In the second trimester of pregnancy, you have ailments that plagued you in the first three months, your body has adapted to the new situation. You begin to feel the fetus move. During this period of pregnancy, you feel a surge of energy, you have a sense of strength and your own attractiveness, you look at the world with joy. Check how your body is changing and developing the fetus between the 13th and 26th week of pregnancy.
The second trimester of pregnancyis the time when you begin to establish contact with your baby. The closest ones are relieved to accept this change. The hormonal swing will make worse moments happen now, but you will distance yourself from them. The baby continues to develop rapidly. There are touching moments ahead of you - you will hear his heartbeat, feel his first movements, and maybe you will be able to see him sucking his thumb on an ultrasound, getting ready to suck on your breast. Check what will happen to you and your baby in the following weeks of pregnancy. See our pregnancy calendar.
13. pregnancy week
You still don't feel perfect. Changes are slow and difficult to see overnight. If you have not yet started using anti-stretch mark cosmetics, now is the time. Unpleasant "cracks" on the skin, incl. hips or buttocks are difficult to remove - so it's better to prevent them. The beginning of the 2nd trimester is the last call for an interview with your doctor aboutprenatal testing . Remember that they are performed primarily for the sake of the baby and so that you can sleep well. It is worth talking even if you do not belong to a group at risk of genetic diseases of the fetus (e.g. age 35 or more).
A tiny man begins to resemble a child. The eyes, previously located on the sides of the head, move closer to each other and the ears move to their place. Miniature vocal cords form in the throat. Cuddles form on the fingers. Permanent tooth buds are formed. The liver produces bile and the pancreas produces insulin. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid, thus providing adequate training for the kidneys and digestive system. It distinguishes the taste of what is "pije" because it already has taste buds. Pee because the kidneys have started working. The intestines slowly change position and move inside the abdominal cavity. The baby can stretch and jump up, stretches out his fingers, yawns, shakes his head, puffs his cheeks, wrinkles his forehead and even sucks his thumb. He has muscles, bones and joints already formed. The latter's handbagsfills the goo. The little twitter weighs several grams and is 7-8 cm long from head to bottom.
14. pregnancy week
Say goodbye to your deck. Your uterus is like a little ball, and the bottom of it is about 10 cm below your belly button. As it begins to emphasize the abdominal wall, looser clothing becomes essential. From now on you will start to gain weight systematically. If your tummy is still invisible, don't worry, it's individual. Usually, curves appear a little later in women in their first pregnancy. Although your little one is playing well in the womb, you don't feel his movements yet.
Your baby still has a lot of room in his bladder. And he takes advantage of it: he flips, slumps and straightens, waves his arms and legs. These exercises develop the nervous system and strengthen the muscles. Every minute, the brain produces 250,000 new nerve cells! Almost all of the baby's body becomes sensitive to touch, except for the top and sides of the head. These parts are the most vulnerable to pressure during childbirth, so nature has made sure that it is as unpleasant as possible for your baby. During your next visit to the gynecologist, you will be able to listen to your baby's heart. It is now the size of an orange: the parietal-seat distance is 8-9 cm and the weight is about 25 g.
CHECK>>>PREGNANCY CALCULATOR: which week, month, trimester
15. pregnancy week
Soon you will stop running to the toilet so often because your uterus (the size of a small watermelon) will rise above the symphysis pubis and stop pressing on the bladder. However, constipation may appear - it's best to fight them by introducing more fiber into the diet. There is more blood circulating in your veins now than it was before the pregnancy, and your heart has grown a little bit faster and faster. There is a dark line on my abdomen, and moles and freckles are darker. The color of the skin will return to normal after delivery.
The baby weighs about 50 g and is almost 10 cm "long" (measured from the bottom to the top of the head). His legs become longer than his hands. He likes to suck his thumb, especially when he is sad. And the mood owes to you - if you are bursting with joy, and he is cheerful, and when you are "down", the little one is not laughing either. The baby's skin is transparent, with a mesh of blood vessels showing through. It begins to be covered with a nap (so-called lanugo). The nap will cover your whole body over time, but it will dry before birth. The baby is not gaining weight intensively, because he is now accumulating the so-called brown adipose tissue, from which fat is converted directly into energy and does not need to be transported to the cells.
