Energy drinks have a large following. However, warnings are heard every now and then, so it's better to abandon them. Some countries, such as Denmark and Norway, have banned their sale. In France, energy drinks finally hit the market, but the label must show who they might be harming. What are the ingredients of energy drinks? Why do experts think they are harmful?
Energy drinks , energizing drinks, energizing drinks - these are the most common names for energy drinks. The name implies that their task is to provide the body with energy that is to be easily and quickly absorbed. It aims to instantly improve the mental and physical condition of a person.
Meanwhile, experts from the Food and Nutrition Institute say, it's not like that. The human body draws energy from the burning of carbohydrates, proteins and fats obtained from food. Inenergy drinksof these ingredients there is only glucose (from carbohydrates), and not in such amounts that it could have a significant effect on stimulating the body.
Energy drinks - wrong proportions
What to stimulate in energizers comes fromcaffeine(in large amounts) and taurine, which is an amino acid. There are also synthetic vitamins, mainly from the B group. But that's not all. Depending on the manufacturer and the type of energizer, such drinks may contain many other stimulating substances, mainly of plant origin.
He alth risk may be posed not only by the substances themselves, but also by the proportions in which they were composed. Some amateurs of these drinks believe that they can be an excellent source of B vitamins. However, this is not true. Vitamins contained in energizers absolutely cannot replace those found in natural food, besides, they are poorly absorbed.
Energy drinks increase the risk of heart attack and stroke
Scientists warn that energy drinks are dangerous not only to he alth, but also to life. And it only takes one can to get a heart attack - Australian scientists are alarming. This applies to both older and quite young people. Many American schools have banned the sale and consumption of energy drinks afterIt was observed that after consuming them, students experienced heart palpitations, nausea and other symptoms typical of a heart attack.
Some scientists, such as Dr. Kathleen Miller of the University of Buffalo, point to yet another disturbing issue. She found a link between the consumption of energizers and the increasing level of aggression in adolescents. In her opinion, a particular culprit here is caffeine, the content of which in energy drinks is many times more than what the body can absorb, even 10 times more. The risk is also increased by mixing energizers with alcohol, which is fashionable among young people.
Caffeine makes you feel less drunk, thinks you think well, has everything under control, while your movements are uncoordinated and more distracted. And in such a state, you can do a lot more stupid things. It is also worrying that sometimes energy drinks are sold in the so-called cross-selling or promotions - e.g. a bottle of alcohol and a can of energizer. And the explosive mixture is ready.
ImportantNote! If you have to reach for an energizer, don't drink it straight from the fridge. The low temperature makes you drink them faster and more, which means more caffeine in the body. That is why coffee is served warm and in small cups.
When to drink energy drinks?
Even people who have hearts like bells and don't complain about anything shouldn't drink such drinks too often. He althy people can use them only in emergency situations, e.g. before an important exam or during a strenuous journey. Children, adolescents, pregnant women, people suffering from heart diseases, nervous system, migraines, hyperthyroidism (these are only some contraindications) should avoid this type of drink.
If you need to clear your mind immediately, even better to drink a cup of coffee, and when it is not, a glass of orange juice (orange juice has a stimulating effect on the brain and its cognition). In such cases, you can also eat a piece of dark chocolate, suck on a hard candy or even take a few deep breaths with the window open. You should remember that energy drinks should not be consumed simultaneously not only with alcohol, but also with other drinks containing caffeine, e.g. coca cola.
And one more important thing. Energizers are used to stimulate the mind, while in the case of physical exhaustion, isotonic drinks are recommended. Because while in the former there is a lot of caffeine, in the latter there should be no caffeine, but there are a lot of micronutrients, mainly potassium and magnesium. that is, thosewhich are washed out of the body along with sweat during exercise.