Quitting smoking is not easy. Especially since many smokers say that the habit of smoking is a weakness for which they demand tolerance and freedom for themselves. And yet they know the havoc with the body smoking tobacco. If you've finally matured or matured to quit smoking, do it once and for all. Check how to prepare and what benefits will bring you to quit the addiction. Learn also about the relationship between quitting smoking and gaining weight - do you need to gain weight after quitting smoking?
- How to prepare to quit smoking?
- Quitting smoking and getting fat
- Quitting smoking: what to avoid
Quitting smokingis a sensitive topic for many people.How to stop smoking ? In my former editorial office there was a cardboard skeleton with the inscription "The cigarette loses weight" under it. Witty, I thought and continued smoking. Statistics? I knew. Every year in the world 3.5 million people die in connection with cigarette smoking.
It's more than AIDS. Threats? I could exchange in one breath. I saw an educational movie. The nicotine content of one cigarette was injected into the pigeon. He immediately fell over and died. The camera was stationary.
Long shot. It made an impression on me, but not enough to associate what I saw with the cigarettes in my purse. Because smokers know everything about the dangers of smoking. But they don't relate it to themselves. It doesn't matter to them (pending). They smoke because they like.
You like to smoke and are not going to stop? Then do not read the rest. However, if you smoke because you have failed to quit, we will help you. Here you need a method. You must know that every attempt counts. The more struggles and more serious quitting attempts you have behind you, the greater your prospect of success.
How to prepare to quit smoking?
- Make an irrevocable decision and justify it for your own use.
- List your reasons, preferably write it on a piece of paper. If they don't convince you, put it off. Until you are sure that you want it despite the sacrifices that await you, you will not succeed.
- Make an appointment and make an appointment.
- On the due date (preferably you should not miss your period), take a vacation and leave toavoid situations in which you usually smoke - related to stress, people and places.
- Make sure you are surrounded by non-smokers during recovery. They will confirm your resolve and support you mentally.
- You can ask your doctor for advice on how to relieve craving.
- Drink a lot, move a lot outdoors (cigarettes usually do not taste good outdoors, especially when the wind blows).
- Sleep a lot.
- Gather everything around you that can replace a cigarette and always keep your hands occupied.
- Tell as many people as possible about your decision to quit - you will be ashamed to show your lack of character. But if it doesn't work out, that's too bad. Then use pharmaceutical or psychological help.
There are smokers who are addicted to the habit of smoking (the atmosphere, the taste of the smoke, the rituals accompanying lighting a cigarette, the gestures of taking in and shaking off ashes). To get rid of their addiction, all they need is a decision and a strong will. But there are also people who are plagued by nicotine craving with accompanying physical ailments - that is, withdrawal syndrome. It's irritability, trouble concentrating, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, coughing (a sign that the lungs are clearing up), constipation.
For these real addicts, physically addicted to the drug nicotine, will not be enough. They should go to the doctor - preferably to the anti-smoking clinic. There they can take advantage of group (very effective!) And individual psychotherapy, acupuncture and acupressure, bioenergotherapy, as well as nicotine replacement therapy - tablets, patches or chewing gum. Your doctor may also prescribe a nicotine-free drug that acts on the central nervous system and produces a similar pleasure to it.
See How To Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking and getting fat
First of all, don't worry about getting fat. Smoking accelerates your metabolism, but even if you gain a little more in the first phase, you will return to your normal weight later on. You just have to be careful, because it will be difficult to defend yourself against additional calories: after all, you will gain taste and appetite! After a week you will rediscover various simply unearthly aromas! Strawberries with whipped cream will give you an orgasm-like experience.
Do not go beyond reasonable limits: eat as much as before. In times of crisis, chew on dried fruit, seeds or raw carrots and drink a lot. Water, juices. If you can't stand the suction in your stomach, chew on something inedible - a blade of grass, a toothpick, or sugar-free gum. In case of severe irritation, take a mild sedative. Take vitamin Avitamin C and vitamin E as well as magnesium, zinc, selenium. Unable to focus, take a ginkgo biloba preparation.
ImportantWhat about burning?
You may be smoking for a while. It's hard. However, do it secretly so that it does not appear. If it appears, you will let it go and all for nothing. So let it only happen every few days. And remember: your goal is to get rid of this filth once and for all.
When would you consider smoking behind you?
Oh, don't be quick! Nicotine cravings and habits persist for months or even years. In my case, the reflex to reach for a cigarette in certain situations (mainly with a glass) disappeared only after 10 years of not smoking! Dreams in which I smoked again came back even longer. But doctors say that after a year the chances of a permanent recovery from addiction significantly increase.
Quitting smoking: what to avoid?
- smokers' friends (you must explain to them that it's only at the beginning to persevere; then you will start to avoid them for another reason - they will stink);
- places and circumstances where you burned;
- drinking alcohol and coffee;
- chat on the phone (because then you will instinctively and thoughtlessly reach for a cigarette);
- watching TV (as above);
- stress, rush.
Smokers will never understand you. No argument will reach them. We are in Poland. Here you do not succumb to propaganda, or at least indirectly. In America, at the beginning of the anti-smoking campaign, the main slogan was: "uneducated people smoke." There, great importance is attached to the status. Cigarettes began to be frowned upon. While smoking, it gave a signal: "I am from the pits of society". It works for Americans. Here - the most famous cardiologist, pride of Polish medicine, kicked like a dragon. And he had permission to do so. He was great after all. You want to imitate the great ones, and if you cannot do anything else, then at least in the way you are. It's an easy temptation and a terrible pattern.
When I ask not to smoke in front of me, I feel ridiculous. It is waiting for you too. During social meetings, you will be tormented and fight an internal struggle: on the one hand, sympathy for people, on the other, disgust, a sense of harm and worsening symptoms of poisoning. And a persistent thought: for what sins are you suffering so much? You will come home with a headache and a stench around you, and you will start to tear all your clothes, including panties, and throw them immediately in the washing machine or hang them on the balcony. This is a sign that you have regained two almost lost senses: smell and taste.
For your misfortune. I have heard the epithet "neophyte" more than once. That the new believers are supposed to be the most zealous. Irony out of place. If youit will also happen, do not worry about this nonsense, because if you get angry, you want to burn more, but you are getting used to it!
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