Camu camu are berries whose action and healing properties have been used in natural medicine in Latin America for hundreds of years. Camu camu berries, which belong to the group of superfoods, or superfoods, have exceptional nutritional values. First of all, they are a treasury of vitamin C, as well as beta-carotene and antioxidants. What other nutritional values do camu camu fruit have? What is their healing effect? Where can you buy them?
Camu camu(Myrciaria dubia) is a shrub that grows in South American rainforests. It produces fruit that the indigenous Amazon tribes collect, dry, and use as medicine. In natural medicine, camu camu berries areusedin the treatment of asthma, colds, edema, hepatitis and degenerative joint disease. They also help protect the brain and nervous system against degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Camu camu - a treasure trove of vitamin C
Camu camu fruit is characterized by a very high content of vitamin C. Experts agree that its amount depends on the stage of fruit ripeness. However, different researchers give different data. According to Brazilian scientists from The National Institute of Amazonian Research, 100 g of fresh, ripe fruit contains 1150 mg of vitamin C, and unripe (green) - 1230 mg .¹ In turn, according to researchers from South Korea and Bangladesh, in 100 g of ripe fruit there is 2061.01 mg of vitamin C, and 1910.31 mg / 100 g in unripe greens.2
The camu camu berries contain even more vitamin C than the famous oranges or lemons.
The differences also apply to the vitamin C content in the powdered camu camu fruit. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, 100 g of powdered camu camu berries contain 4800 mg of vitamin C. In turn, according to Brazilian scientists from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - from 11.258 to 15.363 mg of vitamin C.3
Vitamin C supports the body's immunity. It is also an effective antioxidant that improves the functioning of the circulatory system - it prevents atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of stroke. It also has potential anti-cancer effects. It is also one of the guarantors of efficient and strong bones andjoints. If you are struggling with symptoms of vitamin C deficiency, such as weakness, fatigue, lack of appetite, tendency to bruise, bleeding gums, muscle and joint pain, reach for preparations based on camu camu to quickly balance its levels in the body.
Worth knowingOther nutritional values of camu camu (in 100 g of fresh unripe / ripe fruit)Carbohydrates - 7.9 / 8.6 g, including
- fructose: 0.3 / 0.7 g - glucose: 0.2 / 0.5 g
Protein - 0.53 / 0.71 g Fiber - 2.50 / 2.40 gVitamins and mineralsRiboflavin - 0.09 / 0.09 mg Niacin - 470/680 μg Beta carotene - 0.113 / 0.147 mg Calcium - 12.1 / 13.2 mgSodium - 2.66 / 3.45 mg
Polyphenols - 1380/1280 mg
Source: Jaime Paiva Lopes Aguiar, Francisca das Chagas do Amaral Souza, Camu-Camu super fruit (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K) Mc Vaugh) at different maturity stages, "African Journal of Agricultural Research" 2016, Vol. 11 (28)
Nutritional value of camu camu (in 100 g of powder)Energy value - 10 kcal Carbohydrates - 3 g Fiber - 1.0 gVitamins and mineralsNiacin - 0.200 mg Potassium - 26 mg Data source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Camu camu strengthens the immune system
Camu camu is a rich source of not only vitamin C. Scientific research has shown that camu camu flesh is also rich in flavonoids. In total, more than 30 phenolic compounds have been distinguished. Thanks to their content, consumption of camu camu fruit slows down the aging process and strengthens the immune system .²
Camu camu can prevent heart disease
The high content of carotenoids (45-55% of which is lutein) makes the camu camu fruit reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. ² Carotenoids lower the level of bad cholesterol, and thus - prevent atherosclerosis, and further heart disease such as heart attack and stroke.
Vitamin C also cares for the proper functioning of the heart, seals and strengthens blood vessels, which prevents the easy formation of bruises, bleeding or bleeding gums. It also inhibits the oxidation of "bad" LDL cholesterol, and thus - reduces atherosclerotic changes. In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in the regulation of blood pressure.
Camu camu for he althy eyes
Carotenoids also ensure the proper functioning of the eyesight, especially at dusk. Vitamin A, into which beta-carotene (one of the carotenoids in camu camu fruit) is converted, is a component of the visual pigment found in the retina of the eye, which allows you to see in twilight.
Carotenoids also protect the retina fromdamage caused by free radicals. Their deficiency in the diet may be one of the risk factors for the development of AMD, i.e. macular degeneration.
Worth knowingCamu camu - where to buy? What's the price?Due to the delicate structure of the flesh, camu camu fruits do not tolerate the conditions of storage and long transport. Therefore, they require quick processing into juices, frozen concentrates or powdered preparations. In Polish stores, camu camu berries are available in the form of:
- powdered extract - the price ranges from 35 to even over PLN 100 (the price depends on the quantity, whether it is a BIO product, organic, etc.). It can be mixed with water. Recommended daily dose: 3 g per day (one flat spoon)
- juice - for 500 ml of juice you have to pay from 20 to 30 PLN
- tablets - prices range from 25 to even 100 PLN per package (depends on the number of tablets and the content of camu camu fruit extract)
Camu camu - use in the kitchen
Camu camu berries are small, red-purple fruits that resemble cherries, and their color is similar to the color of ripening plums. They are used for the production of juices and concentrated pulp. The collected fruits are frozen and even if the content of ingredients is reduced by half in this process, camu camu still has a great advantage over other fruits in terms of their content. Due to the high content of vitamin C, camu camu can be used to enrich products such as fruit juices, nectars, jams, ice cream, yoghurts and isotonic drinks.
Dietitian about superfoods: It's nice to make friends with new products, but with some distance
Source:ń Dobry TVN
1. Jaime Paiva Lopes Aguiar, Francisca das Chagas do Amaral Souza, Camu-Camu super fruit (Myrciaria dubia (H.B.K) Mc Vaugh) at different maturity stages, "African Journal of Agricultural Research" 2016, Vol. 11 (28), www.academicjournals .org / journal / AJAR / article-full-text-pdf / D8EEA9259407
2. Mst. Sorifa Akter a, Sejong Oh b, Jong-Bang Eun a, Maruf Ahmed, Nutritional compositions and he alth promoting phytochemicals of camu-camu (myrciaria dubia) fruit: A review, "Food Research International" 2011
3. Influence of shell material on vitamin C content, total phenolic compounds, sorption isotherms and particle size of spray-dried camu-camu juice, "Fruits, The International Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Horticulture" 2013,
4. Gębusia A., Cieślik E., Characteristics of he alth-promoting properties of exotic plant fruits, "Postępy Phytoterapii" 2012, No. 2