A dog bite requires immediate medical attention, even if the animal's attack results in only superficial wounds. The doctor should clean and dress the wounds and - most importantly - administer a tetanus vaccine and implement rabies prophylaxis. Check what to do in case of a dog bite, what first aid looks like and how to treat the injured person.
A dog bitecan only end up with superficial scratches and abrasions or extensive and deep wounds that pose a direct threat to life. Most often, however, many wounds are bitten and lacerated of varying degrees of extent.
At times they may appear small, but they should not be taken lightly as they may turn out to be deep. In older children and adults, leg bites are the most common, but in young children the upper body - the head, face and neck - is usually injured.
Dog bite - what to do?
When the dog starts attacking, and there is no place nearby where you can protect yourself from it, stand still and cover the neck with your hands so that the arms are tightly pressed against the neck - then the elbows will cover the face. Under no circumstances should you run away, as it will awaken the hunting instinct in the animal and may increase its aggression.
Dog bite - first aid
If possible, wash the wound for approx.5 minutes with water and soap(preferably antibacterial). The next step isdisinfect the woundand wrap it withwith a bandage . Then go todoctoras soon as possible.
If water and soap are not available, the wound should be cleaned of the dog's saliva and allowedto bleed for a few minutes . In this way, you can get rid of bacteria that have entered the body as a result of biting.
Dog bite - treatment
The victim should be given thetetanus vaccine(due to the risk of tetanus infection), provided that5 years have passed since the last dose. Otherwise (this especially applies to children who are vaccinated in accordance with the Immunization Program), you can withdraw fromvaccines, because the vaccinated person is already protected and does not require additional prophylaxis.
It is also mandatory to implementrabies prevention . In addition, the doctor should clean and dress the wound. Usuallyantibiotic treatmentis indicated (except for superficial wounds). At home, you should closely monitor the wound healing process and change dressings regularly.
Dog bites - rabies prevention
According to the information included in the appendix to the Statement of the Chief Sanitary Inspector of October 31, 2013 on the Protective Vaccination Program for 2014, after a dog bites the rabies vaccine is administered according to the following scheme:
Type of contact with the animal | At the time of exposure | He alth status of the dog during the 15-day veterinary observation | Prevention |
Slip on damaged skin, light bites and scratches | 1. he althy animal 2. animal suspected of rabies 3. mad, wild, unknown, unexplored animal | 1. rabies symptoms 2. he althy animal (unconfirmed symptoms) 3. - | 1. commencement of administration of the vaccine when signs of rabies are observed in animal 2. start vaccination immediately - stop when animal is he althy 3. immediate start of vaccination |
Deep bites, scratches, slimy mucous membranes | 1. he althy animal 2. animal suspected of rabies 3. mad, wild, unknown, unexplored animal | 1. rabies symptoms 2. he althy animal (unconfirmed symptoms) 3. - | 1. Immediate initiation of vaccine + specific immunoglobulin (or serum) 2. Immediate start of administration of the vaccine + specific immunoglobulin (or serum) - discontinue when the animal proves he althy 3. Immediate initiation of vaccine + specific immunoglobulin (or serum) |
The initiation of post-exposure treatment may be postponed until the dog is confirmed rabies if the animal showed no signs of disease at the time of exposure. Therefore, it is important to determine if the dog has beenrabies vaccinated . If the owner does not want to show a document that would prove it, callmunicipal policeorpolicefor help. The animal must be examined immediately byvet .
Dog bites - how to avoid them?
1. Notyou shouldwalk up to the dogand pet it if the owner is not around.
2. Better not to approachfemale dogs with young .
3. Do not take your dogthe itemit is playing with.
4. Do not approach a dog thateats .
5. You shouldn'tfeed an unfamiliar dog .
6. Do not approach the dogtied to , in a cage or behind a fence.
7. If the dog is aggressive, do not showfear and nervousnessand do not make any jerky movements as this may be considered a threat by the animal.
8. You shouldavoid the dog's eyesightas it is a challenge.
9. The biggest mistake isrunning away from the dog , as this awakens the animal's hunting instincts and increases the risk of being bitten.
10. Do not leaveyour dog and childunattended by adults.