How to detect hepatitis B? What tests should be performed to identify HBV? Blood tests are enough to diagnose hepatitis B virus (hepatitis B). Check what exactly is the diagnosis of hepatitis B and how to interpret the test results.

The determinationof hepatitis B antigens and antibodiesin the blood is used in the prevention and diagnosis of hepatitis B (hepatitis B). The hepatitis B antigens include HBs (HBsAg) and HBe (HBeAg). In turn, for antibodies - HBs antibodies (anti-HBs), HBc antibodies (anti-HBc), HBe antibodies (anti-HBe).

In addition, the diagnostics of HBV infections also uses PCR methods - a test that detects DNA, i.e. nucleic acid (genetic material) of the virus.HBV DNA testingis performed in conjunction with, but never in place of, the above tests. Thanks to the test, it is possible to determine the susceptibility of HBV to drugs, monitor treatment and predict response to therapy.

Hepatitis B test - how to prepare for it?

The test does not have to be done on an empty stomach, you can eat a light meal and drink fluids. Blood is usually drawn in the morning.


This is the so-called early antigen, which remains in the blood for up to 10 weeks (occurs on average 3-6 weeks after infection). Its presence indicates an acute, active infection and high infectivity. If HbeAg remains in the blood for more than 10-12 weeks, it may suggest that the infection has become chronic

AntigenHBe(HBeAg)This is the so-called early antigen, which remains in the blood for up to 10 weeks (occurs on average 3-6 weeks after infection). Its presence indicates an acute, active infection and high infectivity. If HbeAg remains in the blood for more than 10-12 weeks, it may suggest that the infection has become chronic
HBc Antigen ( HBcAg)It has limited diagnostic usefulness, therefore its determination is not performed in the routine diagnosis of HBV infections
HBs antibodies (anti-HBs)

Due to the fact that they appear at the latest and testifyon the elimination of the virus from the body, are used to assess the period of viral hepatitis and to assess the effectiveness of vaccination against hepatitis B.

Their presence indicates contact with HBV in the past and indicates immunization as a result of vaccination or a history of hepatitis B. They may remain in the blood for up to 6 years after infection.

The protection level (ie, protecting against infection) is greater than 100 units. The level of these antibodies should be measured at least 2 weeks after vaccination. If your level is below the security level, you should fix yourself. Low levels of antibodies indicate poor immunity to the virus. The level also works for people who were vaccinated a long time ago and who were referred to the hospital for surgery, as well as for people before the next vaccination booster dose.

antibodiesHBc(anti-HBc)They may indicate acute and chronic hepatitis B (then there are class M antibodies - anti-HBc IgM) or a past infection (indicated by a positive HBc IgM, even with a negative HBsAg result). Therefore, the determination of antibodies in the IgG class is used to confirm a history of infection (these antibodies last for life) in people who have lost anti-HBs antibodies. In contrast, anti-HBc antibodies in the IgM class are used to confirm a fresh infection, as it is the first product of the immune response to virus infection.
antibodiesHBe(anti-HBe)The presence of anti-HBe antibodies (and disappearance of HbeAg) indicates recovery from acute HBV infection
