Sosnowski's borscht, or "Stalin's revenge", is a plant that is very dangerous for people, especially children. Contact with it causes skin burns similar to boiling water burns, resulting in purulent blisters that heal even for several years. Check what Sosnowski's borscht is, where you can find it, what are the characteristic symptoms of Sosnowski's borscht and how to treat them.
Sosnowski's borscht( Heracleum sosnowskyiManden.), Colloquially"Stalin's revenge" , is a plant that is dangerous to humans, causing primarily skin burns, but in certain situations it can even lead to the death of a person who has had contact with it. Sosnowski's borscht is an invasive weed belonging to the celery family ( Apiaceae ).
It was brought to Poland from the Caucasus in the late 1950s. During the Stalinist era, it was cultivated on a large scale, as it was supposed to be used as feed for cattle, but soon after that, its cultivation was discontinued. Very often it grows in the same clusters as the giant borscht (Mantegasque), which is as dangerous as Sosnowski.
What does Sosnowski's borscht look like?
Sosnowski's borscht can be confused with grown dill, but it is much taller than it - it can even reach 4 meters in height. The weed has a green grooved stem that is covered with purple spots on the lower part. Its leaves are large and wide (up to 150 cm in diameter), with pointed tips, and the flowers gathered in a dense and large umbel are white.

Why is Sosnowski's borscht dangerous?
Threat to human he alth are furanocoumarins contained in the juice and in the secretion of glandular hairs of Sosnowski's borscht. These compounds, in the presence of sunlight, in particular UVA and UVB rays, bind to the DNA of skin cells and cause second and third degree burns (photodermatosis). According to the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Słupsk, the carcinogenic and teratogenic (causing fetal defects) effects of some furanocoumarins produced by this species were also discovered.
Sosnowski's borscht is particularly dangerous during flowering and fruiting, when the air temperature is high. Then even indirect contact with this plant can lead toskin burnsbecause of the compoundsThe furanocoumarins come out of the borscht in the form of sprays and settle on the skin of people in the vicinity.
The plant is especially dangerous for allergy sufferers. Contains chemicals that can cause blistering, ulceration, and tissue necrosis.
Where does Sosnowski's borscht grow?
Sosnowski's borscht is a plant that infects the area strongly. It grows quickly in a small area because it has an enormous ability to regenerate, and the large amount of seeds in the soil means that the plant retains the ability to germinate for several years.
Sosnowski's borscht can be found in places not used by humans, i.e. mainly on fallow land, meadows and along roads. It also grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, in farmlands, pastures, gardens and parks. More and more often it can be found in the fertile alder and riparian forests that grow along rivers and streams.
According to the data from the map of the studied sites of Sosnowski hogweed and giant hogweed in Poland, prepared by researchers from the University of Ecology and Management in Warsaw, there are no provinces free from invasions of toxic hogweed. Borscht grows most densely in the eastern and central part of our country, i.e. in the Warmian-Masurian and Masovian provinces.
Source: x-news / NTL Television
Symptoms of Sosnowski's borscht burn
Symptoms of burns appear 30 minutes to 2 hours after contact with the plant. The strength of the reaction is influenced by the sensitivity of the skin of the burned person, as well as sunny weather, high temperatures and high air humidity (including heavy sweating).
Symptoms of Sosnowski's borscht burn are:
- strong reddening of the skin
- blisters
- respiratory tract irritation
- nausea
- vomiting
- headaches
- conjunctivitis
Symptoms such as reddening of the skin (erythema) and blisters with serous fluid (oedema) worsen within 24 hours. The inflammation lasts for about 3 days. After a week, the irritated areas darken (hyperpigmentation occurs) and this condition may persist for several months. Irritated areas on the skin remain sensitive to ultraviolet light for up to several years. After this period of time, visible scars may remain.
However, in hypersensitive people, borscht burns may lead to serious complications - tissue necrosis and, subsequently, even amputation. In some cases, burns with Sosnowski's borscht can even lead to death. In 2015, as a result of contact with this plant, the 67-year-old diedwoman.
Although she was diagnosed with second-degree burns in the area of only 5 percent. body, he developed circulatory failure and died. However, as the doctors point out, the patient's immunity was reduced because she suffered from chronic diseases.
How to treat burns with Sosnowski's borscht?
If you suspect that you have had contact with borscht, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water and contact your doctor as soon as possible. Remember to avoid the sun for two days - exposing burned skin to sunlight increases inflammation and the risk of scarring becoming more visible.
In the case of burns with Sosnowski's borscht, it is worth using ointments intended for the treatment of dry and flaky skin lesions that counteract allergic reactions. You can also reach for a cream that speeds up the healing of burns, ulcers, and eliminates pain and itching.