Lebanese sage and its he alth benefits have been known for centuries in the Balkans and the Middle East. Now it is gaining more and more popularity also in our country. Iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, flavonoids, tannins, copper - all these minerals are contained in Lebanese sage.
Lebanese sageis also known asgojnikormountain tea . This inconspicuous-looking plant hides a number of pro-he alth benefits, so it's no wonder that it is so popular in the countries where it occurs. An infusion of Lebanese sage can be drunk daily for preventive purposes, because it has a positive effect on the immune system - it increases natural immunity, but also reduces the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, quickly regenerates strength, adds energy and increases vitality. In folk medicine, however, Lebanese sage is used primarily for specific ailments, because it is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Lebanese sage: for cough, stomach and nerves
The range of diseases that the horse helps with is very wide. It is used for:
- during seasonal colds
- in flu
- Supportive in bronchitis or sinusitis, because it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract, and additionally, thanks to the fact that it increases immunity, it shortens the duration of infection.
It is worth reaching for when you have a cough - it also acts as an antitussive. Often, Lebanese sage is also used in the case of gastrointestinal disorders, kidney problems (the presence of kidney stones or mild urinary tract infections), because it has a cleansing effect. In some regions of the Balkans, the infusion of gentian is recommended for problems with the circulatory system, because drunk systematically regulates blood pressure and prevents anemia. It also has antifungal properties, which is why it is recommended in the case of candida infection, which causes mycosis.
What's more - mountain tea is also recommended in the case of excessive nervousness and mood disorders. It turns out that Lebanese sage has calming properties, and studies conducted a few years ago showed that it also affects the levels of serotonin and dopamine, thus regulating the work of the nervous system.
Scientists have also shown that the helium can contribute to plaque removalproteins in the brain, if the research is confirmed, it could be used as an adjunct in diseases such as senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
Lebanese sage: preferably whole
Lebanese sage is a rich source of iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, tannins, copper and other minerals that have a positive effect on our he alth and well-being. Thanks to the content of, among others flavonoids is also an excellent antioxidant, which means it helps to maintain a youthful appearance.
Antioxidants (antioxidants) on the one hand stimulate collagen synthesis, on the other hand they catch and neutralize free radicals that damage cells and accelerate skin aging processes.
To take full advantage of all the properties of Lebanese sage, you need to properly prepare the infusion. It is worth paying attention to buying the dried herb whole, and not powdered or mixed, because thanks to this it retains all its pro-he alth benefits.
Lebanese sage: how to brew?
Dried flowers (the herb should fit on a large spoon), pour hot water (95-100 degrees C) and leave it to brew for 5-10 minutes. After straining, the prepared drink can be drunk alone or you can add a little lemon, a leaf of mint or lemon balm, ginger or honey. You can also prepare a decoction, i.e. pour one tablespoon of herb with water, bring to a boil and cook for three minutes. The drink can be drunk both hot and cooled, then it has one more advantage - it effectively quenches thirst.
Worth knowingThere are no contraindications for drinking Lebanese sage infusion, so it's best to find out about its properties. Only pregnant women should be careful, because there are no studies showing the effect of the herb on the developing fetus. Others can eat it every day. Prophylactically, it is best not to exceed one cup a day, maximum two or three, when drinking the infusion in diseases. As with most herbs, you also need to consume the berry systematically to bring the expected results.