How to give first aid to a person stung, for example by a bee or hornet, who starts to swell, suffocate or lose consciousness? Help with anaphylactic shock should be provided as soon as possible.
Help with anaphylactic shockshould be immediate. Anaphylactic shock is an extremely strong allergic reaction. Anaphylactic shock can occur after a bite by a hornet or a bee, but also after taking certain medications and eating foods to which we are allergic. In the event of a severe allergic reaction, immediate medical assistance is necessary - an ambulance must be called immediately. More and more people are allergic to wasps, which are stinging insects such as bees, wasps, hornets and bumblebees.
Help with anaphylactic shock: symptoms of anaphylactic shock
After a sting, most of us experience a short-term burning sensation at the site of the introduction of the venom, a slight inflammatory infiltrate, swelling and redness appear on the skin. These symptoms usually disappear after a few hours.
In people allergic to insect venom there is a systemic reaction:
- weakness,
- dizziness,
- swelling of the face and neck,
- itching of the whole body,
- pallor,
- vomiting,
- you may experience breathing difficulties at the same time,
- blood pressure drops,
- the work of the heart is disturbed,
- Occasionally loss of consciousness and convulsions occur.
Such symptoms may appear just a few seconds after a sting. The more violent the body's reaction is and the earlier it develops after a sting, the greater the risk to he alth and life. Therefore, help the stung person quickly.
In the case of a severe food allergy, an immediate allergic reaction may occur, the symptoms of which appear only a few minutes after consuming the food allergen. The clinical symptoms of this reaction range from hives to anaphylaxis.
- Insect venom allergy
- Drug allergy
- Food allergy in adults
Anaphylactic shock can occur not only after an insect sting, but also, for example, after eating certain products (e.g. peanuts, poppy seeds), taking medications (e.g. aspirin, penicillin),desensitizing. Sometimes a violent allergic reaction is triggered only by an additional factor, such as intense exercise, overheating or cooling down the body or drinking alcohol.
First aid for anaphylactic shock
When giving first aid, you must first do your best to get as little allergen as possible into the blood. If a bee has attacked, the sting remains in the skin and the venom is introduced into the blood for about 20 seconds, so it should be removed quickly. The wasp does not leave the sting, but stings it many times, so you have to pull it off the skin with a firm move.
If you suspect that you may experience a shock (the stung person is allergic to other substances or you observe the symptoms described above), you must call an ambulance.
While waiting for professional help, the injured person should lie down with his legs raised. If the insect has stung the arm or leg, a tourniquet can be placed over the sting area and the limb raised above the level of the heart. Give a large dose of lime and compress with ice cubes on the site of the sting.
People who know that they are highly allergic to insect venom or other substances should have an antihistamine drug with them, preferably a life saving kit - an auto-injector with the appropriate dose of adrenaline (prescription). If the injured person becomes unconscious before the doctor arrives, you should monitor their breathing rate, pulse rate and, if necessary, initiate CPR.
ProblemSafe at the picnic
When the air temperature and humidity increase, insects become more aggressive. However, they rarely attack for no reason - we usually unknowingly lure them ourselves. Therefore, to reduce the risk of getting stung, there are a few rules to follow:
- do not scent yourself too much before the picnic, because the smells attract insects;
- don't walk barefoot on the grass;
- do not wear a flowery dress, because bright colors (yellow, orange, red) are a lure for insects;
- drink drinks through a straw;
- keep sandwiches, fruit and drinks in tightly closed containers, as well as leftovers of food and packaging;
- when an insect is hovering over you, do not make any sudden movements, it will irritate it, just calmly walk away.
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