Trout appears in various guises in traditional cuisine. An old Polish delicacy was the forgotten “blue” trout, boiled with vinegar and served in freshly baked loaves of bread. Trout is one of the most delicious freshwater fish and has many he alth benefits.
Troutlikes clean rivers and mountain streams the most. Among the numerous species in Poland, there is the brown trout, the spring trout and the rainbow trout most available on our market, bred on fish farms.
How to buy a good trout?
It is best to choose small fish, up to 20 grams (they are a portion for one person). Larger ones may be overfed or old and are not as tasty as small fish. Caught fish spoil quickly because their meat contains a lot of water. It is best to buy directly from the breeder. When buying fresh trout, pay attention to the fact that the scale is smooth, shiny and tight to the skin, that the mucus is not sticky, and that the eyes are shiny and protruding. It's best to prepare fresh fish right away. After preparing them, they should be seasoned with s alt, then - before they go to the pan - they can lie in the refrigerator for overnight.
Trout: nutritional values
Trout has pale pink, delicate lean flesh and provides the most valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which play an important role in the prevention of heart and circulatory system diseases, of freshwater fish. It is the only freshwater fish recommended by nutritionists to people with cardiovascular problems. Two servings of trout (200 g each) per week will satisfy the needs of EPA and DHA in heart patients. This is good news for those who do not like oily sea fish - trout will replace them. Trout provides wholesome protein that is equal in composition to that contained in meat and is easier to digest (98%), at the same time has few calories (stream trout 97 kcal, rainbow trout - 160 kcal), a lot of phosphorus, selenium, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium. It contains a lot of water-soluble B vitamins, and less fat-soluble vitamins than fatty fish: A (essential for the eyes), D (along with phosphorus and calcium, shapes the bones, affects the growth and renewal of cells) and E (along with acids omega-3 smoothes the skin, making it look young.)
>>Also read:
- Sea fish - which species are edible?
- Cod -nutritional values and he alth properties
- Eating FISH while pregnant: should fish and seafood disappear from the mother's diet?
Fish - which is worth eating and avoiding
Roasted, boiled, grilled trout
Steamed, grilled or oven-baked trout are easily digestible and the least calorific. They are also perfect for cooking in water. Pour them over with boiling vegetable stock or put into it (back side up) and simmer, covered, for about 15 minutes. To keep the blue color and firmness, wine vinegar or lemon juice (a teaspoon per liter of water) is added to the decoction. Unfortunately, some nutrients (B vitamins) get into the water during cooking, so fish prepared in this way lose some of their value.
You can bake whole fish or fillets, preferably with the addition of fresh herbs - the dish will gain more flavor. Trout meat is suitable for meatballs, meatloaf, medallions. The fish can be baked with peppers, tomatoes or a hard-boiled egg, stewed in wine with vegetables or mushrooms. For grilling it is best to use a special basket. It is shaped like a fish, so the trout sticks well to it, which makes it easy to turn. If you want to bake directly on the wire rack, place a tray on which the fat will drip (burning in a fire can release harmful compounds). It is a good idea to marinate the fish in olive oil and spices beforehand.
Many people love pan-fried trout, served with garlic or herb butter. Unfortunately, fried fish, especially breaded fish, are more caloric and difficult to digest (60-70% of the fat goes from the pan to the fish). It is best to fry in olive oil or well-heated rapeseed oil. These fats do not solidify after cooling down, so the fish served cold does not have an oily layer on top. Before frying (cooking), cut the skin so that the pieces of the fish do not deform when exposed to high temperatures (the skin contracts more than the meat). Fried fish may be eaten on special occasions, it should be avoided by the elderly, with digestive ailments and on a low-calorie diet.
Smoked trout
Trout is usually smoked whole. They have a golden, slightly wrinkled skin that is easy to peel off, and pink, tender flesh with a smoky flavor. Smoked fish are more fat and difficult to digest. They contain a lot of sodium and smoke components, which can be harmful in large amounts. That is why smoked meats should be only a tasty addition to the diet. This is especially true for people with peptic ulcer disease. Due to the fact that smoked fish contains a lot of s alt, people withhypertension, kidney disease and arthritis.
Choose fish that smells like smoke, and has dense flesh. The supermarket ones are usually smoked not in the traditional way, but with the use of chemicals. Smoked trout tastes good sprinkled with lemon, it is suitable for spreads and salads.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreThis will be useful to youTrout recipes
Trout baked in spinach
- 2 trout (200 g each)
- 1/2 kg of spinach
- teaspoon of butter
- a tablespoon of lemon juice and oil
- 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
- s alt, pepper
Washed fish, sprinkle with s alt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and oil, and set aside for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Dip the spinach leaves in boiling, then cold water and dry. Put a piece of butter and a spoonful of greens in each fish. Wrap the fish in spinach leaves. Bake at 200ºC for about 20 minutes.
See also: Recipe for trout in jelly
Trout in gooseberry sauce
- 2 trout
- lemon juice
- tablespoon of flour
- spoon of oil
- 2 tablespoons of almond flakes
- 20 dag gooseberries
- teaspoon of butter
- 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
- spoon of honey
- s alt, pepper
Rub the fillets with s alt and pepper, drizzle with lemon juice, put in the fridge for an hour. Coat in flour and fry in hot oil. Prepare the sauce: pour boiling water over the gooseberries, simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. When it is soft, mix it with ginger, butter and honey and heat it up. Place the fried fillets in a heat-resistant dish, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with flakes, and put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for a few minutes.
Marinated trout
- 2 trout
- 3/4 cup of wine vinegar and white wine
- 1/2 teaspoon each of thyme and basil
- teaspoon chopped parsley
- large onion
- 4-5 peppercorns
- tablespoon of flour
- spoon of oil
Coat the trouts in flour and fry them in oil for 5 minutes on each side, put them in a stone pot. Pour vinegar and wine into the pan, add the sliced onion and spices, and stew, covered, over low heat for 15 minutes. Pour itfish with hot marinade, cover the dish and set aside for a few days in a cool place.
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