Infection with toxoplasmosis - a parasitic disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii - in pregnant women results in serious consequences, including a threat to the he alth and life of the child. There are, however, simple measures for pregnant women to avoid this parasitic infection. It is therefore important to know how to avoid toxoplasmosis infection during pregnancy.
If a woman becomes infected in the period prior to pregnancy, the immune system remembers the pathogen and is able to defend itself against it, making re-infection unlikely - in the vast majority of cases the fetus is safe1 . However, if a woman has not previously been infected with the protozoan toxoplasmosis, a fresh infection during pregnancy may carry a risk to the fetus - the greater the younger the pregnancy.
The risk of complications in a child is inversely proportional to the duration of pregnancy: it decreases with each subsequent trimester. In addition, even if infected, it does not mean that the baby will be born sick, most babies do not have an infection. The most dangerous (but rarest) infection is in the first trimester as it may result in a miscarriage. A fresh infection in the second trimester may cause a child's nervous system and vision defects, and in the third (most common), anemia or an enlarged liver1 .
To prevent infection with toxoplasmosis
Infections with toxoplasmosis during pregnancy can be avoided. It is neither difficult nor complicated. You just need to know how to do it. The key to success is knowledge and awareness of the risk.
- Having a cat
It is recommended to avoid excessively close contact with him in general. It is not advisable to sleep with your pet in bed. No cat walking on the table or kitchen cabinets. After playing with your pet, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Changing the sand in the litter box is best left to other family members; this exchange should take place every day. If for any reason the pregnant woman needs to clean the litter box herself, she should always wear rubber gloves before starting this activity. If you follow these simple precautions in caring for your cat, you do not have to be afraid of infection from it,so there is no reason to get rid of it during pregnancy1 .
- Cooking
The source of toxoplasmosis infection can be raw or undercooked meat, such as pork. During pregnancy, you should give up eating tartare, tags, white sausage or bloody steaks and give up trying raw meat, e.g. for chops, while seasoning them. The meat should be thoroughly fried or cooked. Deep-frozen meat is safe to eat after cooking it for 20 minutes. After you finish cooking raw meat, wash the kitchen worktop and knives thoroughly, and scald the cutting board. Do not cut other food with the knife that you just used to cut raw meat. Do not eat unwashed fruit or vegetables. Specialists even recommend wearing gloves. It is not recommended to drink milk straight from the cow - this is one of the possible sources of toxoplasmosis infection.
- Garden work
The protozoan T. gondii can also be found in soil and in soil-contaminated products. Always wear rubber gloves when working in the garden, and wash your hands thoroughly after playing in the sandbox.
- In the restaurant and bar
When eating out, it is better to give up eating salads and fresh vegetable salads - they may not have been washed thoroughly and therefore are a potential source of toxoplasmosis infection.