In modern societies, young and energetic people are in the lead. It doesn't mean that when you get close to … your tenth birthday, you have to sit in a corner and forget about all your crazy ideas. The menopause doesn't have to be goodbye to femininity and an attractive appearance. Take care of yourself, change your diet and do not forget about the daily amount of exercise, and you will survive the menopause without any problems.
Menopauseis no reason to give up learning and trying new things that will not only help you survive the changes, but also enjoy life in a new, more complete way. As part of the nationwide campaign "Stay yourself", a questionnaire was conducted to find out how women themselves perceive the time of entering menopause. Most of the respondents mentioned the negative effects of this period in one breath: hot flashes, insomnia, mood changes, lack of physical attractiveness, diseases. Only a few admitted that in their opinion it was time for them, that they would finally be able to live according to their own scenario. Such an attitude is commendable and propagated. It is not hard to sit and complain. The trick is the changes that will be your personal menopause therapy. How to do it?
It is worth taking care of your well-being during menopause
Menopause is not the end of femininity at all. On the contrary - you can be like a rose bloomed that everyone will admire. Sit in front of the mirror and talk to yourself. Look at yourself critically, but without unnecessary criticism. Forget about the wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, because women over 35 also often have them. Imperfect figure? This is an out-of-the-box problem, because many women younger than you are just fat. Your slightly overweight is nothing! If you lose too much weight, you will no longer be an appetizing chubby woman, but a woman with sagging skin. If you have any concerns about makeup and hairstyles, make an appointment with a makeup artist (the visit costs around PLN 100), who will tell you what to change in terms of color and hair length.
ImportantPlant support
Phytoestrogens are plant hormones. These are substances that regulate the growth, flowering time and maturation of plants. Their action is somewhat similar to that of the female sex hormones - estrogens, but much weaker. Recently, they have made a dizzying career in medicine. Their supporters claim that they not only alleviate the symptoms of menopause, but also affectimproving he alth and preserving youth. For menopausal women who do not want to take HRT, phytoestrogens may be an alternative. They reduce the symptoms of the menopause associated with estrogen deficiency, e.g. hot flashes, drenching sweats, crying attacks, nervousness.
A woman in the menopausal period is positively influenced by changes
So what if you've always been blonde, maybe it's time for red hair. Make an inventory in the closet. Look what your strengths are and show it: if you have shapely calves, don't hide them under long skirts. Do not be afraid that you will look funny in fashionable clothes, and not the ones that are appropriate for your age. There are no such rules in fashion. Fashionable and elegant is what one looks attractive in. If you can't choose a style for yourself, buy simple, classic-cut items. You can always go crazy with accessories that will give your figure lightness.
You need to change your diet during menopause
In the menopausal period, the current diet must change, including due to a slower metabolism. Now the body needs fewer calories, but a lot of minerals and vitamins. This should also be your diet. So what to eat every day?
- Cereal products (5 servings a day, a serving is a slice of bread or e.g. 30 g of groats before cooking) are the main source of energy for the muscles. They provide complex carbohydrates, vegetable protein, B vitamins, magnesium, iron, zinc and fiber. Choose wholemeal bread, buckwheat, barley, brown rice. Eat oatmeal often, because it not only adds beauty, but also lowers blood cholesterol. Give up French croissants, limit the consumption of buns, ready-made cakes and cookies.
- Vegetables - always have plenty of them. Your he alth and beauty will benefit from it. It's best to add them to each meal - a daily serving is about 70 grams of vegetables, of which 10-20 grams should be potatoes. They are low in calories, and it is easy to satisfy your hunger thanks to the fiber content (see page 98 for their other benefits). Vegetables are a treasury of valuable antioxidants, i.e. vitamins E, C, beta-carote, as well as lycopene and flavonoids. Do not forget about green tea, which removes free radicals from the body, i.e. harmful molecules suspected of causing many civilization diseases typical of adulthood, e.g. atherosclerosis.
- Fruit should also be eaten for he alth and beauty. Two or three large fruits (about 30 grams a day) will provide the body with antioxidants, folic acid, which reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, dilates vessels, and improves memory.
- Milk and dairy products playa special role in the diet of a woman. They are rich in protein, vitamins B2 and B12. They are also the basic, but also the best absorbed source of calcium by the body. A woman in the menopausal period needs 1,200 mg of calcium daily, which is equal to 3 glasses of milk or yogurt or kefir. A calcium-rich diet prevents osteoporosis. Vitamin D, which is produced in the skin under the influence of the sun, is also essential.
- Meat provides protein, iron, zinc, vitamins B1, B12 and PP. A dose of 100 g per day is enough. Add vegetables to your ham sandwiches, and eat meat dishes with salads. This allows the body to absorb more iron, which will protect you from anemia. Always choose lean types of meat and cold cuts. Avoid sausages, giblets and giblets because they contain a lot of cholesterol. Try to prepare the meat without fat. Replace the meat with beans, peas, lentils or soybeans once a week.
- Fish - they have a special type of fat that has antiatherosclerotic properties. Sea fish fat is regulated by high blood pressure.
- Fats - it is enough to eat 2 tablespoons a day (including all the fat used for spreading on bread and cooking). Avoid animal fats, such as butter, lard, bacon and lard, because they increase cholesterol levels. The same applies to the fat found in hard margarines and in confectionery.
Daily exercise will make your blood circulate more good cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, and prevent diabetes or a wreath.
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