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Colic can catch any of us. Both infants and adults have colic. These are sharp pains caused by contractions of the walls of organs, such as the intestines or urinary tract. What causes colic attacks and how to deal with them?

Colicis a sharpcramp paincaused by the shrinkage of the organ walls from the so-called light, i.e. the ureter, biliary tract or intestine. Such pain may also occur when the organ's lumen is blocked, e.g. by a moving kidney or gall stone. The colic usually goes away on its own, but sometimes - especially whenthe colic attacksrepeat - drug treatment or surgery is needed to stop it bothering us.

Colic after exercise

In slightly older children and adults, the so-calledharmless colic . Most often it catches us during a longer, intense run. It is usually located in the left hypochondrium. It is a normal reaction of the body, because when running, especially shortly after eating, the mesentery (the fold of the peritoneum on the back wall of the abdomen, on which the intestines are suspended) stretches, causing the smooth muscles of the intestines to contract. This is what causes colic. The pain is located in the left hypochondrium because the contraction of the muscles pushes blood from the intestines into the spleen. It then increases in size, as a result of which the splenic capsule is painfully stretched.

  • Colic after exercise - how to prevent

Harmless colic does not require treatment. It is enough to make sure that you do runs systematically and at least an hour after a meal.

  • Colic after exercise - which will bring relief

Once you catch the colic, you can bend down a little, breathe rhythmically and just wait out the attack.

Colic after eating

It is most often the result of intestinal distension which causes the smooth muscles to contract. It can occur when - e.g. during greedy, nervous eating - we swallow a lot of air or have constipation, which irritate the intestines and increase their cramps.

  • Colic after eating - how to prevent

First of all, you need to get into the habit of eating your meals slowly, slowly, without unnecessary conversations. It is also effective to drink at least two liters of fluid a day (non-carbonated mineral waters are the best,herbal teas, chilled boiled water with lemon) and eating plenty of baked fruits and vegetables (because it prevents constipation and facilitates bowel movements).

  • Colic after eating - which will bring relief

With the intestinal colic, unfasten the strap and lie down for at least a quarter of an hour. A warm compress (e.g. a hot water bottle) on the lower abdomen will also help.


Fennel fruit infusion soothes colic accompanying indigestion. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and slightly laxative properties. Half a tablespoon of crushed fennel fruit should be poured with a glass of boiling water and set aside, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain and drink 2 times a day: adults for half a glass, and for small children a teaspoon.

Hepatic (biliary) colic

Hepatic (biliary) colic appears in the right hypochondrium or epigastric region. The pain comes suddenly and it is very strong. It radiates to the right shoulder blade and is sometimes girdling. Hepatic colic is a symptom of cholecystolithiasis or cholecystitis. Deposits that form in the bubble may close its mouth. Inside, the smooth muscles contract, causing colic. Symptoms usually appear after eating something fatty, fried. These foods cause the follicle to tighten to push out the bile, which helps digest fats. However, if the stone is so large that it prevents bile from escaping, the contractions become stronger and stronger. When the stone permanently clogs the exit of the gallbladder or enters and blocks the bile ducts, serious complications may occur, requiring surgical intervention. Therefore, if we experience colic pain after eating something fatty, we need to perform blood tests, ultrasound of the liver and bile ducts, sometimes X-ray or computed tomography and start treatment. This can be pharmacotherapy, breaking stones with ultrasound waves or removing the gallbladder.

  • Hepatic colic - how to prevent

You should follow a diet rich in fiber and reduce the amount of animal fats you eat to a minimum.

  • Hepatic colic - for relief

You can alleviate suffering by putting a warm compress on your stomach and taking a diastolic, analgesic suppository, or one of the homeopathic remedies. In herbal stores there are ready-made preparations of celandine and turmeric, recommended by herbalists for bouts of biliary colic.

Renal colic

Pain in the lumbar region, radiating forward to the symphysis pubis, most often signals nephrolithiasis. Renal colic is a painful urinary tract that spasmsare caused by the movement of the stone. It is usually accompanied by a painful urge to urinate and the need to pass it very often, but in small amounts. Most often, renal colic resolves as the stone moves into the pelvis or bladder. When a stone is up to 7 mm in diameter, it is usually "born". The recurring colic then stops appearing. However, if the stone gets stuck in the urinary system, the pain can be overwhelming.

To find out if kidney stones are causing pain, your doctor will usually order blood and urine tests, and X-rays of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Sometimes, ultrasound of the kidneys and urinary tract is also useful for making a diagnosis. The smaller stones are usually excreted on their own (so-called birth). Sometimes, for example, lithotripsy is used, i.e. breaking them with ultrasound to make it easier to remove the crumbs, and sometimes it is necessary to remove the deposits by surgery (traditional or laparoscopic technique).

  • Renal colic - how to prevent

It is worth drinking at least two liters of fluids a day, e.g. still mineral water low in calcium and sodium. Herbalists recommend teas made of horsetail herb, birch leaves or juniper fruit. They have diuretic properties, and when flushing the ureters, sand and small pebbles are often "born".

  • Renal colic - for relief

During an attack, it is good to take painkillers and relaxants, lie down in the most comfortable position (often the so-called embryonic position helps - on the side with curled legs) and warm up the sore spots with a warm hot water bottle or an electric pillow. It is also a relief to immerse yourself in a bathtub filled with very warm water.

You must do it

If you have colic:

  1. Loosen clothes: undo belt, collar and anything that constricts and makes breathing difficult for you.
  2. Make yourself comfortable (sometimes it helps to adopt a so-called embryonic position).
  3. Drink a glass of boiled warm water or an infusion of herbs such as chamomile or fennel.
  4. Take a warm bath or a warming shower.
  5. Put a warm hot water bottle or electric pillow on your stomach. Take a painkiller, a diastolic.

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