Multiforme adenoma is a mixed tumor, a benign tumor made of epithelial cells. It is the most common tumor of the salivary glands and is most common in the parotid gland. What are the causes of this benign tumor? How is adenoma multiforme treated and what is the prognosis?

Multiforme adenoma( polymporphous adenoma ,tumor mixtus ) can also be found in the glands the salivary glands of the mouth, lips, maxillary sinuses, and the lacrimal glands. It occurs more often in women.

Adenoma multiforme - symptoms

Multiforme adenomagrows quite slowly, it is not painful, therefore it is often very difficult to detect.

Multiforme adenoma of the salivary gland can reach the size of a human head.

A characteristic symptom of an adenoma is a painless swelling in the angle of the mandible and a lumpy lesion that can be felt with the fingers.

How is adenoma detected?

Ultrasound guided thin-needle aspiration biopsy is the basic diagnostic method. In clinical examination, this tumor is elastic-hard, spherical, usually with a smooth surface.

Treatment by complete tumor excision

In adenomasof the parotid glandit is necessary to remove the tumor superficially or externally in capsule form. In the multiforme adenoma of the submandibular gland, complete removal of the salivary gland is performed, while in the multiforme adenomas originating from small salivary glands - the gland is excised with a he althy tissue margin.
