Sprouts are the basis of the spring solstice diet. Reach for them to regain good shape after winter. Are you lethargic and you don't feel like anything? Hair lost its shine, skin turned gray? Hope for improvement in sprouts! They contain the best of everything - vitamins, microelements, protein, fiber - in gigantic doses.
Sprouts should be included not only in your diet for spring solstice - you should eat them all year round. Sprouts are not an invention of our times! The Chinese met onsproutsas early as 5,000 years ago.The healing properties ofof these plants made them treat them as a miracle medicine. Their taste was also quickly appreciated. So the sprouts settled in the kitchens of the Far East for good.
Sprouts same he alth
Plants store vitamins, minerals and proteins in their seeds to pass them on to the next generation. However, eating seeds is not the same as eating fresh sprouts. Why? Because we are not able to fully use the ingredients accumulated in the seeds. Only during germination, enzymes are activated in them, which process nutrients in such a way that our body is able to absorb them more easily. Simple sugars are formed from complex carbohydrates, amino acids from proteins, and the amount of vitamins is also increased.
The sprouts have the best of everything, in gigantic doses. They are a treasury ofvitaminsfrom group B, vitamin C (e.g. 1/2 cup of alfalfa sprouts contains as much as 6 glasses of orange juice), D, E, K, PP and iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper, lithium, selenium. They contain a lot of beta-carotene, valuable protein and omega-3 fatty acids. They are rich infiber(e.g. 3 tablespoons of wheat germ have more than a slice of dark wheat bread). In addition, they provide few calories and do not have bloating properties.
Sprouts protect us against the harmful effects of free radicals. They inhibit their formation in the body and neutralize the action of those absorbed from the environment. They lower the level of bad cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis and cancer, and regulate digestion. They perfectly affect the complexion, hair, nails and teeth, and strengthen bones. They regenerate and rejuvenate the body, improve immunity, and supplement vitamin deficienciesand minerals, in a word - they ensure your well-being.
This will be useful to youSoybean sprouts - properties
Soybean sprouts are a source of protein and vitamins A, B, C, K, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. They have a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and isoflavones. They regulate the work of the nervous and endocrine systems, prevent hypertension, blood clots and improve the appearance of the skin. They can alleviate the symptoms of the menopause. They have a nutty flavor. They blend best with Chinese cuisine. Soaking: 12 hours, sprouting: 3 days (harvest when they grow to about 1 cm).
Alfalfa sprouts - properties
Alfalfa sprouts provide protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and C, folic acid, selenium, zinc, magnesium. They strengthen muscles, bones and teeth, and support the treatment of rheumatic ailments. They are slightly tart with a nutty aftertaste. They taste equally good with bread and butter, as well as in dishes. Soaking: 5 hours, germination: 5-7 days (when they grow to 3-5 cm).
Oat sprouts - properties
Oat sprouts contain all the important vitamins (A, B, C and E) and minerals (phosphorus, iron, copper, fluorine, zinc, calcium, iodine), many proteins and fats. They regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland and, consequently, the body's hormonal balance. Due to the content of vitamin E, oat sprouts have a positive effect on fertility. They have a very mild flavor. You can sprinkle them on your salad, add them to muesli and desserts. You can season dishes with sticks (instead of parsley and dill). Soaking: 4 hours, sprouting: 2-3 days (harvest when the seeds grow to the length of the grain). When after 8-12 days they grow to a height of 8-10 cm, the green part of the plant can be harvested.
Cress sprouts - properties
Cress sprouts are an excellent source of vitamins C, A, B, D, mineral s alts and essential oils. They refresh, stimulate metabolism, improve kidney function, and soothe joint pain. They are recommended in spring cleansing treatments. They have a characteristic pungent taste and smell that harmonizes perfectly with salads, cottage cheese, vegetable dishes and a sandwich. Soaking: 6 hours, sprouting: 2 days (we collect the sprouts after 2 days; in 6-8 days the plants reach a height of about 4 cm - if we carefully cut the leaves themselves, they will grow back, enabling the second harvest of sprouts).
Radish sprouts - properties
The specific taste of radish sprouts is due to mustard oils. They contain vitamins A, C, B, E, H, minerals, omega-3 acids and fiber. They have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, cleansing and diuretic properties. They inhibit the growth of bacteria and yeasts. They alleviate liver and gallbladder problems as well as upper respiratory tract infections. Already a few radish sprouts are suitablethe dish has a sharp taste and aroma. Soaking: 4 hours, germination: 2-3 days (harvest when they are 3 cm tall).
