffness and limitation of joint mobility.
- Rowan: he alth properties. Rowan preserves
- GŁÓG improves heart function, lowers blood pressure,strengthens and calms
- TARNINA - healing properties and application of sloe
- Edible dogwood - medicinal properties and use of dogwood
- CALINA for menstrual pain. Properties and use of rock viburnum
- BERBERYS - healing properties and use of barberry
Sea buckthorn juice to strengthen
Recipe for the year of sea buckthorn
- A kilogram of sea-buckthorn berries - best harvested after the first frost, then they are less tart - cover with a kilogram of sugar and set aside for 7-8 hours.
- Then bring to the boil slowly and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
- Pour the juice and pour into bottles.
- After pasteurization, set aside in a dark place.
Use alone or as an addition to, for example, tea in the period of greater incidence of flu and colds.
Sea buckthorn for skin diseases
Infusions of leaves and sea buckthorn oil (in the form of compresses) are used in numerous skin diseases to speed up the healing process, incl. in burns, frostbites, bedsores, skin damage by sun rays and x-rays, in the case of difficult to heal wounds and mycoses. Interestingly, in some countries, sea buckthorn is used in skin damage caused by nuclear radiation, i.e. burns as a result of nuclear explosions.
Sea buckthorn - use in cosmetics
Sea buckthorn, due to the large dose of beta-carotene, dyes orange. Therefore, it is a natural dye added to all kinds of cosmetics - incl. for hair color rinses and self-tanners (improves and evens skin tone, giving it a golden shade).
Sea buckthorn oil is also added to shampoos and hair conditioners because, thanks to the high concentration of polyphenols, vitamins and minerals, it regenerates their structure, and thus affects the elasticity and shine of the strands. In addition, hair cosmetics with the addition of sea buckthorn oil are used as an aid in the treatment of dandruff and hair loss (because the oil stimulates hair growth).
Sea buckthorn is also added to creams, incl. those intended for the care of dry, aging skin. In addition, it is used in the production of sunbathing preparations (acts as a natural blocker of UVA and UVB rays).
It is worth knowing that sea buckthorn creams have a yellowish shade. However, after opening the package and long-term use, they lose their color. It is a natural oxidation process and does not deteriorate the properties of the cream.
Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn
Not everyone canenjoy the effects of the use of sea buckthorn - eating this plant is not recommended, among others people suffering from kidney stones and other kidney diseases. The contraindication to the use of sea buckthorn are also gastric and duodenal ulcers - the symptoms of the disease could worsen due to the fact that among the active substances present in sea buckthorn there are acids that may irritate the gastric mucosa.
Sea buckthorn - use in the kitchen
Source:ń Dobry TVN