The history of our whole life is reflected on our skin. It ruthlessly exposes stress, irresponsible sunbathing, frequent visits to the solarium and diseases. It also often reveals age. However, you can cheat the birth certificate by properly caring for your skin and avoiding what harms it.

The condition ofskinis influenced by many factors: lifestyle, diet, sunbathing orsolarium , smoking, taking medications, medical history. Genetic predisposition and individual predispositions also play an important role.

Skin changes with age

Our perfect "packaging" changes with age - both on the surface and in deeper layers. If the skin is seborrhoeic, it stays younger for longer because it is thicker and more greasy. Thin and sensitive skin becomes covered with smallwrinklesfaster - both mimic and typical gravitational wrinkles. However, regardless of the type of skin, after the age of 30, mimic wrinkles slowly begin to become permanent, and after the age of 40 they become deeper and deeper. In the following years, the skin of the whole body becomes less elastic and more dry as it loses water, and the sweat and sebaceous glands work less efficiently. It becomes more and more delicate, the epidermis is thinner, the dermis is less elastic, and discoloration and vascular changes appear on the surface. If the skin is constantly exposed to factors that disrupt its normal functioning (especially sun, extreme temperatures, wind), the aging process is faster. You can slow them down a bit, for example by avoiding excessive sunbathing or smoking and by skilfully caring for the skin. However, hormonal changes also affect aging, especially during the menopause, because in addition to a smaller amount of the female hormone (estrogen), sometimes the psyche is also weakened. And this is visible both on the face (the "lines of sadness" deepen) and in the body posture (hunched).


Souvenirs of youth

Piercing on the nose or navel, tattoo on the ankle, neck or other part of the body - these are fashionable decorations that unfortunately damage the skin. You can only get rid of them by surgery (unless the earring was worn for a very short time). In the case of the earring hole, the tunnel formed inside the tissues is cut out and intradermal sutures are applied. Whereasthe tattoo - as long as it has a small diameter (up to 2 cm) - can be cut out and the skin can be sewn together (if it is not too tight). When removing larger tattoos, the wound is closed by local plasty (flaps of skin in the vicinity of the wound) or by skin grafting. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Effects of stress on the skin

Nervous work, constant running life, fatigue and a lot of problems make you forget about skin care. It becomes dull, gray, less firm, fine wrinkles become visible on it. In people with oily skin, stress increases the secretion of sebum, which results in the appearance of pimples. Dry skin dries faster and is prone to irritation. Stress is also the cause of dermatological diseases (skin diseases), e.g. alopecia areata, vitiligo. They can reveal or worsen after a very strong emotional experience. Stressful situations can also exacerbate skin changes, such as in atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. Try to control stress, don't forget to relax and get enough sleep - the skin is a real barometer of your mood.

Too much sun harms the skin

It has a beneficial effect on our body, but when dosed unreasonably, it can cause sun damage to the skin, unsightly "souvenirs" - incl. discoloration under the influence of some medications (e.g. hormonal) or herbs used (e.g. St. John's wort), visible freckles and clearly defined wrinkles.
Frequent sunbathing and visits to the solarium cause a lot of seborrheic warts on the skin. At first, they look like flat spots, slightly beige, which become more convex with time, have a warty surface and gradually the horny-sebaceous plugs crumble from them.
Under the influence of the sun there are also so-called vascular changes. They can only appear on the face, but also on the sides of the neck and décolleté. Within the submandibular triangle (where the shadow from the chin falls), the skin remains properly colored. The network of thick, tangled blood vessels and the constant redness (especially on the cheeks) take away our beauty. In order to repair sun-damaged skin, it is worth undergoing revitalizing and rejuvenating treatments (Rejuvenation), as well as laser removal of discoloration and closing of dilated blood vessels.
Unfortunately, such changes are not the only effects of the influence of the sun. Under its influence, people who used to sunbathe a lot can develop a skin cancer - cancer, incl. melanoma. So it is very important to immediately consult a dermatologist in case of finding a new one, quicklya growing skin lesion. The same should be done when you notice any differences in the pigmentation marks - a change in color (darkening, lightening, pink, bluish shade), shape, size, contours.
The result of excessive tanning is the formation of many focused on the skin. a very small area, the so-called giant blackheads. Sometimes they form lumps or nodules filled with porridge masses (located just below the surface of the skin). Usually, there are a lot of them on the temples, cheeks, by the nose, they appear singly on the torso. This disease is the result of a large damage to the elastic and elastic fibers in the dermis. In this way, the hair follicles transform into structures that accumulate exfoliated epidermis and sebum. A beautician can clean such lesions, but prior consultation with a dermatologist is necessary. Long exposure to the sun can also cause actinic keratosis. These are erythematous spots that have a sharp, rough skin on the surface and bleed easily. They can appear in any place exposed to the sun. If you notice such changes, go to a dermatologist as soon as possible, because it is a precancerous condition of squamous cell carcinoma (it develops in a few percent of people with such changes). Nevertheless, it is very important then to use creams with high sunscreen (above SPF 30) every day, throughout the year, because they significantly reduce the number of already formed sun keratosis foci and prevent the formation of new ones.
Nodular changes may also appear on the skin bleeding easily. These can be skin cancers. If you notice them (or any disturbing skin changes), do not delay visiting your dermatologist. Only in this way will you find out if they are not a symptom of a serious illness. Dark brown, even black discoloration should also be checked.