16. pregnancy week
Do you suffer from a stuffy nose and slight bleeding from it? The problem is caused by the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which sometimes cause the mucosa to swell too much. Relief is provided by increasing the humidity in the bedroom. If the bleeding is profuse, talk to your gynecologist. Blood clotting problems must be resolved before delivery. Try to sleep on your side. This is best for you and your baby.
Your leprechaun still fits on your open hand - it's about 11 cm long and weighs about 75 g. He tries to move his eyes. He reacts to sounds, although his ears are not fully formed yet. Scientists suspect that it has the ability to feel vibrations through the skin. The nose is actually ready - slightly upturned and flat so that the little one can breathe freely while sucking on your breast.
17. pregnancy week
Do you feel a strange gurgling in your stomach? Something "overflows" there? The first movements of the fetus are usually felt by future mothers between 17 and 20 weeks, and those that are in their first pregnancy - a little later. We still have to wait for strong, regular kicks. Your appetite for sex is growing. Some women feel the strongest orgasms in this period, because the organs with blood supply are particularly sensitive to caresses.
The baby is 12 cm tall and weighs 10 dkg. He plays with the umbilical cord and clenches his fist. Fingerprints just appeared on his hands. A tiny heart pumps around 30 liters of blood a day. It's twice as fast as yours. The bone marrow starts producing blood cells. In girls, the fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and labia are formed. Although it is warm in the womb (approx. 37 ° C), the baby gains fat tissue.
18. pregnancy week
The baby's heartbeat can be clearly heard through ordinary medical headphones. However, do not focus solely on receiving signals. Talk to your baby. Sing to him, "stroke" his belly gently. You will make a good contact, because the toddler already understands the language of love. Even if your pregnancy is book-like, you will have an ultrasound scan in the near future. It's painless and harmless, and makes sure your little one is doing well. For example, a heart defect can be diagnosed and the pregnancy, delivery and care of the baby can be managed in such a way as to minimize the effects of the disease. Although the second trimester is usually the most enjoyable, the spine may be annoying. Even if you gained weight correctly, about 4 kg, remember that this sweet weight is not distributed evenly. Your scaffolding feels it clearly as your spine flexes forward to accommodate the changes. Relief will be brought by a gentle massage of sore spots, resting in a lying positionback, legs slightly raised, warm (but not hot) water bath and swimming. Provided, however, that you do not suffer from urinary tract infections. Talk to your doctor about the best form of physical activity.
The little girl trains breathing. Though her lungs are now filled with amniotic fluid, her chest is noticeably rising and falling. Of course, the little one does not breathe alone. Oxygen is supplied by the mother, and its replacement takes place in the placenta, where the blood flows through the arteries and drains away through the umbilical cord. The baby's heart chambers begin to divide, creating a partition between them. A reaction to touch develops. Under its influence, there is no longer a series of movements of the whole body, and now only the touched place reacts. The little boy doesn't like pressure. He protests by moving intensively, e.g. when you put on clothes that are too tight. The curled child now measures 12-14 cm, and the straightened child - as much as 25 cm (the legs have grown very much). It weighs 15 grams, which is the same as a corn cob.
19. pregnancy week
Your shoes feel a bit tight? This is the effect of relaxation of the joint ligaments. It happens that this process leads to a permanent increase in the foot by half a number. The enlargement of the feet can be temporary, related to the accumulation of water in the body. If the swelling is slight, only in the legs, and disappears overnight, it's nothing to worry about. However, when the swelling is severe and your blood pressure rises, you may be at risk of pregnancy poisoning. This he alth problem occurs most often after the 20th week. Increased blood pressure in pregnancy (an increase of 30 mmHg of systolic pressure compared to previous measurements or 15 mmHg of diastolic pressure - a smaller increase is typical for pregnancy) always requires consultation and treatment. If, on the contrary, you have low blood pressure and it makes you feel dizzy, for example, gentle exercise will provide relief. Also, remember not to get up suddenly when you get out of bed, as this can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure and temporary cerebral ischemia. A little coffee will not hurt either - one a day should be enough.
