Toadstool is the most poisonous mushroom in our forests. Despite the warnings, many people are poisoned with it every year. Symptoms of toadstool poisoning are: severe abdominal pain, vomiting and profuse watery diarrhea - They appear 8-12 hours after eating a dish containing this poisonous fungus.
Toadstool poisoningmay result in death in up to50 percent. peoplewho ate this mushroom.
Toadstool is the most poisonous fungus in our forests, because the toxins contained in it damage the parenchymal organs: liver, kidneys and heart. The toadstool poisoning - like other mushrooms - occurs mainly in the summer and early autumn. However, it should be remembered that due to the storage (freezing) and processing (preparation) of food, mushroom poisoning can now occur all year round.
Toadstool - what does it look like?
Toadstool , sometimes simply calledstinkhorn , occurs in deciduous and mixed forests, less often in coniferous forests, although there is no guarantee, that we won't find him there either.
Toadstool has a distinctivering on the stem near the hatresembling a collar andsheathę with a broad, bulbous end of the stem. The toadstool hat is flat or hollow in the center.
Has the colorgreenish : white-greenish, olive-greenish, gray or brown-green, sometimes yellowish. Toadstool is sometimes confused withgreen goose , which has neither a ring nor a sheath, withgreenish or verdigris , which also do not have a ring, neither sheaths, and juveniles also with commonmushroomsi.
What is the risk of eating toadstools?
Unfortunatelydeath . Three groups of toxic substances were found in the toadstool mushroom:
- phalotoxins,
- amatoxins,
- virotoxins.
The toxin a-amanitin (alpha-amanitin) damages the liver and islethalin a very low dose. The poison isimmune to the effectshigh temperatureand cannot be eliminated even by cooking for a long time. The stinkhorn's hat contains the most poison. It was calculated that a medium-sized phalloids toadstool contains a dose of poison that is lethal to2 - 3 people .
The phylloc mushroom is the most poisonous mushroom in Poland. How to recognize it? Explains Daria Szumilas-Syposz from PSSE in Częstochowa
Source: x-news.pl/NTL Radomsko Sp. z o.o.
Toadstool poisoning - symptoms
Symptoms of phlegmon poisoning occur on average after8-12 hoursafter eating a dish with this mushroom. However, they can appear even after 24 hours. Initiallygastrointestinal disorders :
- severe abdominal pain
- vomiting
- profuse watery diarrhea
This period is followed byapparent improvementlasting 12-24 hours. Another symptom of toadstool poisoning is:
- jaundice as evidence of liver damage
- if phlegmon poisoning is severe, jaundice is accompanied by disturbed consciousness, the patient may fall into a coma
- gastrointestinal bleeding usually also appears
W 4th-5th one day after poisoning, the kidneys are damaged (anuria or oliguria) and blood circulation is disturbed. If the poisoning is very severe or the patient does not receive help, death takes place 4-16 days after poisoning.
ImportantThe deadly substances contained in the toadstool do not decompose during cooking (the decomposition temperature of phallotoxins is 280-282 ° C, and amatoxins - as much as 245 ° C), they cannot be removed with the water poured after boiling and are not subject to decomposition. also destroyed in the process of drying mushrooms.
Toadstool poisoning - treatment
The patient has to go to the hospital, where, on the basis of examining the remains of food, the remains of cleaning mushrooms (it is worth keeping them whenever we eat mushrooms), vomit or intestinal washings, doctors determine what has poisoned.
In the first 36 hours after poisoning, large doses ofactivated charcoalcan be administered, which has a chance to trap amanitine. Later, doctors can only administer drugs that regenerate liver cells and restore the body's balance disturbed by the action of toxins. Electrolytes and isotonic fluids are replenished, and in the event of bleeding, clotting factors must be supplemented.
If kidney damage occurs, dialysis is required. Sometimes the liver is so damaged as a result of toadstool poisoning that a transplant is necessary.