A bee, a wasp, a hornet, a bumblebee - there are a lot of insects similar to each other. Should any of them be feared? What does a wasp look like, and what does a bee look like? Are hornets very dangerous and how to recognize a bumblebee? Learn to recognize the differences!
Bee, wasp, hornet, bumblebee- although they look similar at first glance, they differ in size, behavior, methods of building a nest or … how much their sting is dangerous to human. It is worth knowing that in the case of each of these insects only females sting.

- Bee
- The look of the bee
- Bee sting
- Behavior of the bee
- Bee's nest
The appearance of the bee
The bee is the smallest of these insects. The body length of workers (and in the vast majority of cases we deal with them) is about 15 mm. The only exception are queens, reaching up to 25 mm in length.
Bees have their bodies densely covered with hairs (and this is what distinguishes them from a smooth wasp). Their body is stocky, with no obvious narrowing at the waist.
The bee color can be called "fuzzy", brown, red and dark.
Bee sting
The famous American thriller creator Stephen King called bees calm insects, and wasps - madmen. All because the bee only stings when attacked. For this, he uses special hooks located in the sting. Killing him from the human body is associated with a lot of effort for her, which costs her life.
A bee sting is less painful than wasp, bumblebee and hornet stings.
Behavior of the bee
The bee attacks only as a last resort, in self-defense. This is mainly due to the fact that, as mentioned above, the bee's attack on humans is its first and last. After being stung, these insects lose the sting along with a fragment of the abdomen and eventually die.
Bee's nest
Bees, similarly to bumblebees, usually live in hollows near the ground, while breeding bees live in hives. Bee nests are made of wax in the shape of piastres with cells. The depth of one cell is on average 10-13 mm.

- Wasp
- Wasp appearance
- Wasp sting
- Wasp behavior
- Wasp's nest
Wasp appearance
The wasp can reach 15-18 mm in length. At first glance, considering its length, it is not easy to distinguish it from a bee. Fortunately, there are other details.
First of all, the wasp's coloration is very clear - yellow and black. They are vivid and distinctive colors, unlike bees, which are more reddish, brownish. Moreover, the wasp's torso is hairless and tapered in the center - hence the talk of "wasp waist".
In turn, also similar to the wasp in terms of length, the bumblebee is much wider than the wasp, it resembles a hairy ball. On the other hand, hornets are much larger than wasps.
Wasp sting
Unlike bees, which do not seek human companionship, wasps are less afraid of us and show aggressiveness even when they do not feel attacked. They don't have to "worry" that this is the last sting in their lives.
A close encounter with a wasp is more painful than with a bee, the wasp easily pulls the sting out of the body and does not inject all the venom at once.
Wasp behavior
Wasps are aggressive and attack for no reason - this behavior makes them similar to hornets, and is different not only from bees, but also from bumblebees, which do not seek to argue with humans.
Wasp's nest
Wasp nests are most often located in trees, hollows and attics. They are made of own-produced pulp, their average size is 20-30 cm.

- Bumblebee
- Bumblebee appearance
- Bumblebee sting
- Behavior of the bumblebee
- Bumblebee nest
The appearance of the bumblebee
The bumblebee can reach a body length of up to 30 mm. It is densely hairy, more like a bee - it resembles a ball in shape. It also has thicker legs. On the black abdomen, the stripes are predominant in shades of dark yellow, orange and brown.
Bumblebee sting
Bumblebee stings are painful but occur much less frequently than other bee or wasp stings.
Bumblebee venom contains less allergenic substances than, for example, bee venom.
Behavior of the bumblebee
Bumblebees are the gentlest of all four insects. Like bees, they attack only as a last resort, in self-defense.
Bumblebee's nest
Bumblebees can be found most often intree hollows, near the ground. The breeding ones live in hives.

- Hornet
- The appearance of a hornet
- Hornet sting
- Hornet behavior
- Hornet's Nest
Hornet appearance
The hornet is the largest of these insects. Its length ranges from 17 mm (workers) to even 35 mm (queen). His abdomen is black with yellow stripes.
Hornet Sting
A hornet sting is the most severe - due to the size of the sting. They can sting several times.
Hornet behavior
Hornets, like wasps, are very aggressive. They can sting for no specific reason, considering the mere presence of a human as a potential threat.
Hornet Nest
The nests of hornets are very easy to recognize. They resemble large paper lumps made of particles of decaying wood and saliva. Their size can reach up to 50 cm. They are most often located in trees, hollows and attics.

Appearance | Sting | Behavior | Socket | |
Bee |
Wasp |
Bumblebee |
Hornet |

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About the authorWeronika RumińskaA graduate of Polish philology with an editorial and publishing specialization at the University of Warsaw. She developed her interests related to the editor's work already during her master's studies, actively cooperating with Poradnikzdrowie.pl on the editorial path and social media. Privately, a lover of good crime fiction and horse riding.Read more articles from this author