Skin problems can be a sign of many serious diseases

The skin reveals our he alth. Sometimes it reveals the first symptoms of a disease whose source lies elsewhere. In people suffering from jaundice, the skin has a characteristic color. In contrast, problems with the thyroid gland manifest as dry, flaky skin, most often accompanied by itching. Sometimes itchy skin may also indicate other diseases, e.g. diabetes, liver or kidney failure, hematological diseases. Often, however, the cause of itchy skin is a fungal infection or an allergic reaction (e.g. to food, insect bites, medications).
Diabetes is also associated with many skin problems. Sometimes, the dermatologist will refer the patient to blood sugar tests based on the appearance of certain skin lesions. People with diabetesmust take great care of proper skin care, carefully ensure that in the places of skin folds (under the armpits, breasts, groin) and between the fingers or, more often, the feet, there is no maceration of the epidermis and bacterial and fungal infections, which diabetics are particularly prone to. They should also pay attention to their feet, because they have impaired circulation (the so-called macro-angiopathy, i.e. atherosclerosis, and microangiopathy - lesions in small vessels), as well as innervation (the so-called diabetic neuropathy consisting in disturbance of the sensation of temperature, touch, pain) , may not feel a cut, inflammation, which often leads to the formation of the so-called diabetic foot. The disease is manifested by deep ulcers covering a large area of ​​the foot, which in some cases may result in its amputation.
People with arterial hypertension have abnormal levels of cholesterol and its fractions (the so-called lipid profile). In some patients, the so-called Yellow tufts, i.e. cholesterol deposits in the skin of the eyelids, others have a yellowish border around the irises of the eyes. Hypertensive people take many different medications, so they should dose their sunbaths very carefully.


Sensitive problem

Atopic Dermatitis (AD), skin allergies

People with these diseases have a damaged epidermal barrier and an insufficient lipid layer on the skin surface.
Important recommendations: Do not wash in too warm water (it increases the drying of the skin), regularly lubricate the skin, not only when its condition deteriorates. Use professional cosmetics - emollients (available only at a pharmacy), which moisturize the skin and support its treatment. These preparations are tested and checked for the possibility of causing allergic reactions, so they are safe for people with AD and those suffering from contact allergy. The appearance of atopic skin usually improves under the influence of the sun, and in the case of an airborne allergy (e.g. to pollen of grasses, trees, etc.) - during a stay in high mountains (over 1500 m above sea level).


In the first phase of the disease (the skin is constantly pink, prone to a hyperemia reaction under the influence of drinking warm drinks, alcohol, eating hot meals, as well as emotions, sun, temperature differences), patients are able to cope on their own. When changes in the nature of papules or pimples occur, dermatological help is needed and treatment begins.
Important recommendations: Because after washing with water, the skin becomes red and tight, it is necessary to use special hypoallergenic soaps - syndets, as well as preparations available in pharmaciesintended for people with this type of acne. Proper sun protection is also important - the cream should have a minimum SPF 30 filter. It is beneficial to undergo laser treatment of dilated capillaries, which are performed in some aesthetic dermatology offices.

Juvenile acne

Contrary to the name, this problem affects both teenagers and adults. It often occurs in women over 30 years of age who previously had no or mild acne.
Important recommendations: Take care of the proper hydration of the skin (often, in fear of subsequent blooms, dry the skin) and do not use cosmetics with a too heavy base, e.g. anti-wrinkle creams. In the event of exacerbation of acne lesions, you should go to a dermatologist - he will select the appropriate care cream (non-fat, non-comedogenic) and prescribe the appropriate treatment (antibiotics may be needed).

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