urolithiasis includes chronic pain in the right hypochondrium, attacks of the so-called biliary colic, nausea, yellowing of the outer membranes of the eyes, itchy skin, darker urine. Read about the diagnosis and treatment of choledocholithiasis, the use of which is necessary to avoid serious complications.
Urolithiasisis formed as a result of the accumulation of plaques (stones) in the bile ducts that run mainly outside the liver. The deposits are nothing more than a mixture of cholesterol, proteins, calcium and other inorganic substances that should dissolve in the bile. When this does not happen as a result of the disease process, it is inhibited, preventing free flow in the bile ducts. Bile stasis gives very clear symptoms: first, pain appears on the right side just below the ribs, with time also yellowing of the outer membranes of the eyes, itching of the skin, darker color of the urine.
There may be seizures of the so-called biliary colic, especially after eating heavy food. Its main symptoms are sudden pain on the right side radiating to the shoulder blade or back, gas, nausea and vomiting. Even if the biliary colic attack subsides after some time, it is necessary to see a doctor and complete diagnostics to find out what causes it.
The same symptoms as in choledocholithiasis are also caused by gallstone disease, except that the deposits accumulate in the gallbladder. Most often, both diseases occur simultaneously, due to the movement of stones in the bile ducts.
urolithiasis: causes and diagnostics
Doctors agree that there are factors that increase the risk of developing choledocholithiasis. More often the disease affects overweight women, over 40 years of age, especially those taking hormone therapy. It is about taking female hormones, estrogens, which can contribute to thickening your bile. Other contributing factors are a poorly balanced diet, high in fat, which promotes abnormal cholesterol levels, including triglycerides. If there are any symptoms indicative of choledocholithiasis, an appointment with a doctor is necessary. The diagnosis includes blood tests, first of all, the determination of the activity of two enzymesliver function (AST and ALT), the level of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) levels are also checked, which may indicate liver damage. At the same time, the patient is usually referred for an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity or for a more advanced examination, the so-called retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), which is performed endoscopically. It gives a detailed picture of the bile ducts and possible abnormalities. This method is more accurate than ultrasound, which sometimes does not detect changes, despite the ongoing disease process. At the same time, it is considered more invasive and carries a risk of complications.
Urolithiasis: treatment
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is also a therapeutic method, because thanks to it it is possible to remove concrements, widen the bile ducts and restore them, and take samples for examination. However, if this method does not bring the expected results, surgery must be performed. It involves the removal of deposits in the bile ducts and preventing the free flow of bile. The operation is necessary because untreated choledocholithiasis can lead to, inter alia, cancer of the bile duct or gallbladder, which are among the most malignant and most difficult to treat cancers of the digestive system. After the procedure, you must strictly follow the doctor's instructions, especially regarding the diet. It should be easy to digest - low in fat, with carbohydrate content and high in fiber. Anyway, a similar menu applies if we want to protect ourselves from choledocholithiasis, because some doctors believe that it is diet, at least to some extent, responsible for problems with the bile ducts. They are harmed by an excessive amount of saturated fat, in relation to too little unsaturated fat, consumption of products with added sugar and too low dietary fiber content.