Potassium deficiency, also known as hypokalemia, is an electrolyte disturbance in which the amount of potassium in the blood serum is less than 3.8 mmol / L. Mild hypokalemia is usually asymptomatic. However, a significant potassium deficiency can make itself felt, and in severe cases, the condition can be life-threatening. What are the symptoms of a potassium deficiency?

Potassium is one of the electrolytes. Together with sodium, it is responsible for the proper functioning of cells and the maintenance of vital functions.

The loss of potassium from our body can occur as a result of excessive water loss from our body. Problems associated with it include, above all, acute diarrhea and vomiting, which may lead to dehydration.

The use of drugs that increase the flushing of potassium from the body may also be the cause of hypokalemia. Endocrine diseases can also affect the decreased potassium concentration.

Answer the questions and see if you have symptoms of potassium deficiency.