The toddler is already 15 cm (from the top of the head to the bottom) and weighs 200 g. house, acquires new skills. He learns to turn and twist, moves his eyeballs ( although he does not open his eyes yet), kicks, pokes and "breathes". He often has hiccups - this is an excellent diaphragm exercise. You may feel it as gentle shocks coming from inside your belly.
20. pregnancy week
Now your belly will grow rapidly and your pregnancy will become visible to everyone. Your uterus can be felt at the level of the naveland every week it will increase by another centimeter. You may feel painless, quick contractions known as Braxton-Hicks contractions. This is a natural symptom of slow preparation for childbirth. However, if you experience them frequently (more than 10 a day), are regular or are accompanied by low back pain, contact your doctor. You can easily recognize your baby playing in your belly. Once your baby's movements become regular, watch them carefully. If you notice any clear changes in his "behavior", contact with the obstetrician is imperative. The better you get to know your baby's habits, the better the chance that you won't panic when, for example, the baby is asleep or doesn't want to be messy.
The baby is training his sense of balance. It feels "swayed" as you move and breathe deeper. He will remember this sensation, so the rocking will soothe him after birth. The child also reacts to changes in the ambient temperature. He gets nervous when you take a shower that is too warm or cold, and he doesn't like sunbathing. Although her eyes are still closed, she stretches her hand toward the strong light source. She reacts strongly to loud, extraneous sounds and calms down in silence when she can listen to your steady heartbeat as much as you like. If you are expecting a girl, there are already several million unripe eggs in her ovaries! The sebaceous glands begin to work. The sebum secreted by them and dead epidermal cells accumulate into the fetal sludge, which is similar in composition to healing ointments. The role of this whitish substance is to nourish and protect delicate skin from maceration in the moist environment of the uterus. Toenails form on the toes. The little man is now 15-17 cm long (parietal-seat distance), which is the same as a banana, and weighs about 260 g.
21. pregnancy week
Still having puffiness? Drink a lot, this usually prevents such troubles. Remember, however, that an enlarging uterus puts pressure on large veins in your abdomen, making your blood circulate more slowly than it did before pregnancy. This promotes thrombosis in the lower extremities. If the swelling increases, the legs hurt a lot and redness appears - see your doctor. In case of thrombosis, inpatient treatment is sometimes necessary, but this applies to approx. 0.3% of patients. pregnant. Minor vascular problems are cured by resting with raised legs and special anti-coagulant tights. You've probably gained about 5 kg.
Your little one already distinguishes between s alty, sour, bitter and sweet flavors. The latter suits him best. Gourmand is more likely to swallow amniotic fluid when it is sweet. The intestines are already mature enough to expel the fluid efficiently. The organic residues remain, howeveraccumulated in the large intestine - they will be removed only after delivery, in the form of meconium. Dzidziuś twirls his hips, turns around his axis, bends his arms and legs. She has clearly established times for activity and sleep. This week the parietal-seat distance is approx. 18 cm, and the toddler weighs up to 300 g.
22. pregnancy week
The uterus has already "wandered" about 2 cm above the navel, and its height from the pubic symphysis is over 22 cm. The belly is rounded, but not yet monstrous in size. Enjoy this time and take a lot of rest in advance. The doctor told you to lie down? It is possible that he has recognized placenta previa or some other risk of preterm delivery. Listen to the specialist and you'll be fine. Find the good sides of this situation. And if your pregnancy is okay, you also have the right to laze around when you feel like it. However, do not forget to take walks in the fresh air.
