Are you feeling stressed? You don't know how to discharge it? Chronic stress can harm your he alth, not just your mental he alth. Therefore, we need to capture the moment when stress begins to work against us. Take the quiz and check your stress level.

If you live under constant stress and cannot relieve it, you start to lose strength and he alth.

In today's world, stress is primarily psychological - increasing loan installments, traffic jam or pressure at work. However, the body reacts to them with physiological changes.

Unloaded stress is a factor that significantly reduces the body's immunity. People subjected to prolonged or very strong pressures start to get sick, feel unwell, and if they get sick, they slowly recover.

The list of diseases caused by long-lasting stress includes heart diseases (ischemic disease, infarction, arrhythmias), arterial hypertension, gastric and duodenal ulcer disease, high blood cholesterol, asthma, skin diseases, it can also contribute to cancer, induce neurosis, insomnia, menstrual disorders, problems with erection.

Check your stress level.

How to deal with stress on a daily basis? People who are under stress should exercise regularly. They allow the body to tire out and use up the reserves of substances produced in response to stress (the so-called stress hormones). Adrenaline and other stress hormones remain in the blood for a long time and will not wreak havoc on the body.

Talking to a loved one works well for stress, it alleviates the effects of both long-term stress and short-term stress. At the same time, such a conversation does not have to be professionally conducted, it is enough for someone to listen to us kindly.

Expressing your anger, regret, even despair out loud is better than hiding these feelings. As a result, it increases the body's resistance and contributes to the improvement of he alth.

A good way to reduce stress are "psychological" methods: relaxation and visualization.

To relieve tension, practice deep breathing, which activates the abdominal muscles. A trained person may need only 3-4 such breaths. This is a very good way to relax, e.g. before speaking in public or talking to an important person.

Subjectslong-term stress usually have too little vitamin B6 and magnesium. In the period of increased tension, it is worth supplementing these deficiencies. For example, it is worth eating foods rich in these compounds. These include: liver, nuts, dark green vegetables (e.g. spinach), grains, shellfish, cocoa.

Swimming, tai-chi, and yoga are excellent types of tension release, as they deepen your breathing and clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Walks, contact with nature or cycling have a similar effect.
