The motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca L.) is a plant whose healing properties were used already in antiquity. What are the indications for the use of motherwort? How to use them and what side effects may occur?
Serdecznik common( Leonurus cardiacaL.) has many names in Polish: lion's tail, lion's heart, goose foot or fox tail. The plant is common throughout Europe and Turkey. The motherwort is also commonly grown in North and South America and Australia.

In Poland, it is most often found in lowland areas. It grows wild in roadsides, rubble and dry pastures, especially in sunny and calcium-rich places. The plant has pinkish-purple flowers growing from the axils of the upper leaves. It blooms from June to August. It gives off a fairly strong, unpleasant smell. It grows even up to 120 cm.
The motherwort is a species of perennial plant that belongs to the Lyme family. There are numerous relationships in the cordial, including:
- bufadienolide glycosides (bufadienolides are classified as cardiac glycosides)
- choline
- tannins
- alkaloids (stachydrin)
- amine compound (guanidine derivative)
- leonurine
- saponins
- flavonoids
- essential oil
- anthocyanins
- iridoid compounds
- mineral s alts (calcium, potassium, silicon)
- organic acids
- triterpenes
- resins
They make the herb have numerous healing properties. It is a component of cardiac, sedative and diuretic mixtures. It is quite often combined with valerian root and hawthorn in mixtures that strengthen the tone of the heart muscle and lower blood pressure.
It is also considered an anti-asthma agent. It is also believed to have antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, it is a honey plant.
Serdecznik - healing properties
The raw material used in medicine is motherwort herb (from LatinHerba Leonuri cardiacae ). They are usually leafy shoots with flowers that are cut at the end of flowering and dried in an airy and shaded place. The drying temperature should not exceed 35 degrees.C.
The herb motherwort is used in cardiovascular diseases, including it is recommended in mild tachycardia as a cardiotonic drug. It increases blood flow to the heart, strengthens tension and alleviates heart muscle disorders, and lowers the pulse frequency.
The motherwort has a hypotensive effect, i.e. it lowers blood pressure. It is recommended for weakened people who tire quickly, struggling with heart pains and atherosclerosis.
It is used in cardiovascular neuroses, in the early stages of hypertensive diseases and in mild cases of angina and Basedow's disease.
The motherwort is also recommended for migraines and depression because it has calming properties. It acts on the central and vegetative nervous system. It regulates the work of the heart during stress.
It is also often recommended for treating PMS and relieving menopausal symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, crying, nervousness, shortness of breath and headache and dizziness.
The herb stimulates the formation of digestive juices, which is why it is recommended for digestive disorders.
It also has weak diuretic, carminative and antispasmodic properties, which herbalists use to relieve abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. It can also be used to relieve painful periods.
Common motherwort is also recommended for alleviating many diseases of the respiratory system. It can be helpful in bronchitis and asthma, persistent cough, chest pain and breathing disorders appearing during attacks of hysteria and in states of nervous disorders.
The motherwort can be used in the form of compresses (leaves scalded with boiling water) on sore breasts in nursing women. The decoction prepared from the plant can be used to wash wounds, burns, cuts and skin irritations because it has an astringent effect. The decoction added to the bath will help you relax, rest and soothe all skin inflammations.
Serdecznik - side effects
Consumption of more than 3 g of powdered motherwort extract in a single dose may result in diarrhea, headache, uterine bleeding or irritation (inflammation) of the stomach.
Serdecznik - how to use?
The herb can be used to prepare an infusion or tincture. If we want to take the motherwort orally, pour 2 teaspoons of dry leaves into 250 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 5 minutes.
The mixture must be cooled down, strained and consumed 3-5 times a tablespoondaily, before eating.
To prepare a spirit tincture you need 2 teaspoons of dry and ground herb pour 50 ml of vodka. The mixture is left to stretch for 7-10 days, strained and consumed 30-40 drops, 3-4 times a day, before eating.