The HCV test is a test that everyone should do. The HCV virus, i.e. hepatitis C (hepatitis C), infected 730,000 Poles, according to the World He alth Organization. 95 percent of those infected do not know they have fallen victim to HCV! Everyone who has visited a hairdresser or beautician, has had a tooth extracted or has had invasive diagnostic tests is at risk.
Why is it worth taking aHCV test ? HCV is called the silent killer.HCV virusworks in secret for several or even several dozen years. It is often detected incidentally on a liver test that reveals cirrhosis or cancer caused byhepatitis C( hepatitis C , hepatitis C). According to data from the World He alth Organization, as much as 60 percent of liver cancers diagnosed in Europe are caused by HCV infection. If it had been detected earlier, it would not have caused such damage, because there are effective methods of treating hepatitis C!
Who should get HCV tested?
HCV is transmitted through the blood and other body fluids. You can get infected with insufficiently sterilized medical and dental tools or repeatedly used needles and syringes, and even hairdressing and cosmetic tools. It may turn out to be unfortunate to get a tattoo (this is how actress Pamela Anderson, an actress known, among others, from the Sunny Patrol series, got infected) or permanent make-up, manicure and pedicure. Infection also occurs during sexual intercourse.
200k people live with HCV, but even 85% do not know about it
Doctors recommend testing for anti-HCV antibodies to people who:
- have been treated many times in the hospital;
- have undergone diagnostic procedures such as: gastroscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy;
- have had teeth removed or implants made;
- remove birthmarks or warts;
- use services in beauty and hairdressing salons;
- did a permanent tattoo or permanent makeup;
- have multiple sexual partners;
- have taken a drug intravenously or intranasally at least once;
- have had blood transfused or have taken blood products (e.g. plasma, platelet mass, fibrinogen, albumin, cryoprecipitate) before 1992;
- haveabnormal liver function tests.
Practically everyone should do the test. It is made in most laboratories and costs PLN 30. You can also, after receiving a referral from the primary care physician, perform it under the National He alth Fund.
If you have anti-HCV antibodies
This does not mean that you have hepatitis C. The presence of antibodies can only mean that you have been in contact with the virus and your body has fought it on its own. But to find out, you need to perform another test - HCV RNA - to detect the genetic material of the C-RNA virus in the blood. It is made by selected laboratories and it is quite expensive (about PLN 300). Therefore, it is better to go to the GP with the result of the anti-HCV antibody test and ask for a referral for further diagnostic tests. Infection with HCV confirms the detection of the genetic material of the virus in the blood. In such a situation, it is necessary to genotyping, i.e. determining the type of HCV, which is 6. HCV is the mildest and best-treatable 3. Before prescribing the therapy, the doctor may order additional tests, including ultrasound and liver biopsy. Treatment is by administering antiviral drugs to remove HCV from the body.
Hepatitis C - a silent killer that can be cured