Baking while peeing, needing to revisit the toilet shortly after leaving it - which of us doesn't know it? Urinary tract infections are a female ailment because the structure of female intimate parts is conducive to infections. Infection of the urinary tract during pregnancy can have serious consequences. Therefore, they need to be healed very quickly.

The risk ofurinary tract infectionsis additionally increased by changes in the urinary system under the influence ofpregnancy hormones . Therefore,urinary tract infectionsare among the most common bacterial infections in pregnant women. They concern every tenth of them.

Pregnancy - what is changing in the urinary system?

The kidneys filter the blood, retaining harmful and unnecessary waste products. The urine produced in them flows through the ureters into the bladder, and from there, through the urethra, out. The entire urinary system, except the end segment of the urethra, is sterile, i.e. free from microorganisms. The presence of even a small number of germs indicates that you are infected. Bacteria can enter the bloodstream or near the urethra (more often). During pregnancy, blood flow through the kidneys increases, and changes occur in the ureters and bladder that can lead to infections. This means that, despite the increased need for frequent peeing, the remnants of urine can remain in the bladder, becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. In addition, the enlarging uterus puts pressure on the ureters, which is also important.

Pregnancy - monthly urine tests

You should do a general urine test once a month, even if you don't have any complaints. Why? Because urinary tract infection can be a serious threat to the mother and the baby. The infection increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, can cause a low-weight baby, and if left untreated, it can become chronic and lead to pyelonephritis. Treatment in a hospital is then necessary. Sometimes bacteria are present in the urinary system without any symptoms - this is called asymptomatic bacteriuria. While it does not need to be treated in other adults, it is essential in pregnancy because if left untreated, asymptomatic infection may be a risk. For this reason, your doctor will perform a general urine test every month so that you can effectively control the bacteria if any bacteria are found. It is worth remembering that the test resulturine should always be assessed by a doctor. Failure to do so may result in various mistakes. An entry on a printout of a general urine test that the bacterial flora is present is not sufficient evidence of infection. They can be bacteria from the skin or mucosa of intimate parts, which is natural - such a condition cannot be treated. Infection may be indicated by at least 5 leukocytes in the field of view, the presence of protein or more than 2-3 red blood cells in the field of view. Then it is necessary to perform a urine culture.

Bladder infections in pregnancy - from symptom to diagnosis

We usually associate urinary tract infections with symptoms of cystitis. There is then a need to run to the toilet frequently, pain and burning in the lower abdomen during peeing, and, on average, every fourth woman has blood in the urine. In addition, there is often a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, urgency, and sometimes urinary incontinence. When such ailments appear, you should see a doctor as soon as possible and perform a urine test. The most common culprit of infection is Escherichia coli, although other bacteria such as chlamydia or ringworm can also cause it. When the diagnosis is confirmed, your doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic. It is worth having a urine culture with an antibiogram, but treatment should be started as soon as possible, before the test results are obtained. Urine culture helps determine which drugs are fighting the bacteria responsible for that particular infection. This makes it possible to change the treatment in the event of failure of the first treatment. However, it is rarely necessary. You may be wondering if it's a good idea to give an antibiotic when you don't know what bacteria caused the infection. Maybe it is better to wait for the culture result? Definitely not. Treatment should be started as soon as possible, if only because of the bothersome symptoms. Waiting a few days for the cultured result could be fatal. In addition, doctors do not give drugs completely blind, they have an arsenal of drugs that are effective in the vast majority of cases (it is known which germs most often cause infection).

You must do it

How to pass urine for testing?

It's just a seemingly simple and obvious activity, mistakes are quite common. And this may have an impact on the test result.

  • Prepare a container (you can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription). The medicine bottle is not suitable for this. If you must urinate for culture, the container must be sterile. Stick a card with your details. Avoid touching the rim of the pan.
  • After waking up, wash your intimate area thoroughly. Open your labia, wash the area around the mouth of the urethra, rinsing thoroughly with water, and then urinate.
  • Pee in the toilet for the first 2-3 seconds
  • - this first portion of urine flushes the terminal section of the urinary tract. Then catch the urine from the middle stream. Just fill the container halfway.
  • Take the sample to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Bladder infections - assisted treatment

It is very important to follow your doctor's instructions scrupulously. If the treatment is discontinued too early, the infection may recur, cause complications, and even become resistant to drugs. Then the next therapy lasts longer and can be more troublesome.
During antibiotic treatment, it is worth using supportive treatment that allows you to get rid of germs faster.

  • Try to drink more. This dilutes the urine and thus the concentration of bacteria. More frequent peeing flushes the urinary tract. It is enough to drink 2-3 liters of fluid a day. Larger volumes of urine may reduce the concentration of the drug in the urine, making treatment more difficult. So: drink more, but don't overdo it.
  • Reach for cranberries. Cranberry juice is recommended (drink about 300 ml a day), dried cranberries or preparations from the pharmacy containing cranberries. Cranberry reduces the adherence of bacteria to the walls of the urinary tract, which makes it very difficult for germs to survive.
  • Take diastolic medications - as suggested by your doctor. They have not been proven to pose a risk to the child and may aid treatment.
  • Take vitamin C if your doctor recommends it. Pregnant urine is usually alkaline,
  • and vitamin C acidifies it, which bacteria do not like.
  • Lying down, lie on your left side. This relieves the right ureter, which is compressed more by the uterus than the left during pregnancy.

How to prevent recurrence of bladder infections

There is a lot you can do to prevent an infection or a relapse.

  • Take care of hygiene. Every day, wash your intimate area thoroughly, always from front to back, never the other way around - because then bacteria from the area of ​​the anus can get into the vagina and urethra. Use intimate hygiene fluid with a natural pH.
  • Don't avoid drinking. Drinking promotes urine production, and urine flushes the urinary tract, removing microbes. Moreover, it is more difficult for bacteria to multiply in diluted urine than in concentrated urine. Drink about 2 liters of fluids every day, including a glass of cranberry juice.
  • Don't hold back from peeing. Empty your bladder frequently and thoroughly, and always pee until the end. Pregnancy changes promote urine stagnation in the bladder, which can become a great breeding ground for bacteria.
  • Take care of a he althy diet. Constipation favors urinary tract infections, which is why yoursthe daily menu should be rich in products containing fiber. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, but don't overdo citrus, because by alkalising urine, they become an ally of bacteria that attack the urinary system.
  • Wear underwear made of airy fabrics. It should be non-tight and made of breathable material, preferably cotton. Change panties daily, wash them with gentle detergents and rinse thoroughly after washing. Do not sit directly on concrete or other cold surfaces.

If you experience low back pain, fever, chills and malaise during pregnancy, contact your doctor or hospital as soon as possible, especially if you have been taking medication due to systemic infection in the last few days urinary. Such symptoms may indicate inflammation of the kidneys. Rapid treatment in hospital is essential to prevent complications such as premature contractions and sepsis.

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