Diastema, i.e. the gap between the teeth - the upper ones, may be a problem not only of an aesthetic nature. Diastema can lead to speech problems, malocclusions and periodontal disease. Therefore, in some cases, the elimination of diastema may be necessary. Check how to get rid of diastema.

Diastematotooth gapmedial incisors, i.e. the gap between the upper ones. Diastema is not always a malocclusion - it becomes so only when the gap between the teeth exceeds 2 mm. In other cases, it is simply a feature of the dentition that does not require treatment.

There are several types of diastema. When the 1s separated are parallel, it is referred to asparallel diastema . If the lower tips of the teeth point towards each other, this indicates aconvergent diastema . In turn, the upper tips of the teeth pointing away from each other meandivergent diastema .


  1. Diastema (gap between teeth) - causes
  2. Diastema (gap between teeth) - treatment. How to remove diastema?
  3. Diastema (gap between teeth) - how else can you get rid of it?

Diastema (gap between teeth) - causes

Depending on the reasons, a diastema is distinguished:

  • true - is the result of hypertrophy or low attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip;
  • alleged - is caused by hypodontics (lack) of lateral incisors, their reduced size or supernumerary teeth (hyperdonia);
  • physiological - observed in the period before the eruption of the permanent lateral incisors. Appears between the ages of 7 and 9 and is usually no more than 2 mm;

Diastema (gap between teeth) - treatment. How to remove diastema?

In the case of true diastema, the frenulum is cut. It is also advisable to wear braces.

Treatment of parallel diastema depends on the width of the gap between the teeth (only the gap over 2 mm is closed) and the age of the person.

In the case of a convergent diastema, it is necessary to wear a fixed orthodontic appliance, while divergent diastema is treated with a removable appliance. Treatment methods with the use of a removable apparatusthey concern almost exclusively growing patients, adult patients in most cases require treatment with fixed appliances.

If the pseudo-diastema is the result of missing teeth, implants are used. In the case of a supernumerary tooth, extraction is performed (tooth extraction) and ones are slid together with an acrylic plate with a screwed screw or properly located interdental springs (parallel and divergent diastema) or with a fixed appliance (convergent).

Treatment does not require only the physiological diastema, as it closes up on its own.


Diastema - a problem not only aesthetic

Diastema can lead to speech problems - it is often the cause of wheezing lisp, which is characterized by a very sharp, wheezing sound of dental sounds (e.g. ś, ź, ć, j; s, z). Moreover, it may contribute to the development of malocclusions and periodontal diseases.

Diastema (gap between teeth) - how else can you get rid of it?

Braces are the most effective way to get rid of diastema, but they have to be worn for a long time (even over a year). For people who do not want to wait, an alternative may be closing the diastema with veneers. The procedure consists in sticking thin, approximately 0.5 mm, porcelain plates on the teeth that have been previously ground.

However, the fastest and, what is equally important, reversible method of getting rid of diastema is bonding, i.e. masking the gap between the teeth with a composite. In this case,removing diastemais similar to placing a seal: first, the tooth is etched with a special demineralizing acid, and then the composite material is applied and shaped with paper disks.

The effect is obtained in one visit. However, this method of closing diastema is less durable than applying veneers, which can last up to 15 years.

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