What threatens a premature baby? Preterm babies have immature systems and organs, therefore the list of he alth problems that premature babies may struggle with is quite long and they are especially a threat to extreme premature babies, i.e. babies born before 32 weeks of pregnancy. Check what are the most common diseases of premature babies.

What is the risk of a premature baby?Babies born prematurely, ie between 22 and 37 weeks of gestation, have immature central nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The function of the liver and kidneys is also impaired. The skin of a premature baby is also not fully developed, so it cannot fulfill its tasks, including the protective ones. Therefore, the list of he alth problems faced by premature babies is quite long.The consequences of premature birthare the more dangerous the earlier the baby was born, and thus - the greater the degree of organ immaturity of the child and the smaller his body weight. Babies born before 32 weeks of pregnancy (the so-called extreme prematurity) are most exposed to the consequences of premature birth.

What threatens a premature baby? Respiratory diseases

The most common he alth problem in premature babies and the main cause of their mortality isRespiratory Disorder Syndrome (ZZO).Its cause is usually a surfactant deficiency - a substance that is responsible for the efficiency of the alveoli (prevents them from sticking together, and further from oxygen deficiency and necrosis). Symptoms of respiratory distress syndrome appear as soon as a premature baby is born. The child has a problem with "catching" normal breathing - he grunts, you can see that he puts a lot of effort into breathing (it is noticeable that his nose wings are moving, using additional breathing muscles), the child's breathing is accelerated (over 60 breaths per minute), there is cyanosis.

Other respiratory conditions that may arise in premature babies include:

  • Premature Apnea- This is a pause in breathing that lasts at least 20 seconds. Apnea may be accompanied by bradycardia, i.e. a slower heart rate below normal, and a blueish skin and mucous membranes;
  • atelectasisis a reduction in the aeration of the lung tissue. Causeatelectasis is usually a surfactant deficiency;
  • aspiration pneumonia(Mendelson's syndrome) - is the result of choking with amniotic fluid or food in premature babies whose cough reflex is impaired;
  • bronchopulmonary dysplasia- is the result of connecting a premature baby to a ventilator. In this case, the lungs are damaged by the toxic effects of oxygen and the high pressure that is applied during artificial respiration. Illness is suspected when difficulties arise when trying to disconnect the child from the ventilator;

What threatens a premature baby? Cardiovascular diseases

  • anemia- the cause is an insufficient number of red blood cells, caused by a deficiency of erythropoietin - a hormone that stimulates their production;
  • patent Botalla ductus arteriosus- this duct is a vessel that connects the aorta and the pulmonary trunk in utero. It should close properly as soon as the baby is born. Otherwise, the oxygen-depleted blood (from the pulmonary trunk) mixes with the oxygen-saturated blood (from the aorta). Then there are breathing disorders, apnea, tachycardia, systolic or systolic-diastolic murmur. It may even lead to heart failure;
  • intracranial bleeding- mostly extreme premature babies with very low body weight. The most common are bleeding into the ventricles of the brain. The symptoms of bleeding - if it occurs at all - are most often apathy, apnea, decreased muscle tone, convulsions. The prognosis depends on the severity of the bleeding;

What threatens a premature baby? Nervous system diseases

  • cerebral palsy- there is, for example, asymmetry in the body position, excessive muscle laxity, difficulty swallowing food, convulsions;
  • psychomotor development disorder - the child may be delayed in development or achieve some skills on time and others too late, may have emotional disorders (be overactive, have impaired concentration);

What threatens a premature baby? Necrotising enterocolitis

Necrotising enterocolitis is a group of symptoms associated with ischemic-necrotic lesions that are mainly located in the small intestine. In the course of the disease, there are abdominal distension, food intolerance, tenderness of the abdominal wall, retention of food contents, vomiting, fecal retention, lack of peristalsis, visible intestinal distension through the abdominal wall.

What threatens a premature baby? Preterm Retinopathy

Retinopathy (pathology of blood vesselsretina) in premature babies is a result of the accumulation of free radicals in the immature retina of the eye. If left untreated, it can lead to visual impairment and blindness. Fortunately, in most cases (80%) the changes in the retina regress spontaneously. The risk of retinopathy is greater in premature babies who have been ventilated.

What threatens a premature baby? Cold

A newborn baby has a large body surface in relation to its weight, therefore the balance between heat generation and loss is disturbed, and then it gets cold. In addition, a premature baby has a small amount of white and brown fat, subcutaneous tissue and thin skin. These are other factors that contribute to lowering the child's body temperature.
