The consequence of glaucoma is vision deterioration and gradual, irreversible loss of vision. An early diagnosis of glaucoma increases the chances of saving your eyesight and stopping the progression of the disease. Be sure to take the test and see if you are at risk.

Glaucoma is an insidious eye disease. What do her symptoms look like? The extreme parts of the image are missing, spots or light rims appear around light sources, there are difficulties with adapting to vision in the dark, the patient suffers from headaches. The essence of the disease is usually increased intraocular pressure caused by excessive production of aqueous humor or disturbance of its outflow from the eyeball. Abnormal intraocular pressure leads to changes in the optic nerve.

The causes of glaucoma are not fully understood. It is known, however, that she is favored by the age of over 35, myopia greater than 4 diopters, low blood pressure, migraines and stress, as well as genetic predispositions. The development of glaucoma is also influenced by changes in the vessels caused by atherosclerosis or diabetes. More often, glaucoma attacks women. It usually affects both eyes simultaneously.

In the treatment of glaucoma, drops are administered to lower the pressure in the eye, as well as drugs that improve the blood supply to the optic nerve. In chronic disease with obstruction of the drainage angle (the place where the liquid flows out), laser treatments are performed to eliminate the "barrier". Sometimes surgery is necessary, which involves cutting out some tissues and creating new drainage pathways.

Thanks to a short test you will check if you are in a group of people prone to developing glaucoma.
