A bite by a viper is a direct threat to life. When you witness a viper bite or you have become a victim of a viper attack yourself, do not panic, follow our advice and try to provide first aid properly.

When you are stung by a wasp or a bee, if you are not allergic to their venom, it is only unpleasant. Whenviperattacks you, the effects ofbiteby reptile can be tragic. In any situation of a viper bite, try to remain calm and follow our advicewhile givingfirst aid


Wound after being bitten by a snake

The viper is the only poisonous reptile that can be found in Polish forests. It has a triangular head and vertical pupils. It may have different colors, but its characteristic sign is a black zigzag on its back. It is often confused with the harmless grass snake. Usually the bite ends with stepping on the reptile.

If the resulting wound has the form of two point cuts (1.5 - 2 cm apart), it is bleeding, accompanied by severe pain, swelling and bruising, most likely a venom poisoning.

How to provide first aid in the event of a viper bite?

  • Calm the injured person and ask them to move as little as possible. Movement accelerates the spread of the toxic substance in the body. If an arm or leg is stung, it must be immobilized. You must immediately remove your watch and jewelry from your hand. Cover the wound with a sterile dressing.

It was once recommended that after being bitten by a viper, a pressure band should be worn above the bite site - currently, according to the latest guidelines, this should not be done.

  • Place the injured person in such a position that the bitten place is lower than the heart.
  • Do not suck out the wound or cut it open with a knife. This can cause new damage and cause additional pain to the victim. Also, do not use ice or tourniquets.
  • If a bitten person loses consciousness, you should carefully observe them and check if they have circulation and if they are breathing. The unconscious should be placed in the safe position on its side. If necessary, startartificial respiration and heart massage.
  • After reaching the medical facility, inform the staff that you have been bitten by a viper - the anti-venom serum must be administered as soon as possible.

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