How to help a drowning person? What does first aid for a drowning person look like? Drowning is the most common holiday problem. Every year, several hundred people die in this way in Poland. Some of them could be saved if sunbathers knew how to help a drowning person. We present the rules of safe rest by the water, instructions on how to save a drowning person, and we also advise on how to help a drowning person and not to die.
How to help a drowning person ? What doesfirst aidlook like in case of drowning? Each of us should know it, because beaches are not guarded everywhere, and accidents by water, especially drowning, but also back injuries, are not so rare. Water can be very dangerous, which is especially forgotten by young people and people under the influence of alcohol.
If you see that someone has swam too far and does not come back, or someone suddenly disappears under the water while waving their hands and frothing the water, this could be a signal that something disturbing is happening. Pay attention to the people diving into the water.
During reckless jumps into the water, accidents ending with spine injuries very often occur. Therefore, knowing the rules of first aid in a situation where we witness an accident by the water may save someone's life.
How to help a drowning person ? What doesfirst aid look liketo a drowning person?
- Call for help first or ask nearby people to do so. If it is a guarded beach, call the lifeguard.
- Assess the situation and choose the most appropriate method to pull the drowning person out. If you cannot swim and the victim is far from the shore, you must rely on help from others.
- When assisting from the shore, first give a pole, oar, branches, some clothes. Shaking hands is not recommended. A drowning person has a very strong grip, which can cause him to lose balance and end up in the water. Alternatively, you can use a boat or other floating equipment
- We only use equipment as a last resort. After jumping into the water, we reach the drowning person who we watch all the time. Staying beyond the reach of the drowning person's arms, we try to establish contact with him. Most often, the shock of drowning is so great that it is impossible. In that case, please make itoverpower and then tow to the shore
ImportantRules for safe rest
- Swim only in restricted or permitted areas where there is no no-swimming sign.
- Do not jump into the water only in designated areas.
- If you suddenly fall into the water, block your mouth and nose with your hand to avoid choking.
- If you get a cramp, don't panic. Try to stay afloat, straighten your leg and stretch your muscles (pull your toes up).
First aid on the shore
- Assess the consciousness of the victim. Shake her and say something to her.
- Clear the airways. Place your hand on the victim's forehead, tilting it very slightly. Place the fingertips of your other hand on the lower jaw and lift it up. Clean the oral cavity of impurities.
- Check breath. To do this, put your head to the victim's mouth and observe the chest. It only takes 10 seconds.
- Put your crossed hands on your breastbone and put pressure. Give 30 strong compressions around the heart.
- Make 5 breaths - in children, infants, drowned people and hangmen, make 5 "breaths of life". You should also remember about the intensity of pressure - for children we use one hand, for infants with two fingers
- If you do not notice normal breathing after 10 seconds, perform 2 breaths + 30 compressions
- If breathing has returned to normal, place the victim in a recovery position to avoid choking on vomiting
- Cover her with a warm blanket or clothes
These numbers save lives:
- WOPR- 601 100 100 or 112 (the dispatcher will direct you to the appropriate water emergency units operating in the area)
- Ambulance- 999
- introduce yourself
- enter your number
- describe exactly where you are
- state victim status
First aid when jumping into the water
- When hauling a victim suspected of having a spinal injury, place him on his back in the water.
- Immobilize the victim's head. A spine collar will be useful, if you don't have one, use rolled-up clothes, a towel and wrap them around the victim's neck. Alternatively, use the plank, put the drowned man on it and pull it out of the water on it.
- Check your breathing and vital signs. If you notice their absence, start resuscitation and wait for professional help.
Even if the victim is already conscious, a doctor must see them. The would-be drowned man will go to the hospital for observation, for at least 24 hourshours.
Marcin Siwek, sea rescue specialist: How to prevent drowning?