Rye sprouts - properties
Rye sprouts are a rich source of protein, vitamins E and B, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and fat. They strengthen the body, are good for the nerves and give vitality. They have a characteristic strong taste, and when roasted, they taste like nuts. They enhance the taste of vegetable and fruit salads, soups, cereals and muesli. Soaking: 12 hours, sprouting: 2-3 days (they are tastiest when they reach the grain length). When they grow to 8-10 cm after 8-10 days, cut the green part with scissors.
Wheat germ
Wheat sprouts provide protein, vitamins B, E and C, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc and calcium. They are rich in fiber (3 tablespoons contain more fiber than a slice of wholemeal wheat bread). They protect against the attack of free radicals, strengthen the nervous system, and increase immunity. They are good for the muscles and the heart. They have a mild, sweetish taste, and when roasted, they taste like nuts. The sprouts and the green part of the plant are suitable for salads, salads, fruit dishes, cottage cheese and sauces. Soaking: 12 hours, sprouting: 2-3 days (sprouts can be harvested when they grow to the length of the seed). After 8-10 days, when the plants reach a height of 8-10 cm, you can cut the stalks.
Barley sprouts
Barley sprouts contain a lot of protein, vitamins B and E, minerals and trace elements. They are easily digestible and put you on your feet quickly, so they are recommended for convalescents. They cool with a fever. They have a sweet taste and therefore go well with desserts. You can sprinkle them on fruit salads and breakfast milk soups. Add young stalks to green lettuce, salads, salads and soups. Soaking: 12 hours, sprouting: 2-3 days (we collect sprouts when their length is equal to the length of the grain). After 8-12 days, they will reach 8-10 cm in height - it's time to pick the green part of the plant.
How and what to eat sprouts with?
Eat them every day. Necessarily during illness, convalescence, fatigue or stress. Preferably raw, as they lose their nutritional value when cooked. The sprouts will transform a regular sandwich and give it the original flavor of a common tomato. They can be added to vegetable or fruit salad, scrambled eggs, omelette, yogurt, paste. Briefly fried in hot fat, they are a tasty ingredient in potato dishes, with rice and noodles. They are a perfect substitute for parsley, dill or chives.
Spicy sprouts (e.g. radishes or watercress) go well with cured meat, egg dishes, mayonnaise sauces, dips, and cottage cheese. They taste great with chicory or lettucewith the addition of nuts, figs or bananas. Delicate ones (e.g. made of wheat or sunflower seeds) can be added to legumin and milkshakes. Legume sprouts (e.g. soybeans, beans, lentils) go well with stewed vegetables, meat and fish dishes. To remove the bitterness, blanch them before eating.
How to grow sprouts?
Growing sprouts yourself is very simple. You just need to remember a few rules. You can germinate many seeds, it's important to buy them from a he alth food store, not from a gardening store. Then we can be sure that they do not contain any chemicals. Under natural conditions, as the plant develops, chemicals gradually break down. But within a few days of germination, it is not possible and the unwanted chemicals would find their way into our body. We start by disguising the seeds. We remove broken and discolored ones, because they disrupt the germination process. He althy rinsing thoroughly in lukewarm boiled water (we also use this water to sprinkle plants). Then put it in a salad bowl, pour water (3-4 cups of water per cup of seeds) and let it swell for 4-12 hours, depending on the species. Pour the seeds on a sieve (the water can be used to cook soup or vegetables or water the flowers), rinse and wait until the water drips.
Select the type of sprout plantation
- on the strainer - leave the drained seeds on the strainer (there must not be too many of them to get the right amount of oxygen); pour as much lukewarm water into the bowl that it is as close to the strainer as possible, but that the grain does not float in it; we rinse the seeds twice a day and change the water;
- on lignin - put moist lignin on the plate and sprinkle the soaked seeds on it; sprinkle it several times a day, making sure that the lignin does not dry out;
- in the germinator - it consists of three transparent containers with a grooved bottom so that the grains can decompose properly (you can grow three types of sprouts at the same time), a water tank and a cover; special siphons drain excess water, you only need to sprinkle the plantation a few times a day.
The plantation must be kept at a temperature of 18-21oC. It is best to drive her in a shaded corner. The seeds can be covered with a linen cloth or gauze. They must be protected from full sun, because the sprouts will be bitter. After 2-7 days (it depends on the plant species) the sprouts are ready. Before eating, they still need to be rinsed and drained - they will be crispy. If possible, they should be eaten when they are of the required length. If they grow too much, they will be bitter and lose their nutritional value.
How to buy sprouts?
We don't always have time totake up the cultivation of sprouts. But you can buy ready-made. The problem is that they should be fresh, because they lose their value after 5 days. Only buy sprouts stored in a refrigerator. Check for mold - you can tell by the stains on the plants and the musty smell. Be sure to pay attention to the use by date. Store the sprouts in a refrigerator in an air-permeable dish (e.g. a jar with a perforated lid).
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