New technologies have already reached dental offices. Today, cavity fillings are aesthetic, do not cause allergies and, most importantly, heal cavities.

The condition for keeping teeth in great shape is not only daily oral hygiene. Regular (every six months) visits to the dentist are also necessary. Thanks to this, it is possible to detect changes in the teeth in time and effectively fight caries.

It is also important for fearful patients, because the larger the cavity, the more pain, stress and money it costs to fill it. Modern dentistry offers many filling materials, i.e. fillings. Their task is to supplement the damaged tooth tissues and protect against further development of caries.

A well-protected tooth can serve for many years. So don't wait for time to get rid of your teeth. It's best to go to the dentist as soon as possible!

Caries treatment - when cavity filling is needed

In the early stage of caries (you can see decalcification in the form of a white or slightly darker spot on the tooth), you can also avoid drilling the tooth.

Sometimes it is enough, for example, to remineralise the enamel (application of a fluoride preparation) or laser photoablation (evaporation of diseased tissues). However, if you do not react in time, the decay will spread deeper into the tooth, and the bacteria will attack the dentin (the main tissue of the tooth), making it soft and decalcified.

As a result, a cavity will appear in the tooth. Then the dentist has to remove the diseased tissue, clean the hole and then fill the tooth with the appropriate material.

The type of filling depends on the thickness of the tooth wall. It must also be matched to the force acting on the tooth when biting (an insufficiently strong seal may fall out or cause the tooth to crack). Different fillings are used for the front teeth, others for the back teeth.

The dentist always decides about the choice of the filling. Sealing the tooth takes from 15 minutes to an hour. The dentist must ensure that the filling is tight (so that there is no gap around it for bacteria to enter and cause secondary caries) and carefully sanded (so that it fits snugly in the bite).


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  • Anesthesia at the dentist's, i.e. treatment of teeth without pain

Seals as resistant as bulletproof vests. They can last up to 21 years

Biological dentistry is gaining more and more popularity in the world. It is a method of treatment that preserves your own teeth for as long as possible. For this purpose, polyethylene fibers are used, which have so far been used in the production of bulletproof vests. This is a chance for a breakthrough in dental treatment. Fillings become much more durable and durable, and this translates into the possibility of keeping your teeth as long as possible, instead of using, for example, implants. Traditional tooth filling usually lasts up to 7 years. The new method allows this time to be extended up to three times.



Protective treatments

In dental offices, treatments are performed to help protect teeth against caries. The most common are:

  • Varnishing - all surfaces of the teeth are covered with a layer of varnish containing fluorine, making them more resistant to bacterial attack. This procedure is performed on both deciduous and permanent teeth
  • Sealing - numerous grooves and cavities in molars and premolars are filled with a fluid which hardens when exposed to light, creating a layer that protects the enamel against sugar and bacteria. Sealing is especially recommended for children, but not only. Losses of the protective layer must be supplemented
  • Fluoridation - involves brushing, rubbing fluoride solutions and gels into the teeth, or applying a special foam to the tooth surfaces. Fluoride released from the preparation builds up into the enamel, strengthening its structure and protecting it against acids, it also remineralises small cavities. Fluoridation is used in both children and adults. The treatment should be repeated several times.

Perfect filling

A dozen years ago, dark amalgam fillings were popular. Their opponents claimed that the mercury contained in them was released into the body and was harmful to he alth.

But although modern amalgams contain fluorine, they are durable and inexpensive, they are used less often due to aesthetics, lack of bonding to the tooth (often, for the filling to stick, you need to file he althy tooth tissue), heat conduction and the possibility of allergies . Modern seals are made of non-allergenic and chemically inert materials.

They can also be matched to the color of the tooth. Currently, composite light-and self-curing - they adhere well to the enamel, are aesthetic and durable (they last 3-10 years). They are also very resistant to the forces acting on the tooth during chewing.

They are used to fill cavities, rebuild chipped teeth and correct their shape. They are perfect for filling the front teeth, because their color can be perfectly matched to the color of the teeth.

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Glass ionomer fillings (glass ionomers) have the ability to chemically bond with the tooth tissue. Their advantage is that they contain fluoride, which protects the tooth against secondary caries. However, they are not as aesthetic as composites and it is difficult to match them to the shade of the tooth (they are white), they are also weaker and wear off quite quickly.

They are used to cover cavities at the necks of the teeth, as an additional base for a composite filling and for filling milk teeth. They need to be replaced every few years. Giomers are a new group of materials that are to combine the advantages of composites and glass ionomers and eliminate their disadvantages.

These fillings are durable and aesthetic, have low abrasion, release fluoride, preventing secondary caries. They also do not wear the opposing teeth. They are used to fill cavities in anterior and posterior teeth.

Dentists also have colorful fillings for children at their disposal, which can be an attraction for a toddler and an incentive to visit the dentist's office. They are used to fill cavities in milk teeth. Their advantage is the gradual release of fluoride, thanks to which they protect the tooth against the recurrence of caries.

You must do it

Caries must be treated!

According to research, this disease affects 98 percent. of us! And if left untreated, it leads to serious complications. It causes not only painful inflammation of the pulp, which requires root canal treatment, but is also a serious source of infection for the whole organism - it is e.g. the cause of bacterial endocarditis, inflammation of the kidneys and joints, and bloodstream infections.

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