Blood transfusion is a procedure that is performed only in justified cases. The doctor under the care of the patient decides about the blood transfusion. In order to safely transfuse a patient's blood, it is necessary to follow all the rules of conduct in this type of procedure. Find out how blood is transfused and how long a blood transfusion takes.
Blood transfusionis a procedure that is most often performed during surgery, in hematology and emergency departments.
The indication for blood transfusion is blood loss during or after surgeries, after accidents, as well as anemia or acquired and congenital hemorrhagic diatheses.
During the transfusion, the patient can be transfused with the blood of other people (then it is called homologous transfusion) or his own - then we are dealing with an autologous transfusion.
Blood transfusion - preparation for the procedure
The transfused blood should have full documentation, so before starting the procedure, not only the personal data of the recipient should be checked, but also the blood group, Rh factor and the result of the compatibility test.
A macroscopic blood test is also required prior to transfusion. If the test shows signs of haemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells), clots, fluff, discoloration or cloudy plasma, the blood cannot be used.
Before a homologous transfusion takes place, a biological test should also be performed, i.e. a blood compatibility test, the purpose of which is to establish the compatibility of the blood group of the donor and the recipient.
The test consists of quickly infusing 20-30 ml of blood or a blood product and then slowing down the flow for 20-30 minutes.
The condition of the recipient should be constantly monitored during the biological test, because the symptoms of many complications, especially after administration of incompatible blood, may appear after the infusion of a small amount of the preparation.
The test result is valid for 48 hours.
Before and after the procedure, the doctor should examine the patient, including measure his body temperature and blood pressure.
Blood transfusion: how is blood transfused?
The method of blood transfusion depends on how much the patient has lost or what specific blood components they need. If a rapid, massive transfusion is needed, into a peripheral veina catheter is inserted. It is also used when patients require blood transfusions for several days.
However, most often blood and its components are transfused by intravenous infusion - a cannula connected with a medical tubing with a bag containing blood prepared for transfusion is inserted into the vein in the hand.
Less commonly, blood components are administered as a single intravenous injection.
After 15 minutes from the start of the transfusion, the doctor should check the parameters and rate of infusion, patency of the blood transfusion apparatus and puncture.
The patient should be monitored throughout the procedure by a nurse who has completed training for this type of procedure.
Blood transfusion time
- reconstituted whole blood (KPR), concentrate of red blood cells (RBC) - max. 4 hours
- platelets - 20-30 minutes
- plasma - from 30 to 60 minutes
Read also:
- When is blood transfused?
- Is blood transfusion safe?
- Who can donate blood, and when is it impossible?
- What is serum and when is it administered?