Your little one weighs approx. 350 grams and is approx. 25 cm long (the parietal-seat distance is 19 cm). Noise wakes him up, so when you want to take a break from kicks, avoid loud places while your baby is resting. His eyelashes are growing. The bone marrow already produces a lot of white blood cells to fight infection. The liver breaks down the bilirubin produced by the breakdown of red blood cells, but some of the bilirubin is given to the mother by the baby via the placenta to be broken down by her liver. This incomplete ability to process bilirubin in the baby's liver persists until the end of pregnancy, which is why the so-called physiological jaundice. The baby has a high forehead, pointed chin, a vertical furrow appears between the nose and lip. The auricles have their final shape. The neck muscles are strengthened, so the baby keeps his head straight. Rubbing and tapping the tummy encourages the baby to kick more.
23. pregnancy week
You've probably gained about 6 kg. In the near future, weight gain will be fairly regular - about 1/2 kg per week. The uterus is now positioned over the bladder and is putting pressure on it, so you will soon be going to the toilet again very soon. Between 4 and 7 months of pregnancy, many women experience more intense orgasms than before. However, not everything goes well in bed. If you notice a decreased interest in sex in yourself or your partner, talk about it. Perhaps any of you are concerned about the effects of pranks on your pregnancy? Not always reassuring information from a doctor is enough of an incentive to play around. However, things usually return to normal within a few weeks or months after giving birth. The most important
The baby's skin is still wrinkled, but the baby is getting a bit plump, it weighs about 45 grams. The curled baby measures 20 cm, and after straightening its legs, it is almost 30 cm. He sleeps almost 20 hours a night, but finds enough time and willingness to be involved. The nervous system is already developed enough that the child may feel pain.
24. pregnancy week
Your uterus (palpable approx. 5 cm above your navel) already has approximately 500 ml of amniotic fluid. It protects the baby from injuries, soothes shocks, keeps the temperature constant and creates an environment in which it is easier for the baby to move around. The uterus puts pressure on various organs and nerve connections. Hence, back problems, more frequent urination, constipation and heartburn. Do you have problems with bowel movements, and changing your diet did not work? Your doctor will prescribe a mild agent (such as lactulose) to help you deal with this. To overcome heartburn, eat little and often and do not overeat before going to bed.
Although all of your baby's organs have developed a lot, their functions are performed by the placenta. It cares for the proper nutrition of the baby, transfers oxygen from your blood and cares for the baby's he alth by retaining most of the harmful substances. The toddler weighs a little over 1/2 kg, is about 21 cm curled up, but slowly it gets tight in the uterus. He pushes, boxes, kicks and stomps much more.
25. pregnancy week
You will have an important blood test soon - the so-called oral glucose load test (50 g). Measurement of the sugar concentration (60 minutes after its administration) will allow you to assess whether you are not at risk of gestational diabetes. Such a pregnancy requires more careful care by an obstetrician. If you are at risk of a serological conflict, you will also have anti-D antibody control.
The baby is consciously touching the inner walls of the uterus with his hands, feet and other parts of his body. It happens that he tries to grasp the umbilical cord with his fingers. Capillaries (blood vessels) form under the skin, thanks to which the skin becomes pink. The process of storing fat and developing muscles continues. In the 25th week of pregnancy, the baby weighs 70 g and is 22 cm (parietal-seat distance).
26. pregnancy week
Already 2/3 of you are pregnant. Congratulations! Have you noticed a thick yellowish discharge from your breasts? Although it is hard to believe, you already have food. Sometimes it happens that the first milk, called colostrum, appears long before the baby is born. Its absence is not a cause for concern. There will be time for that. It is an individual matter, irrelevant to the success of breastfeeding.
Baby opens his eyes. There are times when wIt gets brighter - it depends on the thickness of your clothes and the lighting in the room. The little boy does not like bright light, so he turns his head away from its source and can even cover his eyes with his hands. As part of breathing exercises, he draws in fetal water with his nose and "blows it out" with its help. The lungs begin to produce a surfactant. It is a substance that is essential for breathing after childbirth, as it prevents the alveoli from sticking together and collapsing. Your treasure is approx. 23 cm (from the top of the head to the bottom) and weighs nearly 0.9 kg. In case of problems and premature birth, the baby, supported by modern equipment, is already able to survive.
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