Poisoning with boletus is usually the result of ignorance of mushroom picker, who cannot distinguish boletus from boletus. The fungus, commonly known as "Satan", contains resinous substances that cause symptoms resembling food poisoning, so do not ignore them, but see a doctor as soon as possible. Check what other symptoms of poisoning with satanic boletus, whether they lead to death and how to provide first aid to a person who has poisoned with "satan".
Boletus boletusis a colloquial term in Poland for bile bitterness. Meanwhile, they are two different mushrooms. So where does this common name come from? Young specimens of gentian ( Tylopilus felleus ) and boletus ( Boletus satanas ) are confusingly similar - both have yellow or light brown caps and yellowish stems same size. Although both fungi belong to the boletus family, they differ in the place and time of growth and the appearance of mature specimens.
Boletus and gall boletus
The real boletus mushroom fruit mainly in July and August in warm deciduous forests (mainly beech forests), only on calcareous soils (mainly in Western Europe and south of the Carpathian range). Therefore, the devil ,which is counted among the poisonous mushrooms ,practically does not occur in Poland. One of its sites was found on a limestone hill in the Sudetes Mountains, in an orchid beech in the Kaczawskie Mountains, and the other was discovered in 2006 in the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. In both cases, these were mushrooms with a light gray cap and a characteristic dark red stem.
In Poland, the boletus bitter fruit fruits from June to the end of October. It can be found in coniferous forests, only on acidic soils. According to the data of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Nowy Sącz, "bile bitterness - popularly known as Satan - has no poisonous properties, it is only inedible because of its bitter taste."
How to distinguish bile bitterness ("Satan") from real bile?
Ripe specimens of boletus are confusingly similar to the boletus, i.e. the boletus: they have a flesh-browncap and barrel-shaped, light brown stem. How to distinguish "Satan" from the real thing?
The easy way is to touch the tip of the tongue with the broken part of the young bitterness's hat. The taste of bile leaves no doubt that it is "Satan". Older specimens of the bitterness are even easier to distinguish from the boletus by the pinkish tubes at the bottom of the hat.
Mushroom poisoning - different species cause various symptoms of intoxication
Mushrooms in Poland, due to the content of poisonous substances with a different method and strength of the toxic effect on the human body, are divided into:
Deadly poisonous mushrooms:
- species: toadstool and its varieties (venomous toadstool and spring toadstool), brown mushroom, red currant;
- poisoning with deadly poisonous mushrooms manifests itself late, i.e. from 8 to 48 hours after consumption (in rare cases even after 2 weeks);
- symptoms: these are fungi that contain specific toxins, such as: amanitin, phalloidin, giromitrin, orelanin, therefore, apart from gastrointestinal disorders, they cause damage and failure of parenchymal organs, i.e. liver, kidneys and spleen, which eventually leads to death.
Poisonous mushrooms:
- their consumption causes early symptoms of poisoning: after several minutes to 2 hours;
- symptoms: gastrointestinal disorders are caused by all poisonous fungi, but their general effect, which involves disturbing the nervous system, depends on the species belonging to:
- shreds, bleached and brook funnels, tufted cow (alder), and boletus ( Boletus satanas)thanks to the content of muscarin they stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and cause the so-called muscarinic symptoms: sweating, drooling, lacrimation, constriction of the pupils, slower heart rate and respiratory disorders.
- toadstool and spotted toadstool irritate the parasympathetic nervous system and at the same time stimulate the central nervous system by alkaloids similar to atropine.
Consumption of the above-mentioned mushrooms can be fatal.

Bile bitterness ("Satan") - symptoms of poisoning
The third group -inedible mushrooms- include various types of lovebird mushrooms, the common thistle, various types of milk and goose and colloquially called "satan" bile bitterness.
After ingestion of inedible mushrooms, there are mainly only gastrointestinal and water-electrolyte disturbances caused by resinous substances irritating the mucosa locallystomach and intestines.
In the period of up to 2 hours after consumption, apart from abdominal pain, symptoms such as:
- nausea,
- violent vomiting,
- profuse and watery diarrhea,
- strong thirst,
- cramp pains in calves.
Besides, inedible mushrooms do not give any specific general symptoms. Nevertheless, the patient requires hospital treatment.
First aid in case of poisoning with "Satan"
If you suspect poisoning with "satan", you should immediately go to the emergency room for gastric lavage (just in case, the mushrooms and vomit should be kept for mycological examination). Anyone with symptoms 4 or more hours after the consumption of mushrooms should be hospitalized.
ATTENTION! No home detoxification treatments should be used. The patient cannot even be given water, because the fluids cause toxins to enter the bloodstream faster.
How often is mushroom poisoning occurring in Poland?
According to the data of the State Sanitary Inspection, there is practically no poisoning with bile bitterness in Poland. The report of the Inspection shows that "in 2011, 32 people were admitted to hospitals due to mushroom poisoning (as many as 80 people in 2010), of which the most - 20 cases were caused by the consumption of toadstools (43 in 2010).
In addition, poisoning was caused by: 1 - chestnut leafworm, 1 - red toadstool.
The rest are non-specific poisonings - 3 and 7 poisonings of unknown species affiliation to mushrooms ".
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- Mushroom poisoning. Do you have these symptoms? It could be mushroom poisoning
- How to pick mushrooms?
Where to check if mushrooms are not poisonous?
You are not sure if the mushrooms you collected are edible? Go to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station closest to your home. Mushroom experts employed in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station provide free advice on the species belonging to mushrooms.