For many people, skin allergy is a huge problem. Rash, itching, red spots do not add beauty. Fortunately, ailments related to skin allergy can be successfully de alt with. What factors trigger a skin allergy? What are the symptoms of a skin allergy?
Skin allergyis unpleasant and embarrassing.Rashappearing on the skin, hives,itching , and then discoloration spoils the good appearance and irritates. Withskin allergy , proper prophylaxis is the most important. Using the right cosmetics, washing powders and softeners are actions that can be easily taken and will bring relief to allergy sufferers.
Symptoms of skin allergies
The symptoms of skin allergy are mainly eczema. They are red lumps that appear on the skin and open and ooze quite quickly. Apart from the lumps, there may be severe itching or burning.Skin allergyalso causes skin roughness and peeling followed by hardening and painful cracks. Rashes are one of the basic symptoms that indicate an allergic disease. They appear as the body's reaction to skin allergens that act through direct contact. However, allergic rashes can sometimes be caused by foods and medications. The most common rash is urticaria. Despite its prevalence, it is difficult to determine what causes it. If it occurs locally, it was probably caused by direct contact of the allergen with that area of the skin. If it spreads throughout the body, it means the triggering agent or allergen has entered the bloodstream somehow.
What can trigger a skin allergy?
Allergic rashes are caused by many factors. One of the more common are plants. Poison ivy, sumac, and oak are plants whose oily resin triggers a reaction, and in people with severe allergies, a surprisingly small amount of this substance can cause an unpleasant rash. Sometimes it is enough to touch the clothing or animals that are exposed. Scratching or breaking the blisters does not spread the rash because the blisters do not contain any irritating resin. However, this should not be done becausescratching skin lesions causes their irritation. However, the most common causes of allergies are cosmetics and chemical compounds. The reaction can be triggered by make-up agents, lipstick, perfumes, hair dyes, soaps, shampoos. Sometimes it is enough to contact a person who uses perfumes for an allergic reaction to occur. Formaldehyde is the most allergenic among the chemical compounds. It is a substance that can release as an odorless gas from items such as veneer panels, insulation, furniture, rugs, clothing and even car exhaust fumes. Other common causes of allergies are metals or drugs.
Treatment of skin allergies
The key is to avoid allergens. In addition, in the treatment of skin allergy, new generation antihistamines - cetirizine, levocetirizine, loratadine, desloratadine, and fexofenadine - work well. If the itch is extremely troublesome, your doctor may suggest combining them with first-generation medications that not only alleviate the itching, but also have a calming effect.
In severe cases of urticaria (especially when angioedema occurs), the doctor may decide to administer oral glucocorticosteroids (those in ointments are prescribed very rarely) - they are used as short as possible, because their use is associated with numerous side effects.
Daily prophylaxis in the case of skin allergies
With all skin allergies, it is recommended to visit a doctor and follow his recommendations, but some actions can also be taken on your own. Such activities include, for example, washing clothes. Fortunately, there are many skin-friendly products on the market today. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic detergents in the form of powder and liquid. In the case of stain removal soap to remove stains from white and colored fabrics, bedding and carpets, you need to use products that are based on many research and have a carefully formulated formula. Such a formula should be based on 100% soap. natural. Then you can be sure that the soap has positive dermatological test results, which means that it is skin-friendly and does not cause irritation. As a natural product, it is also safe for the environment.