Oxygen therapy is a method of treating one of the chemical elements commonly found in the air - oxygen. However, it must have the right concentration for oxygen therapy to work. Its purpose is primarily to improve the patient's quality of life. What are the indications for oxygen therapy? How is it carried out and what are the benefits?
Oxygen therapyis a method of treatment that involves increasing the concentration of oxygen in the air inhaled by the patient.Respiratory failurecan occur in any chronic respiratory disease, also due to extrapulmonary causes.
There is a hypoxic insufficiency (state of low oxygen content in arterial blood, i.e. below 60 mmHg) and hypercapnic insufficiency (state of increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood above 45 mmHg). The indication for the initiation of oxygen therapy is the constant reduction of the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.
Symptoms of respiratory failure
Symptoms of respiratory failure in the body are most often:
- impairment of the functions of internal organs due to their hypoxia
- problems with concentration
- worse exercise tolerance
- trouble falling asleep
- lack of appetite
- shortness of breath
- cyanosis
- unconscious
Types of oxygen concentrators
The device most commonly used for home oxygen therapy is theoxygen concentrator . In this apparatus, oxygen is separated from nitrogen and other gases in the atmospheric air and the mixture is enriched with oxygen. Thanks to this, a concentration of 96% can be obtained, which allows the use of this type of oxygen therapy by people with respiratory failure.
Depending on the concentrator model, an oxygen flow of 5 to 10 l / min can be achieved. Whilestationary oxygen concentratorshave many advantages, they also have limitations. First of all, the patient cannot use them outside the home because they are powered by electricity. Cables reach a maximum of several meters, so the person using this form of oxygen therapy may move away from the device, for example at night, so that it does not disturb sleep.
Patients who want to use oxygen concentrators outside their home should obtain aconcentratorportable . It works in the same way as stationary ones, but thanks to an additional battery it can work without external power supply.
The concentrator features a pulsed oxygen delivery system, which significantly extends the battery life. This mechanism works by taking oxygen only during the first half of an inhalation. The air from the other half does not go to the alveoli, so it is not wasted, hence the name "oxygen saving system".
It should be remembered, however, that during an accelerated breathing, the patient will take less oxygen during one inhalation and this amount may be insufficient for him.
Concentrators have an alarm that checks if they work correctly and any deviations from the norm are signaled.
Due to the size, we distinguish:
- portable concentrators - weight up to 4 kg; they only allow pulse oxygen flow
- mobile concentrators- weight up to 8 kg; provide pulsed and continuous flow of oxygen
Liquid oxygen tanks
The use of this method of oxygen therapy involves the use of a low-pressure oxygen tank with a capacity of 32-44 l. It is also possible to refill a small portable tank with a capacity of 1.2 l. 100% oxygen with a high flow rate of 7 l / min, thanks to which people with severe forms of lung diseases can use this type of oxygen therapy.
Another advantage is efficiency - a liter of liquefied oxygen corresponds to 860 liters of gaseous oxygen.
The patient is gaseous thanks to a system of vaporizers that change the state of oxygen concentration. The reservoir must be replaced every few days, depending on the oxygen consumption. The patient should be trained in how to use. The replacement of the stationary tank must be performed by qualified employees of specialized companies.
Oxygen therapy during procedures and in the postoperative ward
During the surgery, when the patient has been intubated and under general anesthesia, he breathes a mixture with an oxygen concentration of 25-35%. This allows for arterial blood saturation in the range of 95% -100%, thus ensuring proper saturation.
Patients in the postoperative period can use face masks or nasal catheters, the so-called mustache. The mask must have holes that allow the patient to replenish the tidal volume with the air while inhaling.
Central sockets installed in hospital walls or cylinders allow the oxygen flow within the range of 3-6 l / min.
Oxygen therapy in respiratory diseases
- Asthma
The primary treatment for asthma exacerbations isthe use of fast-acting β2-adrenergic drugs, glucocorticosteroids and oxygen therapy. The saturation should be monitored and its value should not drop to 92%.
Patients whose saturation drops below 88% are eligible for treatment. The doctor determines the flow and method of oxygen administration that the patient should use. The most common are "mustaches" or an oxygen mask. However, the mask can slide off your face while you sleep, and it also makes it difficult to talk and eat.
Oxygen therapy - what is worth remembering?
- The positive effect of oxygen therapy depends on the length of its use. You should use this method as long as possible during the day.
- If possible, you should be physically active while receiving oxygen therapy.
- It is necessary to be careful when in contact with fire - there is a risk of burns, e.g. as a result of putting your face close to gas cookers. It is forbidden to smoke while using oxygen therapy. Oxygen is dangerous because it supports combustion.
- Pay attention to the proximity of electrical appliances and other heat sources.
- Special attention should be paid to the use of ointments and creams based on oil, petroleum jelly around the face.
Oxygen therapy - benefits
Using oxygen therapy gives the patient many benefits, including:
- improvement of oxygenation of internal organs (brain, heart) which results in improvement of mental and physical fitness
- slowing the progression of chronic lung diseases
- reduction of breathing disorders
- reducing the number of hospitalizations
- improve sleep quality
Before using oxygen therapy, the patient must become familiar with the principles of its proper use and taking care of their own safety.
The study showed that oxygen therapy reduces breathlessness, lowers hematocrit with increased values, improves physical efficiency, and thus, the mental state and quality of life of the patient.
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