Drugs to strengthen prescription immunity, i.e. nasal or oral vaccines, are the most powerful drugs aimed at stimulating the immune system. According to scientists, it is bacterial lysates, because that is what these types of preparations are called, that are drugs that can play a significant role in the prevention of respiratory system infections. Find out how prescription-resistance drugs work and whether they can also be used in children.
Drugs to strengthen prescription immunityhave stronger immunostimulating effects than natural preparations such as echinacea, aloe vera or oil shark liver, orimmunity drugswithout a prescription, because they contain a mixture of killed bacteria, or components of their cells, which most often occur in various types of infections. This group of immunizing drugs includes mainly the so-called oral and nasal vaccines that are intended for both children and adults.
Drugs to strengthen prescription immunity - how do they work?
Prescription resistance drugsstimulate the specific as well as non-specific immune response, thereby increasing:
- titers of IgA antibodies, which are responsible for the protection of mucous membranes;
- interferon γ - proteins that directly stimulate the cells of the immune system to fight pathogens;
- activity of phagocytes - cells specialized in capturing and absorbing bacteria, viruses and other small organic particles.
As a consequence, they shorten the duration of the infection, reduce its incidence and severity. Therefore, these types of preparations are recommended for repeatedly recurring inflammations of the respiratory tract, middle ear, and even allergic reactions manifested by obstruction of the respiratory tract.
ImportantAre there any effective immune-boosting preparations?
Lek.med. Agnieszka Motyl , family medicine specialist, epidemiologist from Medicover Medical Center:
Recurrent respiratory infections are a problem that primarily affects children, but also some adults. Such patients often ask their doctor forprescribing effective medications for immunization or independently undertake therapy with over-the-counter medications. When deciding to buy drugs that improve immunity, however, you should know that only a few preparations have proven effectiveness. The most effective and best tested are bacterial lysates, i.e. oral or nasal vaccines, available by prescription only. Unfortunately, even these preparations do not completely eliminate illnesses, but only moderately reduce the number of respiratory infections throughout the year.
OTC drugs are even less effective. The popular vitamin C administered at the beginning of a cold did not affect its course, while in people using it prophylactically, it shortened the duration of this infection in the case of falling ill. Similar results were obtained when analyzing the effect of Echinacea extract taken prophylactically, which shortened the duration of a common cold by an average of 1.5 days and additionally caused a decrease in the number of respiratory infections.
The effectiveness of other preparations of plant and animal origin, vitamins and dietary supplements has not been confirmed in reliable studies, but there are contraindications to their use and interactions with other substances. For example: grapefruit seed extract, containing flavonoids, interacts with many drugs, including cardiological, antiallergic, sedative, immunosuppressive. Therefore, you should not combine the therapy with these drugs with the treatment with a grapefruit preparation, or take the tablets with the juice of this fruit.
In turn, bacterial lysates are contraindicated in patients with autoimmune diseases, in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.
To sum up: proper immunity should be taken care of all year round, through proper nutrition, physical activity, avoiding stimulants and the appropriate number of hours of sleep and rest. Bacterial lysates are a safe therapeutic option, especially for children with recurrent respiratory infections. Vitamin C and Echinacea preparations have an auxiliary effect. Vaccinations against influenza and pneumococcus, which stimulate the development of specific immunity against these infections, remain the most effective in preventing infection.
Drugs to strengthen prescription immunity - oral or nasal vaccines
Bacterial lysates , because that's what they are calledOral vaccinesprescribed by prescription, are drugs that can play a significant role in the prevention of system infections respiratory system. Due to the route of administration, they are divided into oral and intranasal vaccines.
Oral vaccines
Ribomunyl is an oral preparation that contains ribosomes (killed by heating bacterial cells) and proteins from 4 different bacterial strains. Ribomunyl, which is available as tablets or granules, can be given to children from 3 years of age. The dose and frequency of taking the drug is determined by the doctor. The drug should be taken on an empty stomach.
It is not recommended to use the preparation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Price: 4 pieces of granules - approx. PLN 20
Broncho-vaxom is a preparation in capsules that contains as many as 8 different lyophilisates of bacteria. Broncho-vaxom should usually be used for 10 days a month, for 3 consecutive months, but the final dose is determined by the doctor. Additionally, the drug can be used in complications of bacterial viral respiratory infections, especially in children (from 2 years of age) and the elderly.
It is not recommended to use the preparation during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Price: approx. PLN 58-60 (30 capsules)
Luivac is a preparation that can be used in adults and children over 3 years of age. The drug is usually taken on an empty stomach and the dose is determined by the doctor. Luivac should be started before symptoms of the disease appear. However, if an infection occurs, it can be used simultaneously with an antibiotic, but only as an auxiliary preparation. Luivacu should not be taken during specific vaccinations (e.g. for whooping cough, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella).
It is not recommended to use the preparation during pregnancy. The risk of taking the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is unknown. Consult your doctor if you are breastfeeding.
Price: approx. PLN 47 (28 tablets)
Intranasal vaccines
Polyvaccinum mite isnon-specific bacterial vaccine , which contains 10 types of inactivated bacteria. It can be administered in the course of upper respiratory tract disease, provided that the preparation is started before the infection develops. The manufacturer recommends taking the vaccine twice a year, preferably in January-February and August-September, for a period of at least 2 years. In this way, we will prevent infection in periods of increased morbidity, i.e. in early spring and autumn. The vaccine should be administered daily for 6 weeks. It is the only vaccine that can be given to children from 6 months of age.
Pregnant and lactating women should consult their doctor.
Price: approx. PLN 35 10 ml
Contraindications to the use of bacterial lysates
- hypersensitivity to vaccine components
- cardiovascular failure
- kidney and liver disease
- alcoholism
- systemic diseases
- taking immunosuppressive preparations
- pregnancy