Dental cavities are simply carious changes, i.e. holes in the teeth. They are dangerous, so if they do appear, you need to act quickly. Caries most often develops in the cavities on the chewing surfaces of the molars, between the teeth, and also near the gum line. What are the types of cavities and how are they treated?

Cavities in teeth , or as we colloquially sayholes in teeth , this is the effect of caries. How iscaróchnicaformed? Bacteria are responsible for caries and by breaking down sugars, they produce organic acids. They mainly belong to the species Streptococcus mutans. They form a soft, tightly adhering to the surface of the teeth, yellow coating, technically known as plaque. Microbes constitute as much as 80 percent. its mass, while the remaining 20 percent. it is an organic substrate that makes it easier for them to adhere to the enamel. If you don't brush your teeth properly, plaque builds up, the enamel loosens, and a cavity forms over time.

How to detect cavities in teeth?

The best way to find cavities is with regular dental check-ups. Only he can say with certainty whether you have caries. This is because they often develop below the surface of the tooth where they are difficult to see. Everyone, regardless of age, is exposed to their formation. But the loss is uneven, there are different types:

  • crown cavities - the most common and usually located on the chewing surfaces or between the teeth
  • root cavities - with age, the gums retract, partially revealing the roots of the teeth, which are particularly exposed to caries because they are not covered by enamel
  • recurrent caries - appears around existing fillings and crowns, because this is where dental plaque is particularly easily accumulated

Adults are especially prone to cavities if they experience dry mouth, a disease caused by insufficient saliva production. Dry mouth can be caused by other medical conditions, treatment, radiation therapy and chemotherapy; depending on the cause, it may be temporary (lasting days or months) or permanent.

Treatment of cavities in teeth

Cavities are a very serious threat. In the early stage of caries, when there is only a tooth on the tootha small spot (the so-called initial caries) the dentist cleans the tooth and applies fluoride in a gel or varnish. The procedure is repeated several times. However, if there is even the smallest hole, sealing is necessary. If left untreated, a carious lesion can destroy a tooth and kill the delicate nerves in its center, which can lead to the formation of an abscess - an area of ​​infection at the apex of the root. Once an abscess has formed, it can only be treated by a root canal method, by surgery or by tooth extraction.

Do you want to prevent cavities in your teeth?

  • brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss and rinsing fluid
  • remember to visit the dentist and remove tartar regularly
  • reduce the amount of starchy and sugar-rich foods in your diet, avoid them in the form of snacks
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