Where does tartar come from? Why do you suffer from parodotosis? Can't drink cold drinks because your teeth necks are exposed? Few people know that the oral cavity accumulates several hundred species of bacteria that can cause lesions of teeth and gums. Most adult Poles suffer from diseases resulting from poor oral hygiene to a greater or lesser extent.

Incompetentbrushing teethcan lead to unsightly appearance of the teeth and serious ailments. What are the most common problems due to the lack of adequateoral hygiene ?

What is plaque?

Formation ofplaque , a sticky and colorless coating that, if not carefully removed by brushing your teeth, builds up and can cause serious oral problems such as gingivitis. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to loosening and even loss of teeth.

How is tartar formed?

Long-term plaque build-up results in the formation oftartar,that can only be removed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Tartar usually forms on and under the gumline and is usually irritating to the gums. It is also an aesthetic problem, as tartar is visible as yellow-gray-brown discoloration on the tooth surface.

I brush my teeth every day. Why do I have tooth decay?

Carious lesionsare caused by the action of plaque bacteria, which produce acids that destroy the enamel. Cavities most often develop in depressions on the chewing surfaces of molars, on the tooth contact surfaces, and also near the gum line.

Parodontosis can cause tooth loss

Gum diseases.The bacteria in plaque release toxins that can irritate the gums, provoke an inflammatory reaction and lead to gingivitis. The first symptom of gingivitis is bleeding. If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis (commonly known as periodontitis). It is a serious infection that destroys soft tissues (gums, periodontal ligaments) and the alveolar bonealveolar and may cause loosening or even loss of teeth.

How do sensitive teeth react?

Teeth hypersensitivityis caused by exposed tooth necks due to receding gums. There are thousands of microscopic tubules with nerve endings in the exposed dental necks. Any stimulus caused by cold air, hot, cold, or sweet foods is carried through the nerve endings in the dentinal tubules, causing painful hypersensitivity.

How to prevent problems?

You should make regular dental examinations - prophylaxis allows you to avoid new problems, and treatment - to prevent those that have already arisen. You should also use special products intended for daily oral hygiene, which have an antibacterial effect. In addition, after each meal during the day, use a mouthwash and floss regularly at least once a day. You must also follow the rules of a he althy diet, excluding products rich in starch and sugars. Avoid smoking of all types of tobacco, which causes discoloration and may be a risk factor for periodontitis (commonly known as periodontitis).

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