Brussels sprouts resembles a small cabbage, but despite its miniature size, it is equal to its larger cousin in terms of properties and nutritional value. Brussels sprouts, made from the crossing of kale and head cabbage, has, among others, anti-cancer properties and may also enhance fertility. Check what other he alth-promoting effects of Brussels sprouts and how to cook them so that they are not bitter.
Brussels sprouts , or actuallyBrussels sprouts , is a vegetable whosehealing and nutritional propertiesmothers appreciate most of all. Out of concern for the he alth of their children, they try to include this vegetable in their menu. Unfortunately, the little ones don't usually like Brussels sprouts. Meanwhile, it plays an important role in their development.
This vegetable comes from Belgium (its name is associated with the capital of this country - Brussels), among others supports the child's immune system. In addition, Brussels sprouts have anti-cancer properties and may enhance fertility. Brussels sprouts should also be included in the diet of women planning a child and already pregnant, but not necessarily those who are slimming.
Brussels sprouts - anti-cancer properties
Brussels sprouts, like other cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower, have anti-cancer properties due to the content of sulforaphane, a powerful antioxidant. Sulforaphane can protect i.a. against prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and colorectal cancer, however, it will not replace the drug in the disease.
It can help after cancer treatment is over and your body recovers. It is then weakened by subsequent inflammations, and the sulforaphane contained in Brussels sprouts prevents these conditions. Sulforaphane also has antibacterial properties. Research confirms that it may be helpful in the fight againstHelicobacter pylori , a bacterium that causes stomach ulcers and has long been suspected of being associated with stomach cancer.
However, Brussels sprouts will retain their anti-cancer properties if properly cooked. Traditional high-temperature cooking destroys myrosinase, an enzyme that is necessary for the production of sulforaphane. So it's best to steam the Brussels sprouts, but not longer than 3-4 minutes. You can also eat it raw.
Worth knowingBrussels sprouts - nutritional values, calories
Raw / cooked (in 100 g) Energy value - 43/36 kcal Total protein - 3.38 / 2.55 g Fat - 0.30 / 0.50 g Carbohydrates - 8.95 / 7.10 g (including simple sugars 2.20 / 1.74) Fiber - 3.8 / 2.6 gVitaminsVitamin C - 85/62 mg Thiamine - 0.139 / 0.107 mg Riboflavin - 0.090 / 0.080 mg Niacin - 0.745 / 0.607 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.219 / 0.178 mg Folic acid - 61/60 µg Vitamin A - 754/775 IU Vitamin E - 0.88 / 0.43 mg Vitamin K - 177 / 140.3 µgMineralsCalcium - 42/36 mg Iron - 1.40 / 1.20 mg Magnesium - 23/20 mg Phosphorus - 69/56 mg Potassium - 389 / 317 mg Sodium - 25/21 mg Zinc - 0.42 / 0.33 mg Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Brussels sprouts for fertility
Including Brussels sprouts in your diet can increase fertility, argues Neema Savvides, nutrition specialist at the Harley Street Fertility Clinic in London. As Savvides argues, Brussels sprouts contain a lot of folic acid (about 61 µg / 100 g), which is responsible for sperm quality. Deficiency of this nutrient may contribute to a reduction in the amount of sperm in sperm, their mobility, and also shorten the survival time in a woman's vagina.
This is confirmed by Dr. Suzanne Young from the University of California, who in the journal "Human Reproduction" argues that men whose diets contained a lot of folic acid (and after excluding other risk factors such as lifestyle diseases, smoking or drinking large amounts of alcohol) had more normal sperm than men whose diets were low in folate.
Brussels sprouts important in the diet of pregnant women
The folic acid in Brussels sprouts is very important for women who may become pregnant, as well as those who are already expecting a baby. Folic acid deficiency may lead to the development of birth defects in a child, contribute to a reduced birth weight of the newborn, and even to miscarriage.
GOOD TO KNOW>>Folic acid important before and during pregnancy
This will be useful to you
Brussels sprouts - how to remove the bitter taste and unpleasant smell of Brussels sprouts? How to cook Brussels sprouts so that they are not bitter?Just pour a little milk into the water in which the Brussels sprouts will be cooked. In addition, remember to throw Brussels sprouts into boiling water and cook it briefly, without covering it. If the boiling Brussels sprouts are placed under the lid, the sulfur gases that accumulate in the pot will penetrate the inside of the vegetable, giving it an unpleasant taste and smell. You can also add a heel of bread to the boiling Brussels sprouts or add a pinch of cinnamon to it (this is also an option for those whosteaming). Brussels sprouts are rich in elements that regulate the heart and blood pressure, such as calcium, which is responsible for the proper pumping of blood to organs and tissues, and magnesium, which dilates the arteries and protects against a heart attack. It also contains potassium, which controls blood pressure. Author: Time S.A A balanced diet is the key to he alth and better well-being. Use JeszCoLubisz, the innovative online dietary system of the He alth Guide. Choose from thousands of recipes for he althy and tasty dishes using the benefits of nature. Enjoy an individually selected menu, constant contact with a dietitian and many other functionalities today! Brussels sprouts not for patients with hypothyroidism Brussels sprouts, like other cruciferous vegetables, are a source of compounds called sulfurocyanins. They belong to the group of substances called goiter that hinder the use of iodine from food. Therefore, people with hypothyroidism are advised not to consume Brussels sprouts. It's best to consult your doctor about including it in your diet. Source:ń Dobry TVN Brussels sprouts are a treasure trove of vitamin K, just like kale, broccoli and spinach. Its amount is proportional to the content of chlorophyll (green plant pigment), which is not lacking in these vegetables. Vitamin K has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and analgesic properties. In addition, it can inhibit the development of certain types of cancer, incl. breast, ovary, colon, gallbladder and liver. However, most importantly, vitamin K is responsible for the proper blood clotting process. It also takes part in maintaining the correct level of proteins that build bone tissue. This is why a longer vitamin K deficiency can lead to the development of osteoporosis. The glycemic index of raw Brussels sprouts=15, and of boiled sprouts - 20, therefore it can be reached by diabetics without fear. 100 g raw Brussels sprouts provide 43 kcal, even less cooked Brussels sprouts - 36 kcal. It would seem, therefore, that it is an ideal component of a slimming diet. However, keep in mind that Brussels sprouts, like other cruciferous vegetables, cause gas and gas. When in a store or at a market stall, it's best to reach forBrussels sprouts small, harder to the touch. You should also pay attention to its leaves - they should stick to each other, be light green in color and not have yellow spots. Brussels sprouts can be eaten raw, although on our tables they are usually served in vegetable soup or cooked with a roux of breadcrumbs and butter. However, in traditional Dutch cuisine the most popular is stamppot with Brussels sprouts, i.e. mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts. Source:ń Dobry TVNBrussels sprouts will regulate blood pressure and improve heart rate
What are the nutritional values of Brussels sprouts?
Brussels sprouts can prevent blood clots and osteoporosis
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