Winter is the best time of the year to binge on citrus. They are the tastiest and provide plenty of vitamin C. Lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, pomelo - which citrus fruit is the he althiest? However, the high content of vitamin C is not their only advantage. Aromatic, sun-filled citrus will strengthen the body, give energy and help fight the winter blues.
Winter is the best time for us forcitrus ! Grapefruits, oranges, mandarins and lemons should be on our table every day. Not because they have the most vitamin C. Eating one grapefruit a day systematically protects against cancer and heart disease. The juice of one lemon will relieve heartburn. The essential oils released when peeling a mandarin or orange will relax and improve your mood.
How much vitamin C does citrus have?
Citruslose in this respect with, for example, blackcurrant, rosehip or parsley. However, it does not change the fact that there is a lot of vitamin C in citrus fruits (one orange or two mandarins cover the daily requirement for this vitamin).Vitamin Cstrengthens immunity, participates in the synthesis of red blood cells, improves the complexion. It is also a very strong antioxidant. It is worth knowing that the white parts of the peel of citrus fruits contain flavonoids, which, by slowing down the oxidation of vitamin C, increase its absorption, so you should not carefully peel the fruit before eating.
Vitamin C content in citrus(per 100 g):
- pomelo - 61 mg
- lemon - 53 mg
- orange - 50 mg
- red grapefruit - 38 mg
- white grapefruit - 34 mg
- lime - 29 mg
- mandarin - 27 mg
Source: USDA National Nutrient Database
Citrus is the he althiest in winter
We also have citrus in summer. But then they come from far away - from South Africa and America, Australia. The fruit sold in winter is now ripening in the Northern Hemisphere. Most often you can buy Spanish mandarins and oranges, Turkish lemons and grapefruits, and Israeli grapefruits. Citrus from overseas flow for a few weeks, European ones reach our tables within 2-5 days of harvesting. They are fresh and more valuable, because they are not tired from traveling.
Before you buyfruit, look at it carefully. Each furrow, stain may indicate an illness or a started putrefactive process. The highest quality is the fruit of the extra class - without defects, the first class - slight defects in shape, color or skin caused during the formation of the fruit, second class - damaged skin.
He alth benefits of citrus
Note the chemistry in citrus!
All citrus and tissue paper they are wrapped in are coated with chemicals. Therefore, before eating the fruit, you need to thoroughly scrub the fruit with a brush, and then wash your hands (chemicals can get inside through the damaged peel and cause an allergic reaction). Peel the citrus and eat it whole, because there are many valuable ingredients in the membranes separating the particles and the white part under the skin.
Don't do thatRemember that citrus fruit juice - especially grapefruit juice - should not be washed down with medications, as it may interfere with their effect!
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