Reticulocytes are non-nucleated blood cells that are precursors of erythrocytes (red blood cells), which have the ability to synthesize hemoglobin. What are the reticulocyte norms for newborns, infants, children and adults? What are too low or too high reticulocyte counts?
Reticulocytesfor the first two days after entering the bloodstream, they contain the characteristic remains of cell organelles and RNA (the so-calledsubstantia reticulogranulofilamentosa ), thanks to which they can be recognized using the appropriate staining. Interestingly, they circulate in the blood for less than 48 hours.
It is worth knowing that physiologically increased reticulocytosis occurs in people who have been in the high mountains for more than 6 weeks.
The determination of the number of reticulocytes is the basis for the assessment of the erythropoietic activity of the bone marrow. This is of particular importance in the determination of erythropoiesis in hemolytic anemia and aplastic anemia, but also in the control of treatment of iron deficiency anemia with iron preparations or the control of folate and vitamin B12 treatment.
Reticulocytes: norms
The number of reticulocytes is expressed as per milli or percentage of the total number of erythrocytes. Their reference values are as follows:
- newborns: 2.5-6.5%
- infants: 0.5-3.1%
- children and adults: 0.5-2.0%
The test material is 1-2 ml of venous blood collected in an EDTA tube or 50 μl of capillary blood.
Reticulocytes can be determined by the classical method (microscopy) or by an automatic method. In the classical method, the number of reticulocytes per 1000 erythrocytes is determined under the microscope. The automated method uses flow cytometry.
Reticulocytes below normal
- aplastic anemia
- pernicious anemia
- iron deficiency anemia
- bone marrow failure
- Erythropoietin deficiency
- radiation therapy
- hypopituitarism
- adrenal insufficiency
- malignant neoplasms
- chemotherapy with cytostatics
- alcoholism
Reticulocytes above normal
- anemiahemolytic
- sickle cell anemia
- condition after bleeding or haemorrhage
- hemolytic disease of newborns
- leukemias
- state after splenectomy
- reticulocytic crisis during replacement therapy for iron, vitamin B12 or folate deficiency
- pregnancy
- chronic hypoxia
What can falsify the results?
It is worth remembering about the occurrence of falsely high values of reticulocytes. This is the case in the presence of Heinz bodies, Howell and Jolly bodies and protozoaPlasmodium , which are difficult to distinguish from those contained in reticulocytessubstantia reticulogranulofilamentosa .
Also lymphocytosis can cause disturbances in the automatic measurement of the number of reticulocytes - small lymphocytes can be recognized as reticulocytes.